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Question RE: Formation and Unit Stance

Guest Nerf Herder

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Guest Nerf Herder

What formation and stance do you guys use? Do you use different formations and stance for different units? Right now I use a staggered formation and a defensive stance. The reason I use defensive is because I don't want to lose track (look around the map) of my units.


Can you tell me the reasons why you use certain formation/stance and if you use them for certain units can you also explain? :atat:

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Originally posted by Influenza

Is there a way to disable formations? Because I think they're utterly worthless, especially when your units decide to form up before retreating in battle.......


Influenza I agree I havent got the full game yet but what

you describe also happens in AOKTC, and sometimes you pay for it by getting half your forces wiped out :gungan:

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You're always using formations ... if only the standard formation. It keeps your troops together.


With AOK:TC |I once made a siege formation with the rectangle:


monks and a trebuchet in the middle. Tarkans and mounted archers surounding it.


The spreading formation was always very useful if your enemy had a mangonel or the likes.


And ofcourse ... the formation that divides your army in two groups is very usefull ... to split your army in two.

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