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Bug concerning angle of attacks of AT-ATs or other heavy mech units

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

There seems to be a bug or a glitch when AT-ATs attack on an angle of going diangly up to the right in like a 60 to 70 degree angle. I do not know if it is just AT-ATs but I assume it is for other units as well, but when they attack in that angle, they seem to keep missing the unit they are firing upon. I watched a STAP obliterate an AT-AT because the AT-AT could not register one hit while the STAP was scoring hit after hit. First I thought this was a fluke, but this happened in 3 more games that same night and I talked to some of the people on the zone and they said they noticed it as well. I just thought I would bring this to your attention and see what you thought of this.

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what's diangly?


anyhow, i do notice, but not with other units so much, that AT-AT's do miss units on an angle. actually i did notice that too when i had rebel troopers defending a base in the first scenario of a campaign for the rebels where attacking enemy units who were at an angle kept missing them. i don't know, maybe it's supposed to be like that. but this would be a good question for LEC....

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