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Tell you I will

Young David

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Some people really like to crank up their post-count. For this they use threads like ... name anything that comes into your mind game (or how is it called?). Altough it is a quick way ... it's no so educative.


So here's the academic way of lifting your post-count ...


Tell you I will


"Tell you I will" is based on asking questions ... and anwsering them ... Questions can be anything rangin from "Who was the first president of the US?" to "What's your favorite color?". The only thing to keep in mind is that it can be answered and that it's not offensive.


So you can ask whatever you want ... but first, you'll have to answer the last question.


here we go:


Wich of the SW movies is your favorite?

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Guest Boba Rhett

I'll elaborate. :D Salt water has a lower freezing point then normal water so the salt isn't actually melting the water, the salt water is. :)



I feel the AT-AT is by far cooler. Even the toy AT-AT is cooler than the toy Famba



And now for the next question.


Can you give me a very precise discription of what a calorie is?

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Well ... uhm ... a calorie is some kinda unit to decribe a amount of energy.


Youre budy consumes energie when you do thing, food contains that energie ... and that is what we call calories ...


The more metric version of Calorie is Joule, and is also used for other kinds of energie.


How works hyperspace?

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Guest Tie Guy

A: Not to die :D


Q: What is the meaning of death?


(BTW, a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise one gram of water by one degree. Also, a food package says it has 60 calories, but that is really 60,000 calories. They use a capitol letter in Calorie, which means 1000 calories, but one calorie is with a lower case "c".) just thought i'd clear that up :D

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