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Dueling tips


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A great bunch of tactics here guys.. I just started using the sabre recently.. being used to guns in Q3 and EF it's what I went for first.. after playing for a couple of days with the sabre I have picked up quite a bit of practice and very much enjoy a good sabre duel..


I do tend to jump a bit too much but am learning to minimize it unless I want to try for a better offensive or defensive position..


Throwing the sabre is an excellent tactic once you learn to control it's movement.. it takes practice but is worth it especially in a challenged duel where no powerups or force powers (aside from jump and sabre throw I think) are used.. there's a couple of times to choose a throw: 1. when you opponent throws he/she becomes vulnerable and it's a perfect time to throw, but you must also dodge their throw simultaneously; 2. when you believe you can get in a good shot.. I find that direct throws are very easily blocked so throwing off to the side and curling back in behind them is usually quite effective.. however this can easily be countered by someone who watches your sabre throughout it's flight and blocks it.. I do this quite often and rarely take a hit from a throw...


As for stances I haven't tried anything aside from medium so far.. I definitely need to practice the different stances in diff situations to see the pros and cons..


Regarding force powers, I tend to stick on the light side and use heal and absorb.. I am still learning how to take out the darkside users.. drain is not so bad but lightning can wear you down quickly..


For movements I am still learning about them.. I have done a lot of jumping, but now am focusing on walking/running and those handy dive rolls.. I haven't tried changing direction in a roll but it sounds like a valuable tactic.. I've seen others dive roll a lot but not many who use it very well..


Special moves.. the only two I know of so far are the rolling kick and wall walk attack.. I think getting the rolling kick down is important and can give you quite the advantage.. the wall walk attack could also be quite valuable providing your enemy is within attack range...


Last thing I give comment on is commands configuration.. I use the keyboard very little now because I am using MS GameVoice.. I use the mouse for attacks, scroll through weapons, and crouch.. I bought the retail package GV and it works pretty good overall.. I use voice to access and execute all force powers (macro), to change weapons, and also special moves like the rolling kick and wall walk attack.. I still have a lot of refining to do as I play the game more and realize what works best for me..


Keep the tips coming folks.. every little bit helps us fine tune our abilities...



May the force be with you...



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Here are some simple rules I am using that allow me to beat people more than half the time (that is, when a cheap freak isn't gunning away from somewhere).


Size up opponent as stated before when truly "fencing".


Use light stance only in close quarters --- hallways, catwalks.


Use medium stance predominantly and high left to right constant swing arcs when in those chaotic frays. You'll catch a lot of people right in the head and neck. One of the times I did this I took down all six people around me in FFA.


Stay as far away from jumping as possible in 1-1 situations. Crouch rolls take some real practice and only work on wide open maps or a good open dueling area.


Best force combo for non-cheap dueling is push, absorb, heal. When the crowd in a level is full of gunners and force gripping/lightning goons, I start using mind trick to bring balance to myself.



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Thanks alot guys for the feedback! I'm sure this will aid alot of people playing the game ;).


How does absorb really work? When ppl drain me, it does not seem to add to my force pool, and also when they do lightning and i use absorb i do suck up their lightning rite? People tend to use these attacks when u dunt see em coming so u have to be on absorb on the fly ;)


Can anyone answer the question as to how to make force pull connect without having it counteracted? Thanks alot!


Anyway whats the kick attack? Is it doen by walking to the guy and treating him like a wall and pressing the jump key on him?




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