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Saber tactics for Multi-Player


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First of: Thanks Raven for JK2. It's awesome.

This is the first post about anything tactical about saberfighting with multi-player. I've played non stop saberfights since I got it few days ago, but I still feel very newbie (like most people) :p, so feel free to comment if u think I just wrote something very dumb.

Ok. here goes, just a few saber tips/hints:



On strong saber style u can start up a swing, and then move in any direction. That's one of those unique aspects of strong saberstyle. Let me explain this a bit: In JK2 u can do all sorts of different saberslashes. "Strafe right + fire1" gives you a different saberslash than "strafe left + fire1".


Now in 2 saberstyles, Medium and Fast= where u go is what kind of saberslash u get. Example: when u fire1 while moving backwards and strafing right, u get the saberslash that matches "fire1 + back + strafe right". You can't do that same slash while moving to any other direction.


This is a bit different in Strong Saberstyle. In Strong saberstyle you can start a swing, and during that swing you can move anywhere u want. Example: you quickly push "fire1 + strafe left". Now while your player is preparing for the slash and is actually swinging that slash, you can move freely to ANY direction u want. (Towards the person u want to hit for example!!). See, you're not forced to move strafe left, even tho ur performing the strafe left saberslash.



Ever noticed that in Strong saberstyle, any saberswing that involves a strafing right movement, gives a bigger swing then a saberswing that involves a strafing left-movement?

"fire1 + strafe right + any other directional move"= BIG sllooow slash.

"fire1 + strafe left + any other directional move"=smaller faster slash.


Use this knowledge while fighting, cuz with those bigger "fire1 + strafe right" saberslashes u can cover a bigger area and damage more people, but you're also more vulnerable for counterattacks because the swing takes more time.



I don't exactly know how the damage system works, but I've figured out this much:


When the enemy starts up and is at the normal 100 health and 20 shields: One Strong saberstyle big slash brings the enemy back to 0 shields and about 25-30 health. You can then finish it by using Medium Saberstyle or even Fast Saberstyle.


When the enemy has no shields left and is at 100 health: One Strong saberstyle "big forward"-slash is enough to kill him/her.


Remember: only 2 good hits is all u need for a kill (if ur opponent doesn't get bacta or uses some light-force-power). :)



It's all about predicting, especially when u have some distance between u and ur opponent. Use the big Strong saberslashes to slash at the area where u think ur opponent's going to run to. If you do this correctly, your opponent will most likely run into your swing. It's all about observing, thinking, etc lol. Know what ur opponent will do next and u'll win.



Time your swings. Don't just slash around like mad and run towards your opponent! Remember that the opponent can't swing or defend himself for a brief moment after a Strong Saberstyle Slash. Wait for that brief moment to engage and hit him.


ok... please feel free to post any more tips/hints/tactics about saberfighting. I myself need all the help I can get :D


I've also posted this here http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=419148#post419148 , but all they talk about in that section of the forum is how to complete a level in single player. :(

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Great post! All I've been doing is saberfighting too. :)


Point #5 is a good one. If you start swinging around like mad, your opponent can easily time a possibly fatal blow because they know you won't stop to defend yourself. Timing is important, if not crucial.


Also, switching stance is important. I prefer light style for being able to quickly meet my opponent's attack, and strong style if I've got them pegged and want to finish them off.


It's also important to have the keys you use the most close to hand (literally). It's always been said that in FPS gaming, having your most used keys can improve your play because your hand doesn't have to travel over the keyboard and you don't have to look down to find a key, taking your eyes off the action. But in saber duelling, it's even more important. Personally, I keep the stance key, Force Heal key and Force Push key close to my movement keys so they're close by for when I need them.


Speaking of Force Heal, I've noticed it's a bit underused at the moment on the servers. The heal can be handy for maybe getting back that last bit of energy that could make the difference between a killing blow and staying in the game.


Y'know, I'm thinking of putting together a site dedicated to saberfighting. There's lots of depth to it and lots could be written about it.

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That would be really great to see.


I spent most of the night lastnight playing MP saber duels, and a bit against bots.


I love how they did the saber in JK2, there's so much to do, so much depth it's just mind blowing. So many moves and everything seems so fluid. Jumping, flipping, rolling, slashing!


The best part IMO is even though I did ok lastnight, against the SFA's resident saber master, I can tell there's still soooo much more to learn yet.

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I am doing a saber guide for JK II, which also brings 5-6 years of JK I experience :) It will have images of all the moves... i will tell the url when i have completed it, but not done yet since i am still doing new moves in JK II hehe.... what a freakin good game !

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You can injure an opponent without even swinging your saber. Just keep walking towards him. When he swings he'll be wide open for a little saber touch. Your opponent's swing may or may not land but if he swings from the strong stance and it lands, you're meat.


I've somehow chained swings in which I swing in front of me from left and right a few times without going back to the ready stance but I cannot reproduce it consistently. I've chained up to for of them up in quick succession, it makes a really cool vrrrm-vrrrm-vrrm sound. I press the right strafe and left strafe buttons in succession while pressing the primary attack button. I'm not sure what the exact keypress combo is though.


I think it would be great if there were seperate forums for single and multiplayer strategies.

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good posts.


I must say however that i feel slightly limited in my attack moves. I can't really seem to string a few moves together coherently, or even pull off a combo trick... I've found saber dueling very hard.


but ok, that's largely the attack side of combat. but what about defence?


How does one defend against:

the saber throw?

blaster fire?

And the all important normal saber combat?


i'm finding the play style very hit and miss and it's getting frustrating.


love it though.



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Yeah I would like to know how you chain moves...though I have found out that if you see a saber being thrown at you, it helps to crouch and not move while facing it. Usually you can block them that way.


So Chang or someone else who knows...give us the scoop on chaining moves...as we would really like to know.

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questioN; how do i know which mode/stance im in



there's yellow, blue, and some other color bar... and it seems like i swing the same way in each mode... which one is aggressive/normal/defensive?

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How do you stab the lightsaber behind you like in one of the trailers I've seen.


Like you are looking forward and the person grips the handle with both hands and thrusts it behind him..


also I figured out how to 'taunt' someone online where your model says something.. but how do i change what the model is saying...?



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Originally posted by ls20

questioN; how do i know which mode/stance im in



there's yellow, blue, and some other color bar... and it seems like i swing the same way in each mode... which one is aggressive/normal/defensive?

It's in your manual. 1st paragraph, page 21.

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Originally posted by Dyaeug

How do you stab the lightsaber behind you like in one of the trailers I've seen.


Like you are looking forward and the person grips the handle with both hands and thrusts it behind him..


Manual, page 22 under Special LightSaber Attacks.

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Yeah. all ur other replies have helped me a lot. i like the taunting, but people never taunt back... hmm. maybe its because they dont know how to taunt yet :). I'm real curious to see how much further this game'll be in a few months :)

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=( My box didn't come with a manual, I just realized this now.


God I hate EB and how the repackage returns. I guess I'll have to exchange my game.



heh.. pdf manuals on the cd would have been a big plus...

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Originally posted by HBK


Manual, page 22 under Special LightSaber Attacks.

Page 22 !? i've been trying so hard and i can't seem to pull it off :confused: Is p22 correct??


Also, i agree, the light saber styles look very similar to me.. I did however notice that strong style is slower...


Also, what is the taunt key/how do you taunt?

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Originally posted by Necro

med stance: (yellow)


run pretty close, jump, hit


heavy stance: (red)


run forward, jump, hit, repeat (unblockable)


light stance: (blue)


best to block


duck, forward, hit


yaaa. awesome. thanks. great moves. especially the heavy one

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