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Restricting Multiplayer Duel Weapons/Force Powers

The Austrian

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I've got no idea if this little comment is going to help anyone, but on the first page where it lists all the force powers etc, as is in this quote


1 Heal [light]

2 Saber Throw

4 Speed

8 Push

16 Pull

32 Mind Trick [light]

64 Grip [dark]

128 Lightning [dark]

256 Dark Rage [dark]

512 Protect [light]

1024 Absorb [light]

2048 Team Heal

4096 Team Energize

8192 Drain [dark]

16384 Seeing


Its binary guys. As any programmer or someone doing networking w/ ip address allocation, custom subnetting or similar knows, binary goes from right to left, or, when reading it from left to right, highest to smallest.


16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1


just a thought, dont know if it'll make any difference.


so, if we wanted all the usual nice neutral powers, our bitfield would actually look like this




thats saber throw, speed, push, pull (hurrah), which adds up to 30, in decimal


I just found it odd that no one had pointed out that binary goes from right to left, not left to right.

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The problem isn't that people think it goes left to right or how to add up the value for each bit field. The problem is that when you set the value to disable specific force powers, it disables others that you didn't intend. I still believe it's just a bug and not that nobody can figure out how to set the value. Additionally, even if you only disable one force power, the server info still says "force disabled" and won't let you configure your force powers using the in-game gui. To make a change you need to leave, change them and come back.



Looks like a bug.



Smells like a bug.



Tastes like a bug.

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I was just on a CTF server with: sabres only, all powers disabled except jump + sabre powers (offense, defense + throw)


Server name: AusGamers Jedi Knight 2 #2 (its in Australia BTW)


IP Address


I typed \clear in the console then \serverstatus and did a condump and heres what I got:


g_blueteam Rebellion

g_redteam Empire

g_weaponDisable 65531

g_forcePowerDisable 0

g_forceRegenTime 300

g_maxGameClients 0

capturelimit 10

sv_floodProtect 1

sv_maxPing 0

sv_minPing 0

sv_maxRate 6000

sv_maxclients 14

sv_hostname AusGamers Jedi Knight 2 #2

g_duelWeaponDisable 65531

g_forceBasedTeams 0

duel_fraglimit 1

g_maxForceRank 7

g_saberLocking 1

g_privateDuel 1

timelimit 20

fraglimit 40

dmflags 0

g_needpass 0

version JK2MP: v1.02a linux-i386 Mar 6 2002

g_maxHolocronCarry 3

g_gametype 7

protocol 15

mapname ctf_imperial

sv_privateClients 0

sv_allowAnonymous 0

sv_allowDownload 0

bot_minplayers 0

gamename basejk


As you can see its not done by g_forcepowerdisable. Hopefully I can get in contact with an admin of the server and find out how to do it.


When I went to the configure powers menu, it said Force level jedi master, and I was still able to select everything normally, but they didn't work ingame (same for everyone on the server).

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Originally posted by CrimsonFury

I was just on a CTF server with: sabres only, all powers disabled except jump + sabre powers (offense, defense + throw)


Server name: AusGamers Jedi Knight 2 #2 (its in Australia BTW)


IP Address


I typed \clear in the console then \serverstatus and did a condump and heres what I got:




As you can see its not done by g_forcepowerdisable. Hopefully I can get in contact with an admin of the server and find out how to do it.


When I went to the configure powers menu, it said Force level jedi master, and I was still able to select everything normally, but they didn't work ingame (same for everyone on the server).


CrimsonFury - I'll have a talk to trog or term about it, as they would be the ones to talk to (the advantages of being admins of ausgamers, heh).

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g_forcePowerDisable 0


Maby I am missing something (New to Game server admin) But wouldn't that mean that they are NOT acomplishing it with the G_forcepowerdisable setting?


Please hurry with that reply from the Aussies... I would LOVE to know how this is done

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SOul Burn... That might be a step in the right direction and is worthy of quoting here!

Is there a way to reset someones force powers when joining a server cause I think I figured out our problems with getting only certain powers in a game. I could use some input from some people on messing with things I guess. Go into the pk3 file and find a folder called ui\jk2mp and extract the file called menudef.h and change these setting like this

#define UI_FORCE_RANK_HEAL 0 <-- was 259 change it to 0 etc.



#define UI_FORCE_RANK_PUSH 262

#define UI_FORCE_RANK_PULL 263


#define UI_FORCE_RANK_GRIP 0 <--


#define UI_FORCE_RANK_RAGE 0 <--


#define UI_FORCE_RANK_ABSORB 0 <--



#define UI_FORCE_RANK_DRAIN 0 <--

#define UI_FORCE_RANK_SEE 273




Save the file and go back to the base directory and highlight the ui folder and make it into a winzip file with folder names and change the name to assets9.pk3 or any number but make it assets#.pk3. When you start the server you can have any rank you want but when the player goes to the choose forces config they will not see light/dark powers to choose from. The only problem that I am running into is if someone has light/dark powers turned on from a previous server and just hits esc at the choose your model screen then hits join they will still have any powers that they had from the previous game, unless you change the rank I guess not sure. You can just put 0's in front of any powers you dont want in the game in the description up above. Anyone want to help me out on this, could be a step in the right direction, this is tested on a pure server, I think thats why I would make the file called assets instead of something else but who knows. Or if you like I can send you the file and you can mess it


An entirely diffrent direction from G_forcepowerdiable... Diffrent enough to maby be right! I wonder what would happen if you apply the above .pak3 and ALSO set the force level to No force....

Could someone try this? I wont get home till late tonight

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I don't think that's it.


If you look down that post a bit, it was said that it's the exact opposite of what CrimsonFury said it was on this server:

According to CrimsonFury:

When I went to the configure powers menu, it said Force level jedi master, and I was still able to select everything normally, but they didn't work ingame (same for everyone on the server).

however, on the other post, by Valdarious:

The only problem that I am running into is if someone has light/dark powers turned on from a previous server and just hits esc at the choose your model screen then hits join they will still have any powers that they had from the previous game, unless you change the rank I guess not sure.

In other words, on the Australian server, the GUI was normal, but the powers were disabled in the game, but Valdarious' method restricts the GUI, but the game is normal.

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Heres another suggestion:


Instead of looking at conrolling the variables in FFA etc.... perhaps another angle might be to look at a modified HOLOCRON version.


You already have your seperate forces in there (not exactly sure how the saber throw and jumo go).... but if they are already standard - then take out the holocrons.


..... Just a thought???:frosty:

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i've been on the ausgamers servers a few times... even emailed them myself about this very topic (unfortunately no replay :( )


the thing is... i joined the server one time and for some reason i had drain available to me :( not a good sign

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As I was looking for console and config commands for my dedicated server I noticed that the original q3a had a gravity setting you could implement in your cfg. Adjusting the gravity setting should simulate the force jumps. I realize this method would not be dependent on available force pts. but it may be a temporary work around for the jump, obviously this helps the saber in no way at all.


I too eagerly await a way to put the kabosh on that lightning crap!

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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to spend trying to make this work, and a couple of weeks ago I gave up on it as a bug.


I've finally gotten around to uploading my g_forcePowerDisable and g_weaponDisable calculator at http://www.jedi-outcast.com/filebase_details.php?f_id=59


I'd like some other minds to pick it apart and make sure that it works, at least as well as we know how at this point in time, and if anyone has comments to add, please let me know


Eventually we'll be porting this to C so everyone can use it.




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This may be nothing but has anyone looked at the correlation between the bit #'s everyone is refering to (for weapons and force powers) and what the dedicatid server is reporting? What I mean is I am watching the DOS window show the following

"Kill 1_5_16:Desann killed shadow trooper withMOD_FLECHETTE"

"Kill 0_1_3:Jan killed Desann with MOD_SABER"


this equals out to " killer_killed_object killed by.


I know VERY little about programming but could there be a way to modify powers by finding this connection?








Sorry if this not relevent

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