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Who hates the Rodians? *SPOILERS*

Master Spiff

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omg yes! i must have quicksaved/loaded that level 50+ times to finaly beat it.


The part that really irked me was the place across the gap from the bar, you cross that long catwalk, i couldn't find the snipers, so i just ran as fast as i could, and when i got into that room with 2 holes above just PERFECT spots for those damned thermal detonator guys.


That spot took me a too 10 quicksaves alone to get.


And i swear, if i didn't have the guide, i would have NEVER guessed to jump into the bridge control. I only used the guide when i got stumped, and some parts i swear i look in the guide and go "are you kidding me? how in hell am i suposed to find that?"


heh, like the underwater passage in the swamps, that was a *****, even WITH the guide.

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I can't say I hate them. They are annoying at times...but I actually enjoyed hunting down all their hiding places and disintegrating them. It added a bit more of a tactical element...and made you really look around some levels to see potential camping spots. Heh...it's kind of a race as to which one of you can power up the weapon first to get a hit, because you're both exposed. ;D


I didn't find that they just kept hitting me when moving, though...if you're quick enough and know where the shot's are coming from, you can dodge, jump and roll to keep from getting hit. :)

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Oh my god I hate those stupid aholes. In JK, they just had wimpy little pistols and it was fun to smack them around but now they have those annoying sniper rifles and incredible accuracy. The gran (3-eyed guys) are annoying as well. As long as I remember they've always had thermal detonators. The only difference now is they don't punch you up close. It gets very annoying when you're trying to take out an entire room of bad guys with your lightsaber and everything is going fine until you go up to the gran whose thermal detonator explodes in his hand as you slice through him, killing you in the process. Also, why do the trandoshans (reptilian guys) have repeater rifles now? those repeaters used to belong to higher ranking stormtroopers. And why did the trandoshans all of the sudden make the switch from the powerful concussion rifle to the weaker repeater?

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In the early stages, use speed + pull againsts Grans. When they're on the ground, they are easy prey.


Rodians are tough. My recommendation is to just conserve bacta tanks and shield powerups and take a few hits killing them. If you must, use speed whenever you see one. I am almost never hit when Im in speed against snipers.

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Didn't secondary fire on the repeater used to be fire 3 bullets at once in a triangle? I hate the new so-called concussion on the repeater because in multiplayer it takes absolutely no skill to kill someone with it. I'm still pissed about the Grans though. The reason i'm afraid to use force pull on them is what if they are throwing a thermal detonator and you use pull? will it pull the detonator right to you and blow up?

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Force push (lvl2)


when faced with a couple of them in front of you instead of diving in with the sabre, just force push them, if you time it right you push them over and push their thermo's back towards them, usually they'll either detonate on impact or before they get back up again:)


best tactic on the rodians is to be sneaky if you hear the shots, lean around corners and use good timing to fire back

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Yeah, that wide-open city with all the Rodians (Greebo is one of them) really sucks. It was ridiculous how often I had to reload. Partly this was due to falling, frequent falling, but also it was due to those snipers. Even in 1280x1024 resolution, they're just a 1x3 strip of pixels. When one started firing at me, I'd look around while he fired at me, trying to figure out where he was. After about the 5th or 6th shot, usually, I'd see where he was, reload, and kill him.


In Bespin, the sniping was alright. Still a bit annoying, but often you could hear them yelling something before they started firing.

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I think they could use a little tuning. I would have really enjoyed hunting them if they didn't take me down so quickly. They hit you the second you walk into their view and they rarely miss, before you even get a heads up on them. It turns what could be a cool level like NS into "quickload until you learn where all the snipers are" and really breaks the flow of the levels, IMO.


This happens in Bespin too, you'll be running along kicking Imperial butt and having a blast all of a sudden you'll get disintegrated. Then its back to "reload and memorize where the snipers are". It gets tedious.


I don't like using quicksave and quickload - I like the checkpoints much better, but these guys almost necessitate it. Maybe if they weren't so damn accurate with their first shots. Then you might have a chance to take cover and scope them out with the binocs (the only good use for them I've found so far).

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yeah, nar shadda is my favouite FFA map, but i must say, the rodians are pests.


Not even a warning shot.


also, i can't figure out what to do with the garbage cart thing,

i'm complaetly clueless after he says "there's gotta be a switch to change thier routes":confused:

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I hate the Shadowtroopers a lot more than I hate the Rodians. At least the Rodians wouldn't lightning, then grip, then throw their sabers at you! Ah well, I felt great today after cutting down about four of them in yavin_courtyard, along with two other Jedi.

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Mightyvvhitey - there's another thread about what to do when you're on the garbage car. it's not that hard, you just have to know what to do and not miss. you have to force push the stoplight BEFORE you get to it, that will cause you to keep going. then there's another one, do it again, and you're home free.

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