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Mara Jade ?


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first of all , i'd like to say that i was barely going to buy this game because my Star Wars fever died or started to lay dormant about a year and a half ago for some reason and JK2 is such a refreshing experiance . its graphics and atmosphere are so nostalgic . i simply love the look and feel of this game . the old fashioned late 70's early 80's sci-fi computer technology which Lucas expressed in his movies is captured very well in JK2 . this game is just too good . i think what did it for me was staring in amazement at the photorealistic TIE fighters in that hanger bay with the prisoners .


i'm new to the dark forces:jedi knight games . i remember playing the original dark forces for about a day or 2 back in college and i played Shadows and i F'ed around with the Mysteries of the Sith demo because i'm a Mara Jade fan and i wanted to see how she was like .


anyways since i never played the full JK:MotS i was wondering what happened to Mara Jade and why she didnt make it to this wonderful game ? i dont completely remember MJ's story in the Dark Empire and BYthEmperor'sHand comics but i know she eventually gets hitched with Skywalker later on . so is this game based on any comics about Kyle Katarn? also it would be great if they made a game based on The Dark Empire trilogy because all of the characters play a part in the story .


well just to reiterate , this game has awakened my childhood fantasy because of its sheer entertainment factor and production value . i would like to thank the Development team for such a great product .


-later :fett:

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Well, although she doesn't seem to make much of an appearance in the game (can't be sure, still plating SP) I'm hoping Raven/lucasarts creates an expansion pak for JK Outcast featuring her. Mysteries of the Sith was one of the greatest (albeit haaaaard) xp paks I played, and it introduced me to Mara Jade (which I then followed in the comics and Zahn novels.) I'm still amazed that one of the most popular Star Wars characters is one that was never in the movies...

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yea , i'm not that far in too . but i just assumed she wouldnt be in the game entirely because she's no where to be seen in the instruction manual . i wonder if she's even mentioned in the storyline .


anyways this game is a definate GOtY imo.

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After Kyle turns to the dark side and is saved by Mara, she then accepts Luke Skywalker to train her in the force - yet did not become a full time student.


She then returned to smuggling with Talon Karrade, and during that campagin paired up with Lando Calrissian under the guise as his partner.


Mara eventually drifted away from Karrade's Smuggler Alliance and paired up with Skywalker to investigate the Hand of Thrawn outpost - their pairing up together help them survive through that incident - they then realised that they had affections for each other.


The Peace Treaty was signed and the galatic war was ended - a major foothold for the New Republic.

Mara Jade wed Luke Skywalker on Couruscant.


Luke still trained jedi on Yavin - Mara attempted to take Jaina Solo as a student - but that was short lived.


On a diplomatic mission Mara was infected by a Coomb Spore - a posion of the Yuuzhan Vong. When the Yuuzhan Vong began their full invasion, poor Mara was using her Force powers just to stay alive.


During her illness she discovered that she was pregant.

With the combined force powers of herself, Luke and her baby she was able to cure her illness.

Her boy was named Ben....


And the Mara Jade tale still has chapters to be written....

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