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Maybe another BUG that makes me very sad!


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This game is awesome, but the very first impression I had wasn't quite good. Why? I started an MP game offline with bots, turned on my lightsaber and tried to go to 1st person POV... nothing! It won't go! Why? Is this a bug? If you change weapon you can freely change your POV from 1st to 3rd but with the saber you are stuck with 3rd person.


Now I'm playing in story mode, got the saber and used constantly in 1st person POV. I really liked it and now I'm dying to have it in Multiplayer too (if only I could roll in 1st person too... this is documented but why you can't roll? It's not difficult, You have not to rotate the camera, do just like you did with lateral flips!).


Please, fix this issue with a patch Raven! In the meantime is there a method, by console, to manually fix it? Could someone post the exact commands to enter?

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You know, at first I thought they had disabled it for no reason. Then I noticed the fpls2 model for Kyle. It's basically the arm animation you see in singleplayer when using the saber in first person. Thus, in order to do first person multiplayer with the saber, they would need three of these for each base skin. One for default, and two for CTF. It would take a bit more work than just enabling the option in a patch.

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to felony: No, third person saber fighting is NOT a lot better and easier, simply is what YOU think is a lot better and easier.

to Kalishnikov: I see... but couldn't they use the same model for every skin? It's better than nothing! In the first Jedi Knight it was made in this manner and nobody complained.


Please Ravenites, give us a response. Give us a hope to see a patch that fix it. Please, I realy care that option. The game isn't as much enjoyable for me in 3rd person POV!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!

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I see this as the only real downfall of the game. This isn't Tomb Raider. This isn't a console game. I think Most PC gamers who enjoy FPS's expect to be able to stay in that viewpoint. It should be an option. While I tee-totally love this game, I can't believe Raven did not anticipate the FPS Darkforce's fanbase to not want this ability. I have yet to see a response from them on this either. Really disappointing on that regard.


However, I think it could be done with minimal effort. I recall a FPS patch for Max Payne that simply changed the camera angle. When he did leaps or whatever, sure it would look strange sometimes, but it was still very playable.


I'm still very pleased with the game overall though.

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Originally posted by Nemios


to felony: No, third person saber fighting is NOT a lot better and easier, simply is what YOU think is a lot better and easier.

I prefer 3rd person for saber fighting. I would like to point out that you yell at felony for voicing an opinion in the same sentance that you voice *your* opinion to the contrary.

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In the original JK, i refused to use 3rd person when i went sabres. And when i bought this game at first i was a little dissapointed that i couldn't do 1st person in multi with it, but i gave 3rd person a shot. I have actually found that for me its much easier to pull off combos, and in general just hit people with it a lot more than i used to in JK. So just give it a shot, you may end up liking it :fett:

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Originally posted by ]CkB[Polaris

I prefer 3rd person for saber fighting. I would like to point out that you yell at felony for voicing an opinion in the same sentance that you voice *your* opinion to the contrary.


I never claimed that 1st person POV is the best so people should quit using 3rd person. I only said that I PREFER 1st person, just like someone could prefer 3rd person.


But it makes me angry when someone wants to force his own opinion. Maybe I misunderstood felony's opinion, but I read "Get used to it" thinking he wanted to tell me I'm a fool because I desire to play in 1st person POV, while 3rd person is obviously the best mode.

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"No, third person saber fighting is NOT a lot better and easier"


what i was pointing out is that the above quote is YOUR opinion, just like the contrary is HIS opinion. Saying he is wrong is an absolute and stated as fact. Truth is that its all opinion and condemning someone for their opinion is like pissing in the wind.

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Originally posted by ]CkB[Polaris

"No, third person saber fighting is NOT a lot better and easier"


what i was pointing out is that the above quote is YOUR opinion, just like the contrary is HIS opinion. Saying he is wrong is an absolute and stated as fact. Truth is that its all opinion and condemning someone for their opinion is like pissing in the wind.


Hmmm... we are talking of the same thing! :D


"No, third person saber fighting is NOT a lot better and easier"


This is a negation of his quote, not strictly my opinion. In facts I added "simply is what YOU think is a lot better and easier" and not "instead first person saber fighting is a lot better and easier". So I was saying that everyone could have a different opinion and everyone should respect the others.


But, returning to topic, is there any hope Raven/LEC? Could someone reply?

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I am long FPS player since the beginning. I have asked this question in this form, why is 1st view not available in mp, it should because I prefer 1st perspective saber fighting. It is more realistic, and looks better imo of course. Basically their should be an option.



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Arawyn: In the original JK, i refused to use 3rd person when i went sabres. And when i bought this game at first i was a little dissapointed that i couldn't do 1st person in multi with it, but i gave 3rd person a shot. I have actually found that for me its much easier to pull off combos, and in general just hit people with it a lot more than i used to in JK. So just give it a shot, you may end up liking it


I must say this is my experience too. As an avid player of the original JK and MoTS, I played extensively in First person perspective, because 3rd person I poo-poo'ed as for "console's" only. I felt like I was reasonably good at 1st person perspective sabering. Back then, I wasn't much into MP at all unless it was co-operative (not even CTF).

Thru the years since then, I've jumped into on-line play with both feet, and with the release of JO, I prepared myself to have to use the 3rd person perspective as it was mentioned numerous FAQ's.

I was pleasantly surprised with the extra visibility, peripheral vision and overall situational awareness, the third person perspective gives you.

Granted console games use this same perspective, but in my opinion, not a single console game can hold a candle to what JO offers you in that perspective. To all those who claim that 1st person is more realistic...I think that is a opinion based on what you consider realistic. I used to be among you :) Looking out and seeing nothing but your arm, as if you are actually there is only one part of being "realistic". The drastically cut field of vision that prevents you from seeing anything from the side without turning to face it is not. To me the ultimate in realism would be to use FP perspective, with a VR wraparound helmet that has a 180 deg FOV. :)


For me the decision was easy. I'll take the more realistic situational awareness over the more realistic "looking out of my own head" , PLUS the ability to see some of the kick a$$ acrobatics, swings and other Jedi goodness, Raven has given us.



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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

Neimos, you actually find first person sabering better?


But you miss out on the all awesome saber swinging animations, the rolling animations and the jumping animations!! How do you do it?


Animations are good to see and I can still see those of my opponents :) but I really prefer 1st person POV. It makes me feel inside the game. If I was really a Jedi I couldn't see my acrobatics either.


Plus in 3rd person POV I can't really understand where I'm striking. Sure, now there also a crossair but it confuses me. Usually I look at enemies, not myself.


Another aspect I like: when an opponent moves fast and succeed to come from my blind spots this is very exciting. It is difficult to fight this manner but also extremely enjoyable. So the reduced FOV is another feature that makes this sort of game funny, this unless you only want to win at all cost and with little work.


To Silent_Thunder: I have only a 56k and currently never played online. But you can still play with bots and it is still a great experience!



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