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Notification of What You Do in the Game!!!

Guest Toothless-OMO

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Guest Toothless-OMO

Ok, so I have only played one online game and got my tail kicked, but in that one game I noticed something.


When my opponent reached Tech Level 2 a Little sound went off and it displayed that information on screen.


Same thing when he reached Tech Level 3


I ma wondering how much of what a player does is announced to all players in the game?


When you retrieve a Holocron is it announced?


Could someone who knows list what is announced in the game when people play?

I would dearly like to know what info is given away to others.


Thanks in Advance for the Help.



Also, as a side note, and for the record.


I think it stinks to have people know where you are in your development of your Base and Tech.


It takes all wondering away of where your enemy is at in his quest up building up his side. That info should remain with the player only, not given out freely by the game to everyone else.


My $.02 worth! :)



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As far as I'm aware it's only the tech levels that are announced, I played earlier this morning and a guy got a holocron, but it didn't say so. just the techs I believe.

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Guest Toothless-OMO

Dagobahn Eagle,


Thanks you very much that is what I was looking to find out about. Not that I like it mind you but at least I know now.


Thanks again.



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