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All special moves and acrobatics (I think, anyway)


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Ok... I've seen enough people asking to take pity on everyone. I am currently compiling a list of all acrobatic moves and little saber tricks on another forum. The thread comes complete with screenshots of most moves being performed, as well as instructions on how to pull the different moves off.


Before you go there, I have a small request though. I have precious little bandwidth. ame goes for the Jedi Cynosure who hosts the forum with the thread. Please do not bump this post needlessly or make it a sticky topic, as it will quickly drain our limited server capacity, and I will be forced to take it down to save me from an evil, large ISP bill.


You are welcome to copy and share this thread, but PLEASE copy the screenshots and upload them elsewhere if you duplicate the list. I *will* take them down if I notice that a specific site location is mirroring them off me. And if you copy/redistribute all or parts of the thread, please give credit where it is due. It is only fair to those who spent their time figuring this out.


Now that all this is out of the way, the thread is available here, and it will be updated as new moves/combos are discovered:



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Well, if you do come accross new special moves (that is, key combinations that trigger new animations for the lightsaber or new kinds of jumps, I'd love to hear a description of how you pulle them off. I Try to keep the guide updated as well as possible, and will most likely be writing a proper guide in the near future, describing effective maneuvres in duels and examining advantages and disadvantages of all moves.

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Hey flipfans,


I think i've found another move that, as far as i can see, hasn't been documented on the boards so far - it's an alternate version of the backflip, in which Kyle/whoever does a flip backwards without tucking his legs. It looks pretty cool although i can't quite see what it achieves - who wants more than it looking cool though! The way to do this move is to tap back and then tap jump. Kyle will do this cool-looking backflip. I havent tested this in multiplayer, or tried to use the lightsaber while in the jump - it might make an alternate move to the backstab when someones behind you!! i've not tried it tho cuz i only just found it. I have tried doing the move with other directions, however, but it doesnt seem to work, unfortunately. Anyway, enough of my meandering, here's the screenie - worth the wait, i assure you!




Hope this helps some people


word out


m.d.c. :fett:




Just tested with attack, in fact this does the coolest attack if you attack during the jump. DEFINITELY a sweet alternative to backstabbing. Also thinking about it I should not that you do need to press tap the buttons very close together.


What you get if you press attack during this flip is a sideswipe at about head height - cooool.

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Judging from the screenshots, you are just performing a normal backflip. The jump height is determined by how long you hold down jump, so if you hold jump just long enough to activate a normal backflip, he shouldn't leave the ground, though the animatiopn will play.

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Nah, definitely not, try it yourself - kyle's legs are straight rather than tucked when he does it. You can really see the difference when you get it, i promise you - it's definitely a different animation... can we get Chang or someone to come in and verify this, cuz i'm feeling doubted atm ;)


m.d.c :fett:

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