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Too much SPLASH damage


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Splash damage is a powerful tool. Combined with powerful damage, you have a very dangerous weapon. But when this power is abused, or rather overused... SPAMMED, this becomes a very big probelm. So why are HALF the weapons laying readily avilalbe all over the MP maps capable of POWERFUL SPLASH damage?


IMHO having splash damage that readily availabe spoils the game, badly. I've seen it in UT, which had a very similar problem (and for that I hated half the UT weapons), and I see it again in JK2. People simply get one of these, and run wild shooting the **** out of anything that moves, especially crowds of sabering players, etc. It's just very annoying, and NO it doesn't require and skill... to defend it as a legit strategy may be ok when you have one weapon capable of splash damage, and it's difficult to obtain with low ammo counts... but that's not the case. Just consider: Heavy Repeater, Golan Arms FC-1, Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun, and the Rocket Launcher are all capable of HEAVY splash damage, and while the RL and the EMP gun are somewhat hard to find, the first two are often abused.


People just run around and spam. Period.


Personally I'd love to see the weapons tweaked in a patch, perhaps to use more ammo with the 2nd fire modes & start with less ammo (just those two guns), or at least allow a server side option to restrict weapons/fire modes. If nothing else, it's a mod idea =/

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Aside from the fact that I don't put pts into force pull, the problem isn't with an opponent you can go after and concentrate on, it's much worse.


It's anyone who respawns and fins the weapon, again, readily avialble all over the maps; if you play on a server with quite a few people, which is more fun, you'll find the problem very constant. It's just spam. If you played TFC, you'll know what I mean when people go demo man and just lob mirvs/grens on 2forts bridge (tho it was much worse before they lessened the # of grens by a patch).


At the end of the day, don't look at it as having to accept the weapon as good or bad. I think the weapons are all pretty cool, but don't you agree they could be better in the overall balance (and lessen the spam), if they i.e. reduced the ammo they have, or increased the ammo it takes for their secondary attacks?


Of course that's just my 'simple' suggestion for a problem that remains the same: too much fin spam.

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I would think that if you took splash damage away from the weapons, it would be very unrealistic. Think of this:


You miss a stormie by 2 inches with a conc rifle (or any other explosive weapon) and he doesnt die, even though he is enveloped in the explosion.


Sounds stupid, huh?



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But when you're talking about multiplayer, people constantly respawning and running around blasting splash damage all over till they die and do it again is no more realistic, hell it's way more unrealistic in the SW sense.

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Sabers are cool, but don't bring a knife to a gunfight :)


You can use pull to grab the weapon, but that's kinda unreliable and you need to get rather close to do it. Which is ok vs someone who is just spamming, but you'll be dead if you're trying to close in on a skilled person.


Force push will push the projectiles back (including repeater secondary), so you can use that when they're in the air coming at you.


And when in doubt, stay off the ground :)

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i think u should quit whining every time u get owned... just join games that are SABERS ONLY.... until then learn to avoid it and quit whining =) mayb you should pick up a gun urself and you might acually win a game sometime, hahah

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The solution shouldn't necssarily be to eliminate splash damage alltogether, but i think reducing ammo count would be ideal, so ppl who casually pick up such guns are limited to like 2 or 3 2ndry fire shots, unless they make it thru the entire level and find enuff ammo.


That way skilled players with those weapons will still be able to use them, but anyone who finds it laying around wont go and blow up every two players they see saber dueling.

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