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Flying Stormtroopers


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I dunno if this has been talked about yet, but if so just delete this.


Here's a funny trick you can play on the stormtroopers that both sides will find quite amusing! :D This works best in wide open areas where the ceiling is quite high (or where there is no ceiling) and when your force powers are nearly maxed out (later levels).


Force Jump up as high as you go, and on your way up Force Pull as many stormtroopers you can. This move tends to send them even higher than you before they come down for a rather unfriendly meeting with the ground. :) Try and jump to the side when you do it. That way, the stormtroopers will fly past you for a funny, fatal fall. Morbid, I know.

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I don't have the game yet so I don't know if it will work, but will someone try the jumping thing, pull them up, only push them when they're falling, to try to keep them suspended in the air. Then of course, drop 'em.

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