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Can you defeat a hardest skilled AI?

Darth Fodale

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Well... I'm new in this forum.. So, nice to meet you all... It's good to talk to other Star Wars and RTS fans like me!

I was playing against a hardest skilled comp. and in about 18 minutes it reached tech-level 4 and attacked me with a small group of troopers and 2 jedis... Then, I was wondering if there was any way to stop that attack AND continue advancing economically, since I had to garrison all my workers in the CC, and after a while, when I was restarting the food production (many farms were destroyed) it attacked me with some artilleries and cannons (those made in the fortress)... I'm waiting for suggestions and I'd like to thank all post in advance.


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You can beat it, personally I think it cheats ;)


You have to build very fast, I mean REALLY fast. I have around 60-70 if not more worked by the time the first AI wave hits, by then my 'base' is sprwaled across 4 screens. You just have to gather resources as fast as possible and get building upto tech3 to get a fortress to stop the Jedi. I also play as Trad Fed and produce loads of DD's (25-30+) To defend my base.


It's hard work when the AI gets a injection up its rump. :D

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But,m in which map size were you playing? Cause the larger the map the slower the computer attackas you.... Cause their units need to travel a further distance.... I was playing in a map for 3 players against the empire. I was Naboo. As soon as I reached the tech 2(maybe 3 minutes later) the first wave arrived.... Is there any way to beat a Galactic Empire hardest comp. in a 3 players-map ?

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Well I can only suggest you build away from your command centre then, and build like hell! Guard the CC with all your units and see if they only attack the CC, or the CC first.


I did get a shock when the started attacking, but I had a large base as I said and was able to counter (with damage taken). You just need to get quicker and better at micro managing your resource gathering etc. Sorry if thats not an easily do-able answer. :(

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To be honest, playing DM online is probably your best bet. It'll make you work harderd especially against experienced fo. You might pickup some ideas and hints along the way, I thought I was quick but after playing online I realised that so were my opponents! :D

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