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What I would love if LEC did

Dagobahn Eagle

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Get a group of people who have never seen SW and give them an unillustrated SW: ANH novel to read. Then have them remake the movie, using only the descriptions in the novels as reference. Making their own concept art. Designing every planet, every character mostly from scratch, just based on the description of a book. Oh, and give them the original film music to work with, no one wants SW with differen music, do they?


I know it's hard to do, considering that 99% of the people who are old enough to make movies have at least seen pics from Star Wars. But it would be cool, would it not? 100% redesigned. 100% new scenes (think new camera angles). 100% new ships. Think new Death Star. 100% new characters (think new Luke in new Landspeeder with new C-3PO).


I've been playing with this idea myself, and actually, SW could have been a lot scarier and darker. Consider that. Make it into a Mature movie, with a Darker, nastier Star Destroyer, scenes from inside the Corvette as it takes fire. Make the corridors in the Corvette 90% darker, and film from behind the rebel troops towards the door. Total silence, then WHAM the door is blown up and everyone jumps. Stuff like that. I would so love it. Don't think I would like a remade Vader, though, but they could make him scarier as well. What characters and ships would you like to see remade?


I know there are not going to be many replies to this thread, as its hard to come up with something to reply with. Just consider the idea :D (even if you hate it).

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Guest Tie Guy

That would be VERY hard to do. Not just anyone can make a movie ya know? And i don't thin k i would like SW as much without George Lucas's genious involved.

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