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AT-ST Piloting, Stealth Mission *MINOR SPOILERS*


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I think im pretty far in the game, im upto the cairn reactor level, with the green beams that kill you whenever you touch them.

Thats not the purpose of this post though...



I figure im almost to the end, but i still have not piloted an AT-ST, nor have i particpated in any "stealth" mission yet.

Have i missed them by some chance? Or are they still yet to come.


Please dont spoil any of the story line for me, just a simple "yes you've missed it" or "no you havent" will suffice.


Please not that i have not cheated at all in this game, so i dont see hwo i could have missed it.:atat:

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Man, how did you play through the AT-ST level without it? I was playing it one time, and decided to hop out halfway through (figuring that since the aim of the turret gunners was so bad for the large AT-ST, they'd never be able to hit a little guy like Kyle), and was immediately ripped apart by the turret gunner instantly gaining snipershot accuracy. I dove back into the AT-ST, and his aim suddenly went back to being crappy. :confused: Nice way to balance that there... *rolls eyes*


Still loved that level.

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Yeah, I totally missed that open hatch. How did I get through it? Well, patients, lots of time for force heal, etc... I used a lot of force jump+pull in mid air to kill 5 guys at a time, and sniped some others. I died a few times, to say the least :p

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