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Best duelling fun EVER!


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Just played the most fun game of my life


about 10 of us on FFA bespin all went up to the pad and turned off our sabres and took turns duelling , if someone invaded our duel space we ganged up and took them down , we also built a jedi tower while we were waiting - all duels all the time , best fun ever


the demo is at http://www.members.optushome.com.au/ewa55/bespinduels.zip


unfortunately i recorded the map before ffa_raven and let the file run on to the next map so you have to sit through 5 minutes of raven (began recording near the end) , but if you wanna take a look /this/ is what duelling is about

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Thank you idiot , perhaps if youd care to watch it youd see (funnily enough) no force and sabres only! Shock freaking horror! as a group we turned on those who came to attack us while we were unarmed (sabers sheathed) . I dont care for your baseless moronic insults .

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I had a similar experience last night. I was playing on our clan server (props to necro) and after a few rounds we started doing some duels it was ffa garbage facility. After a while everyone was trying to duel me while about 6-7 people looked on with there lightsabers off. After winning all of the duels it turned into a training session. It was good fun and a couple of the guys learned some moves they didnt know. Things like this i belive are good for the community. Its nice to meet good people online. Usually you have to sift thru the weeds *cough felony*. :D

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extract it to your jk2 directory/gamedata/base/demos (if you havent recorded a demo yourself you need to create the demos directory) then goto multiplayer , play , play demo and select bespinduels and play


didnt recall seeing you on AusGamers - Are you sure it was the same one? i cant imagine youd get a good ping to australia

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Most of the FFA servers I've been on have been pretty much overrun by people who would rather grip kill than duel. I love that section of the Bespin map!


PS Silent Wolf I sent you a PM about a LAN party in Dallas this weekend, let me know if u would be interested.




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hehe yeah i saw ya there , that was on AusGamers1 (AusGamers Jedi Knight 2 Server - 14 player ffa saber only)


to record a demo you use 2 commands


\g_synchronousClients 1

\record filename


the first enables recording of demos then use record and the filename you want


to stop recording a demo just use \stop


they will appear in your demos folder


seanconnery you quit out a few maps early :(

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Darksider, I noticed that the only force enabled during that time was force jump, but earlier today I went back on, and they were all. I was wondering why that was, having only force jump and/or pull and push would be the most fun I could think of, it gets repetitive when you hurt someone and they simply heal right away.

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Well, I just connected to the "#2" AusGamers, and I can use Z and X and F, so I assume that it's using them all ;P


[edit] Oh! It's AusGamers JK2 without the #2 that has it, great! Back to gameing [/edit]

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darksider u have made jk2 so much fun lol.

i only bought the game today, i played single player for abit then decided to jump online.

jumped into the first low pinging server i cud find and......

i got 0wned instantly. whilst tryin to have saber battles id get rocket launchered and blow to a billion pieces.

this put me off jk2 online (i know im fickle lol)

then i decided the venture onto the forums to see what other people thought and came across your thread.

downloaded the demo you put up then i realised jk2 cud be fun :D

so i hopped onto a server (luckily playing the same map as u were) and jumped onto a roof and asked them if they wanted to give this idea a go.

they all agreed, and i must say it was fantastic!

still doesnt hide the fact that i suck with the saber atm though lol.

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Hope to see you there , ill be on again tonight hopefully ffa_bespin will roll around again (all my best stuff seems to happen on that map , its lucky! hehehe)


another duelling session would be just the thing to unwind after writing a report on bloody human resource management *grumbles*


bespin is the best map for it too , that pad was just made for dueling heheh

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tried to have another duelfest tonight on the same server


it must be a full moon or something because it was jam freaking packed with lamers :(


i put on the morgan katarn ghost model , i turned off my sabre , i stood still and on at least 15 seperate occasions people came up and killed me , most did it slowly - they knew i wasnt actively fighting and they did it anyway


i was really dissapointed , had such a great time last night and tonight i just got ganked

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