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Turn invisible? Float? Purple wall/shield?


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When I play against bots in multiplayer, there a few wierd things they they seem to be able to do that I can't figure out.


1. They are able to turn themselves invisible for a short duration. Is this the Jedi Mind Trick? In Multiplayer, if I am fighting someone and I use this, do I have to have the reticle perfectly on them when I use it in order for it to work? If this is not the Mind Trick, is it possible to do or is it just bot cheating?


2. I have floating in multiplayer before. Not sure how it happened. I was jumping through the air and was sort of ducking in the air at the same time, and then all of the sudden I stayed in that pose and stayed at the same elevation (about 10 feet off the ground) and began floating, and I could even control which direction to float to. It only lasted a few seconds I think. It's happened twice to me but I can't recreate. Anyone know?


3. When fighting the bots in multiplayer, sometimes this huge translucent, purple wall/shield will appear between me and the bot. Not sure if he made it or what. It's very wide and high. I have to force jump just to get over it. It only lasts for 5 seconds or so. Not sure if it hurts me if I touch it. I steered clear of it. Can players do this?


Also, while I am posting, I'm trying figure out how to reconfigure my force power distribution points through cfg scripts. I've found the "seta forcepowers 7-1-1032101 etc..." in the default config file. Through experimentation I've determined what all the different numbers represent. Anyways in the console I try to set the forcepowers to different numbers and do all sorts of stuff but I cant seem to get it to redistribute the numbers. Has anyone figured this out yet?



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1.) That's Mind Trick. The first level you're invisible to one person you target, the second you're invisible to a group of people you target, and the third level you're invisible to everyone in the game.


2.) Sounds like they were Gripping you.


3.) There's a deployable force field item, I believe...

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