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Taking a moment to stare in awe... *SPOILERS*


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I'm standing in the swamp in Yavin and hear this odd noise. So, I pause and look around, enjoying the details then I realize that the sound is rain buzzing off my lightsaber.


Then I went back through, in my head, all of the incredibly realistic effects that I've seen in the game and am utterly in awe of the level of detail that went into making this game.


To every one of the developers that put in the extra effort to have things like the rain buzzing off of my lightsaber, all of the little touches that most of us will miss in passing, I would like to humbly and quite gratefully thank you.



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Yeah, all the little nuances are superb.


In the cantina scene where you get your chance at a first full room of enemies and your saber, after wiping them out I just spent a few minutes throwing the saber and switching it off in mid-air to appreciate the physics put into it. So cool. :)

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i expected the game to look sweet, but never this sweet!


the lightsabre has to be the sweetest (if not most simplistic) weapon i've ever seen, and that's just in looks.


i can't tell you the panic i experienced the first time my lightsabre was closed into a room after throwing it behind a closing door.


the sounds are amazing. i turned my speakers up and it was almost like i had my lightsabre in my hand. at one point, i had to call my mom over and let her hear how it sounded just like the movies! when i was going at it with a blaster rifle, the music going in the background, the storm troopers talking over their radios...it sounded amazing :)

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What about when you lock light sabers? When fighting one of the Reborn on Bespin, just before running into Desann's woman, we locked light sabers, and that was just awesome. To see the sabers locked, the huge amount of light that it cast, I thought I was watching a Star Wars movie.

That was a huge wow to me, a few levels short of Yavin, still getting to the Doomgiver, currently in Cairn Reactor. Is there a demo saving feature, I never took the time to get too familiar with Q3TA, but I was spewing I missed out on recording that saber lock.

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on the tram in doomgiver i threw my sabre out the back window as we were travelling along and it couldnt keep up with the tram lol just kept spinning slowly receding , then got stuck outside , had to wait in the tram with stormies chattering on the other side of the door till it came back hehe , great fun




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the game is awesome but i wish they made the rain on Yavin as atmospheric and realistic as in MOHAA with the snipertown.


it was the the pefect rain effect mixed with the perfect rain sound...ahhhh.


dont get me wrong this game rocks but i think MOHAA has it beat in rain-ness.


actually Yavin was my least fav level maybe cause of my hardware but it didn't look that fantabulous and the find the little underwater cave puzzle annoyed me.

i didnt really enjoy the whole ATST experience because of the poor field of view considerations and the simplistic level design.



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Oh, and another thing...anyone just sat and listened to the stormtooper chatter? I sat for 30 min in the ceiling over a room full of them (before breaking in and butchering them like cattle, of course) and laughed my behind off.


One of them wants to be a tie-fighter pilot

Another is complaining about how inaccurate their guns are


Its INSANE how realistic their chatter is, and its JUST like the pieces you hear in the movies. The next time you are sneaking up on a pair, pause and actually listen to them, its a riot :)

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You can also follow the career of one of the troops :) One of the guys on Kejim shows up later in the fatory. First he's on Kejim, talking about his transfer, then at the begining of the factory level, he's talking about how he got transfered just before all hell broke loose on Kejim. Top stormie conversations:


1. "What's the biggest ship you've ever been on?'


2. "So I told him, YOU try seeing out of this crappy helmet instead of sitting on your butt behind a desk all day!"

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