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Could the crosshairs be more meaningless?


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Not since Counterstrike have I seen a game where the crosshairs have about as much bearing on what I'm going to hit as this gem.


And could we slow the blaster bolts down a little more? I mean, as it is, it only takes 5 minutes for a shot to get across a room. come on! I want to have a full lunch break waiting for the shot to connect, not just time for tea.


And how's about coding in some more point blank misses, cus thats always fun.


Oh, its all about rewarding use of the lightsaber? Got it. Its all clear now.



And how about some more jump puzzles, hmm? Cus it makes perfect sense. I know when I'm in command of an Imperial post, I put my troops' ammo and Bacta rejuv vials up on ledges in a hanger bay. Ledges that my troops get to by navigating to various overlooking control rooms and activating switches that raise blocks up out of the hanger floor at varying hieghts so that the soldiers can serpentine-jump across the blocks to the supplies. Logical base layout. Makes perfect sense. Oh, and I like to conceal hidden wall blasters in said hanger for no reason to guard this straightforward weapons cache, cus we can't just have them in a guarded ammo bunker room or armory, now can we? Nah.


*rant off*

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Dude have you played any other fps ?


This is some of the best level design ever.

This game reminds me of another great game that is possible the best fps ever made you might have heard of it, its called half-life.


Its ok if your not smart enough to figure out the puzzles, they have online cheat guides to help you.


My suggestion is that you should take that broken piece of glass out of your rectum and enjoy the game.

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Originally posted by Grand Moff

Dude have you played any other fps ?


This is some of the best level design ever. My momma beats me with a rollin pin before I get my fishheads for dinner.


Its ok if your not smart enough to figure out the puzzles, they have online cheat guides to help you. My sister sure is hot in them cutoff jean shorts.


Wah, my daddy didn't do me this morning before skool.


Who parked the Short Bus and let the tards in?

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Originally posted by Mowgli


Who parked the Short Bus and let the tards in?


You tell us? You were the first to get off it, right? ;)


Granted, I have to say that I didn't really LIKE Half-Life SP that much. It was supposed to be a psuedo-realistic adventure with sci-fi themes (aliens from another demention, high powered experiemental weapons, etc.). I did NOT want to have a bunch of jump puzzles in that game.


In Jedi Knight (both 1 and 2) I APPRECIATE jump puzzles. You are a Jedi afterall... there's more of a feeling of fantasy than sci-fi in all of Star Wars, so the fact that Imperials might put the communication array in a Star Destroyer in a series of rooms separated by catwalks that NO ONE but a Jedi could navigate, well, fits.


Everything in a good SP experience has a purpose. It either is there because it seems realistic, or it's there to be "cool". And while there are a few things that are there ONLY to be cool (like the jump puzzles you are refering to), there's tons of stuff that are there because they seem realistic.



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Originally posted by Grand Moff

This is some of the best level design ever.

This game reminds me of another great game that is possible the best fps ever made you might have heard of it, its called half-life.

A bit critism should be in order, the levels often are extremely unrealistic. Sure, they are fine for the game, but that's it - it keeps reminding you that it's a game. If you don't see that switch on your common sense, which seems to be off or you wouldn't have jumped on him simply for stating something negative about the game. :rolleyes:


Come on, forget about Half-Life. Next you'll tell me that Doom is the second best FPS of all time. They were the best, yeah, but please. This is 2002, not 1994 or 1998. Many games have surpassed HL, they didn't have the impact it had at that time but are better.

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"And how about some more jump puzzles, hmm? Cus it makes perfect sense. I know when I'm in command of an Imperial post, I put my troops' ammo and Bacta rejuv vials up on ledges in a hanger bay. Ledges that my troops get to by navigating to various overlooking control rooms and activating switches that raise blocks up out of the hanger floor at varying hieghts so that the soldiers can serpentine-jump across the blocks to the supplies. Logical base layout. Makes perfect sense. Oh, and I like to conceal hidden wall blasters in said hanger for no reason to guard this straightforward weapons cache, cus we can't just have them in a guarded ammo bunker room or armory, now can we? Nah. "




yea, the part you were talking about with the raising blocks was probably the dumbest part of the game.... the second time i played thru, i realised, i DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO GO IN THAT ROOM.... i must have spent an hour or more messing around with thaqt room, and it was all just like... a bonus lvl lol.

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I'm not asking for a realistic game, just believably realistic levels. Granted, most of the time it's not very bad - but there's too many places that downright insult common sense. Of course it's fiction, but what good is fiction that isn't believable?

Originally posted by Mowgli

Not since Counterstrike have I seen a game where the crosshairs have about as much bearing on what I'm going to hit as this gem.

In CS the crosshairs indicate your accuracy. And I never had a problem putting the bullet where I pointed. How does that compare to JO? The crosshair moves depending on where you will hit, how could it have less meaning? It won't guarantee a hit on a moving target either way.
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If you have a problem with slow-moving blaster bolts, put the E-11 on rapid-fire and hose down stormtroopers with ease.


If you hate jumping puzzles, you better skip the Doomgiver Comm level. I had no problem witht the jumping, but it was extremely time consuming and annoying. This game reminded me of Tomb Raider more than a couple times, which is a bad thing.


Have you tried turning off the dynamic crosshair? It think the command is "cg_dynamiccrosshair 0" or something like that. It ought to fix your problem with that aspect.


As for the level design...well, think back to ANH. How smart was it to place the controls for a tractor beam on console that can only be accessed from a narrow walkway suspended above a seemingly bottomless chasm?

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I think his complaint is legit.


1) Rapid-fire makes the blaster bolts come in greater numbers, but they still move slow as sin. You shouldn't be able to sidestep a bolt when you're 25 feet away from a guy, and vice versa. Slow down the repeater bullet speed a bit -- that's a good blaster bolt speed.


2) As for the jumping, no one likes jumping, but it's different when it makes sense. It's like having a corridor on a Star Destroyer broken up into tiny segments you have to jump on. And maybe it's not that hard. But why? Imperial officers/maintenance guys... how on Earth did they change the comm array on their own without Force Jump? It's just arbitrary puzzle-making.


I'm not saying it has to be "factual" because that's boring. But the array design was pretty silly.

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I feel the initial poster's pain on the inaccuracy of SP guns, but in MP I have little problem with them, they feel pretty solid and balanced.


The Dynamic crosshair is annoying at times, and it can be turned off, but I still feel that the SP approach to the guns is flawed.. it just doesn't "feel" right and makes the game frustratingly hard at times. ; p

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Originally posted by Cracken

As for the level design...well, think back to ANH. How smart was it to place the controls for a tractor beam on console that can only be accessed from a narrow walkway suspended above a seemingly bottomless chasm?

It wasn't? :)
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I choose to ignore the accuracy statement, but:


He does make a good point. But I think its just too analytical for this game. I mean, with your view, why not just have a fleet of cruisiers pound the building to smithereens instead of having you plant a C4 in a specific place (C&C Renegade?) It's part of the game. Granted, I understand your logic, but its a video game, plain and simple.


To the peep who said something about ANH's tractor beam pit thing: Well, usually utility boxes aren't just lying around on a wall with a big comfy couch to sit on while you're doing your work.

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Sorry to break the news to ya but Starwars will never be real life.


Maybe the classification of this game is incorrect.


It should be called an action/adventure game. its more that style than true FPS


Personal I like to be challenged with these types of puzzles

not to mention it also promotes exploration.



I think a Starwars game that plays like Rainbow six would be boring.


Heck its starwars you already have to suspend your disbelief.


The universe is filled with all kinds of crazy things.

Maybe the room with the blocks is used for the training of the force troops or maybe its just there for fun.


And with the comstation (which I had a blast on, I'm pretty good with the jumping skill) I would bet that the IMPs have some kind of respulsor sled or skiff they use to get around in there.


What would you rather they have a big sign that says "comstation over here and to use it just press this big red button. Dont worry no will try and stop you"


give me a break.


O yeah and JK2 works alot like counter-strike (which works alot like the real world when dealing with small arms fire)


Crouch and get some cover. If you learn to use the stormtrooper rifle on auto with 3 round burst you will be a force to be reconed with, just like the ak47 or M4a1 in CS.


The stuff you are *****in about it just too damn nitpicky. So Mowgli when you get done with your Mod for JK2 with the super accurate rifle , faster lazers, and those really challenging and mind boggling straight hallway and single door puzzles that I'm sure you have in store for us just post. Personally I cant wait its going to be great. I can see it now, Mowgli Mod you start of in a narrow hallway and you open an unlocked door, but beyond the door the hallway continues and its filled with single file stormtroopers. So you let loose with you lazer gun that hits an automatic head shot everytime not to mention the lazers fly really fast....realisticly fast ;) then you come to another door but its locked good thing you have 40 small to large weapons stuck in your backpack. So you bust out the rocket launcher and blast the door in. Rinse and repeat.


again its a game and I think its extremely well done.

As for the argument about half-life being old, your right it is.

But JK2 and Halo are the only 2 games that come close to macthing it in quality.

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I think you guys are being WAY to critical. The levels give you a feeling like they are straight out of the movie most of the times. So what if the level doesn't look realistic? If your in a Doomgiver space ship it shouldn't look realistic because it isn't. Just have a little imigination with the game and relax and have fun with it. Sure some of the puzzles could have been a little bit more logically presented. The only 3 that stick out in my mind is the pipe that extends out from under the red room on artus, the 2 carts that you have to pull in Nar Sharddaa garbage level, and in Yavin Swamp where you have to basically be in first person while ducking under the water to see the passage. Mainly the last one could have been a little more logically presented. Thats basically my only complaint about the whole game.

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has anybody even watched a starwars movie around here?

the levels designs in most scenario's through the game are very true to the starwars theme.

until of course you see places like the code area to setup the call to rogue squad.


but most of the games levels are VERY true to starwars.



as for HL, the MP flat out sucked, the SP was the games high point but the AI never was as bright as some wish to think.

CS, welp they took the crosshair idea from Rainbow Six. its a recoil thing to assist you in aiming, heres a tip.

in R6 the recoil can cause random shots within the crosshairs moving lines. in CS the shots go up, so just lower your aim a little next time and maybe u might hit something.



in JO the crosshair shows where the shot is going to hit.

you can't expect to sit beside a wall and shoot around it when your gun is pointed directly at it, the crosshair moves to exactly where its gonna hit when shot.

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I don't get it... the last eight or nine posts all agreed with each other (i.e. the game is perfect as is), but each one starts with "whoa, you guys are really being too literal." Who's disagreeing? It's a unified front!


Personally, I don't really care if the SW universe is laid out by Imperial architects to have jumping puzzles. This is an action game... it just stretches the premise a little.

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Well, the whole rifle inaccuracy bit mainly deals with a helpful hands-on explanation as to why Stormtroopers in movies can't hit the broadside of a barn with a mass-produced galaxy-wide tossaway weapon. As for them doing so well on harder difficulties, it's the game cheating to create a harder difficulty. Personally, I think the innaccuracy should have been left in, as you not hitting and them hitting all the time made me stop even trying Jedi Master difficulty real quick.

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