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Some gripes and cheers about people in multiplayer


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Despite all my whining about lag you may have seen in other posts, I have managed a decent game or two :p



Who all hates this scenario?


You are saber fighting with 2 or 3 other people when some jo schmo comes along and starts lobbing rockets or that secondary fire from the repeater right into the middle of the fight and gets cheap kills. Sure it might be alright a couple times, but cmon, when you do it the whole fight, it really makes you look like you can't do anything but that.






I love force absorb!

Especially when jo schmo is just standing there with a brick set down on his force key using lightning and all his force energy while you strut up and slice him in half with your saber! Long live force absorb!



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Originally posted by Mattock

Despite all my whining about lag you may have seen in other posts, I have managed a decent game or two :p



Who all hates this scenario?


You are saber fighting with 2 or 3 other people when some jo schmo comes along and starts lobbing rockets or that secondary fire from the repeater right into the middle of the fight and gets cheap kills. Sure it might be alright a couple times, but cmon, when you do it the whole fight, it really makes you look like you can't do anything but that.




Suck it up and deal. dead is dead... i dont care if the kill is cheap. My goal is to eliminate you and if that means perching on a ledge droping bombs on you as you try to be superman then so be it.

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Hey don't get me wrong, I expect it to happen.


But when that is ALL you do, you really show a lack of skill in my opinion.


I don't mind the people who do that, then whip out a saber, then they have a blaster, then this then that. Hey that's great! Just mix it up is all I'm sayin :)

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First of all, I'm all saber and play because I think it's fun not get the higest frag count... although one or two of them don't hurt :)


Second, I'm with ]CkB[Polaris on this. If you get alot of kills, then you're good at something that the others aren't. You're skilled.


But even the most skilled have a weak point... it's up to you to take advantage of it

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I hate it when people think their "duels" in a FFA mode are sacred and can't be interrupted by anyone. It's called Free For All for a reason; the person who's winning is the most skilled at performing the objective of killing everyone, just because they're willing to kill you as you try to be honorable doesn't make them bad at the game. If you want 1 on 1 duels, either challenge them officially or go play in Duel mode.


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