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Why is Kyle's saber blue?

Nike-Gon Jinn

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We've been over this. It changed in MotS, IIRC to orange. We figure that he went to the Academy and built a new Saber, then left and gave it to Luke.


Either that, or Luke is a cheap bastard and pulled a switch-a-roo. I never liked Luke anyway. :-)

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This is a small snippet from the starwars.com database thingy -


"Kyle is human male with rugged good looks and an athletic build. He brandishes a green-bladed lightsaber, though he has been known to have access to a veritable arsenal of personal weaponry. He often travels with Jan Ors aboard the battered starship, the Moldy Crow. "



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note that also mentions the moldy crow

meaning its completely out of date, even to the JK storyline since in JK the crow was destroyed either way you go.

and following the storyline in general Kyle got the Yelow saber in JK then the orange in MoTS.

the building a new one makes sense since Lukes was green until he built his new one.. though strangely enough he once more carries a green one

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Originally posted by GRIMLOCK

note that also mentions the moldy crow

meaning its completely out of date, even to the JK storyline since in JK the crow was destroyed either way you go.

and following the storyline in general Kyle got the Yelow saber in JK then the orange in MoTS.

the building a new one makes sense since Lukes was green until he built his new one.. though strangely enough he once more carries a green one


Luke's saber was originally blue, it was his father's saber that Obi wan gave to him. Then Luke lost that one (which was later recovered and given to Mara by Luke) in the cloud city duel. Lastly during the time gap between Empire and Jedi luke built his new green one.

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Yeah, but I'm pretty sure in Shadows of the Empire that he builds a topaz/yellowish saber. Oh well.



and yes, Luke's original lightsaber (his fathers first one, though I think it's the one Obiwan gave him as the master always gives the apprentice their first lightsaber and then as a test they build one) was blue, he lost his hand and the saber in Empire. But they recovered the hand and make a Luke clone with it. Mara kills the luke clone and takes the saber.


I think in New Jedi Order she has a purple blade though. Either her or Anakin had it.

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Why is everybody using the storeylines from the film along with the storeylines of the game, ie mara jade and all that. and just to clear things up, whats the chronological order of all of the JK games?

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If anyone is interested in my theory on why Kyle's saber colour seems to keep changing (keeping in mind that I'm not completely finished Jedi Outcast's single player game yet), here it is.


As those who've played Jedi Knight know, Kyle's first lightsaber, which used to belong to Qu Rahn, was kept safe by Morgan Katarn's bot Weegee. This saber's blade was green, and was destroyed by Boc after Kyle crashed the Moldy Crow. He then acquired Yun's gold-bladed saber after Yun died defending him from Sariss. All of this is known fact.


Now, here is where it becomes mostly speculation on my part. I believe that shortly after the Valley of the Jedi incident in Jedi Knight, Kyle tried to learn the Jedi ways from Luke, and did build his own lightsaber - the blue one that he uses in Jedi Outcast - but found that the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force was too strong, so he gave the blue saber to Luke and turned his back on the Force, for the most part (though I believe he maintained at least a partial connection to it).


Then, five years after the Valley of the Jedi incident, in Mysteries of the Sith, Mara Jade approached Kyle and asked him to train her to use the Force, since Kyle was the only other person she knew of, besides Luke, who had enough experience with the Force to help her. She didn't want to learn from Luke since at that point she still had conflicting feelings about him. He reluctantly agreed, and I am assuming that one of the following is true: (A) Kyle built himself another lightsaber - this time an orange one - to spar with Mara, (B) Kyle was actually using Yun's lightsaber, but the designers tweaked its colour slightly for the new game, changing it from bright gold to orange, or © Mara had an orange lightsaber kicking around, so she gave it to Kyle, and kept the purple-bladed one which she'd built herself. My bet would be on the first option.


In Mysteries of the Sith, Kyle started the game with a very limited selection of Force powers, which supports the idea that he let his abilities languish, but not dissipate entirely, after the events of Jedi Knight. Kyle fell to the Dark Side of the Force and nearly killed Mara in the Sith Temple, but stopped at the last second. Immediately after that, he severed his connection with the Force and either destroyed or gave Mara the orange saber, fearing that he would fall again to the Dark Side, and never be able to return. Then two years later, the story of Jedi Outcast begins.


So there you have it. I'm pretty new on these boards, as you can see by my post count, but I've been a longtime fan of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series. Let me know what you think of my theory.


Xiao Long

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Ha, maybe I do, but I love this game series - even moreso now with Jedi Outcast. Besides, isn't this a place for people to go when they have too much time on their hands, and want to spout off about something? So, does anyone else with too much time on their hands (just kidding) have any comments about my theories here?


Xiao Long

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Kyle's Saber Progression:


Green: Originally Rahn's. Given to Kyle by Morgan Katarn, his father, with the help of Weegee. Destroyed by Boc in JK.

Yellow/Orange: Taken from Yun after he dies protecting Kyle from Sariss. Kyle uses it until he gets rid of it at the Sith temple(yes, I do think they just changed the color a bit at the beginning of MotS).

Red: Kyle uses a red saber when he's under the influence of the Sith temple at the end of MotS. It is assumed that he built his own saber while he was down there. Probably got rid of it immediately afterwards as it reminded him of his fall to the dark side.

Blue: Nothing but speculation, but the common theory seems to be that Kyle continued training after MotS, and built his own blue one during that time. He then later gave up the Force and gave the saber to Luke for fear of falling to the dark side again.

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Ah, I'd forgotten that he had a red-bladed saber at the end confrontation with Mara. I doubt he built yet another one; he probably found it in the Sith Temple, since there seemed to be a lot of extra ones being held by the statues. And frankly, I doubt that the orange one was supposed to be Yun's; the differences in colour was a pretty big oversight for the devs to make. But you can look above for my theories on this subject.


Xiao Long

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Kyle's main gig is that he's "been to the dark side of the force"


You wimp - you've ALMOST gone to the dark side.


Luke (in Dark Empire) went totally all the way head first into the dark side... then came back out to save leia (tries to find the book) or something...


anyway Kyle is Han + Dash + Luke basically heh.


As for the blue lightsaber... ever heard of a plot device? If your going to make a star wars game, and he's gonna be a goody goody about it, he's gotta have a blue lightsaber (or a german lasersword bahhahaha) more SW n00bs would identify with it more... besides, in the game, Luke already owns the green =P *rim shot*

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I kept imagining (and writing down ideas) for a modified re-make of the entire series from game one. That's Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith, and Jedi Outcast. Of course, me and the team would take artistic liberties here and there, and change some gameplay mechanics to make things different and much more interesting. For example, why does Kyle do so much platform-jumping without any kind of safety harness?


I believe for an extraordinary mercenary like Kyle, who manages to infiltrate the Empires toughest fortresses, would have had made use of the Force long before he learnt of his heratige. Kind of like he went through merc life with a kind of unexplained skill - like improbable marksmanship, reflexes, and the ability to detect impeading dangers...


What the hell? I'm getting way ahead of myself... Anyway, I've been thinking about how I could tackle this issue about his constant rainbow of 'Sabers.


I don't buy that he made a different 'Saber for each situation, because it takes quite a while to build one - even for an experienced Jedi. I might buy it with the gap between JK1 and MotS, but certainly not when he "went to the Dark Side". The most logical thing is that Kyle changed the crystals. He might have changed it to Blue after his dealings with MotS for a psycological reason. Or maybe he asked Luke to change the color for him.


Still thinking... And no, I'm not planning on making this a mod. But I sure as hell love to imagine what it would be like.

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