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AI cheese?


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Anyone notice how the AI in SW:JO needs a bit more tweaking? Getting sniped from the distant darkness (ns_streets level) is a bit much. I could barely see the enemy sniper even with brightness bumped up (to an acceptable level) and using the binocs...





Anyone else experience this?




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Um, odds are they could see you because you were carrying a lightsaber across a well-lit bridge.


I didn't have any trouble with them. If they bothered me, I moved around until they fired at me then I sniped their faces off.

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Yes, this ticked me off really bad as well, because my strategy up until that point was to kill everybody in an area, then move on to the next area.


With snipers hiding in every shadow, I was forced to change my strategy, and I'm happy to say I replay that level quite a bit just for fun.


The key is to plan your route before you step out of cover, or shortly thereafter. You might have to run out, dodge some beams, and run right back. After doing this you'll have discovered the snipers' two weaknesses: the orange disruptor beam gives away their position, and they can't reliably hit a moving target.


With this information you can scout out a safe place to run to (there're lots of recesses in the walls on this level, the designers were kind), or you can try to match reflexes with the snipers (walk or crouch when sidestepping while zoomed in, otherwise you'll lose your focus). Trying to vaporize the snipers, you're probably going to take more hits, but unless they nail you in the noggin you should be able to knock 'em off. You should probably only take out the ones that overlook the areas you want to enter, as you can leave the others harmlessly behind (you don't get extra powers for racking up kills, and you should act responsibly now, since you're a jedi =)


Hope this helps. Like I say, after changing the gameplan, and accepting that you're gonna take some fleshwounds at best, it's pretty exciting running along a narrow ledge with disintegrator beams buzzing past your ears from every direction. I once ran around for five minutes, moving irratically, dodging blasts all the while. When I stopped outside of cover, I took three hits and poof, gone.



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