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Dark Forces fans' question


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Greetings everyone, I am new to this board as you probally noticed. Anyway I have been a fan of the Dark Forces series since its beginning and I am wondering, is Jedi Knight II worth buying and does it live up to the originals? And second, why did they call it Jedi Knight II instead of Dark Forces III? Anyway thank you for your help.

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Welcome to the forums, Assault3000. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here... *hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. ;)


Is the game worth buying? IMO, definitely.


Does it live up to the originals? IMO...definitely. :D I think Raven have done a great job of combining elements from both DF and JK.


The reason why they called it Jedi Knight II? Probably because more people identify more readily with the Jedi Knight game...there seem to be fewer people who played the original Dark Forces (for some reason) :eyeraise: So they probably thought that called in Dark Forces III might confuse some newcomers to the series. ;)

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The first 4 or so levels actually remind me of the original dark forces more than anything,


once you get the lightsaber it begins to play more like jedi knight...


just my oppinion


but they definitly did a good job of making a game that plays like the originals


if you liked the originals, this is a definite buy for you

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The part Im questioning the most is what I have heard about the weapons. I heard that the early weapons, Bryar pistol and stormtrooper rifle etc. are not that good and cannot hit anything. Is this true or are the people who said this just bad at shooting things?

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The stormtrooper rifle is awesome, the primary fire is good for long distance sniping (as long as you can aim somewhat decently) and the secondary fire is good for close combat, it's the spray and pray theory but is very bad at aiming long distances.


Bryer pistol is decent, it's good for the unsuspecting enemy when you're not worried about being rushed. If you hold down the secondary mode, it's one shot, one kill for stormtroopers and the one that is hit goes flying. The primary mode is practically useless once you got the stormtrooper rifle.

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Originally posted by Assault3000

The part Im questioning the most is what I have heard about the weapons. I heard that the early weapons, Bryar pistol and stormtrooper rifle etc. are not that good and cannot hit anything. Is this true or are the people who said this just bad at shooting things?


lol, well its a little different speedwise then JK1,

but i dont find it that hard...i have no trouble mowing through 8 or so stormtroopers at the same time with the rifle (on secondary fire of course, i believe the regular shot is useless)


maybe these people dont know about secondary fire? i dont know..


aim for the head. hehe

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