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Why is Kyle's saber blue?

Nike-Gon Jinn

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Chang replied to me in one of navaros's threads which promptly got deleted.


He said the blue saber was somthing kyle created in between the games and I think he gave some backstory to support this, but said going into that much detail about such a trivial thing would have been too time consuming.


Personally, I think they're leaving the door open for a prequel. Kyle's second trip thru Jedi Hood, the one where it all went wrong. =P


I hope they call it Jedi Knight .45: it always works. =P



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Originally posted by Lucky

Personally, I think they're leaving the door open for a prequel. Kyle's second trip thru Jedi Hood, the one where it all went wrong. =P


I hope they call it Jedi Knight .45: it always works. =P




They already did, it's called Mysteries of the Sith...remember?

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this is why i said 2nd, chang said somthin about him creating yet *another* lightsaber while training as a jedi. You'd think that story would hint at why he gave it all up more than MoTS. I mean you don't just quit after a crappy add on like MoTS =P /jk


And mots definitely didn't have Billy Dee Williams in it.



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When you say "going into too much detail", I assume you're talking about the details of the blue Lightsaber..


What kind of Star Wars fans does Raven think we are?! OF FREAKIN' COURSE we want details about it!! It's a big deal. A really big deal...


But yes... I do smell an expansion pack later on down the road. Let's hope it sheds much more light on Kyle's history. This guy's becoming bigger and bigger with each game release. Pretty soon, he'll have his own comic book series, and a place in the Extended Universe Novels! ;-)

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Originally posted by Muzzle

I keep telling you people, Luke pawned Kyle's original saber off to go to Tashi Station and buy power converters. The man has a real addiction, worse than crack.



luke can't afford new clothes (how much do you think being a jedi master pays these days anyway?), i dont think that he can afford power converters...lol..

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I know this is a wierd theory,


but maybe the lightsaber color is something trival; like maybe the person who was in charge of making the lightsaber thought, "Hey blue is a nice color!", or maybe it was like, "Eh too tired, no one will notice color of lightsaber"


My theory might be true, but I like the other theories better, it shows that people are thinking unlike me!

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe



luke can't afford new clothes (how much do you think being a jedi master pays these days anyway?), i dont think that he can afford power converters...lol..


hehe but no. im sure luke has used his mind trick to mug everyone from tatooine to hoth!! the thing is is that the filthy rich luke cannot find a Gap near his massasi temple!!!

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I don't post often (ok never) to the boards but I do visit on a daily basis. In my short interview posted a few days ago, I did mention the saber issue.


"Lightsabers are very intricate weapons and need constant maintenance. Without regular maintenance the lightsaber will cease to function. If this happens, a Jedi may need to replace the crystal or have to construct a new lightsaber"


With Kyle turning his back to the Force, whichever saber he used prior had probably ceased to function. So if it IS his old saber, obviously Luke would've had to repair it for him requiring the replacement of the crystal (which could affect the color). Or Luke just loaned him a spare one which happened to be blue.


Now WHO'S saber is it really? Only time will tell...:)


Dan Pettit

Associate Producer

LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC


PS Keep up all the great threads (both positive AND negative). We really do like to see what you have to say!

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Originally posted by JEDIcloud

this may sound stupid, but how do they build a lightsaber? does it have a crystal inside or something?


basically, its a high energy beam shot through a crystal or crystals...more than 1 crystal gives u the option to change the length of the blade. the sabre can cut through any other material apart from another sabre


i got most of that info from the 'Jedi Acedemy' book series written by Kevin J Anderson.....if u like books and star wars id read that!


and also, for the more hands on aproach go to these sites and build ur own sabre!!!!!!:


the best one-> http://bigyellowbox.tripod.com/







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As was said above about the maintanence... the alignment of the crystals is attuned to the makers alignment with the force. So if Kyles Saber packed in why he was in the Sith temple he would've had to open it up and thus the crystals would hae become aligned differently... if after MOTS he gave up the saber and Luke probably opened it up to check it was ok. Like a mechanic looking over an engine at this point it would probably have aligned slightly differently. This explains the various colours... you can tell a lot about someones personality from there saber colour. I only know this though because it confused my so I looked it up in the Star Wars encyclopedia.

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Saber color isn't determined from "crystal allignment". If the crystals are not alligned properly, the 'Saber just won't function (or it might even explode {see Shadows of the Empire}). Color is determined by the type of crystals a Jedi uses. I could be mistaken, but I THINK 'Sabers (normal ones) use a combination of three jeweled crystals to channel the energy blade into a feedback loop, creating a mild gyroscoping effect. Only certain types of jewels can be used in 'Sabers, and even then, they can give out and require replacement.


To change the color, you play the game of RGB - find crystals of various colors and insert them into the channeling matrix. For Red, you might use two diamon-like crystals and one ruby-like jewel. Different grades of jewels can also cause different 'Saber effects, like the way the light shimmers, wave patterns, etc.


Changing crystals isn't very easy or trivial, because it requires a great deal of accuracy. You can't just walk into a store and say, "Hey, I'll just buy these so I can change my 'Saber color to green for Bakurian Spring!"


Jedi find their own crystals, and often times shape them to fit the 'Saber. Jedi aslo imbune their Lightsaber with the power of the Force to keep them charged longer (yes, 'Sabers need to be recharged), to function properly, and to extend their senses to the tip of the energy blade. This is primarily why Lightsabers forged by other Jedi might prove difficult to use, because of its "Force frequency", let's say. And that's why Jedi build their own when they reach a certain stage.


... ....


Um... Okay, I'm getting too much into this. Basically, changing colors is a fairly big deal. When Kyle gave Luke his Lightsaber, I'll bet my money Luke didn't do anything to it. He simply did what he was asked and held onto Katarn's 'Saber. It wasn't in use since his absense, so maintainance was probably not a big deal.


Most likely, Kyle built his own Lightsaber while attempting to atone for his near-Dark Side switch-over, and to become a Jedi Knight. When he got fed up, he left Luke and the Accademy, and absolved his Jedi ways. His time was more lucrative doing what he did best: Infiltrate people's hide-outs, shoot first, ask questions rarely, and get paid buko bucks. ;-)

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Alright, all of this information was compiled by me from reading almost all the books that are out there (aside from the latest new Jedi Order and the Dark Fleet Trilogy which was bad..really really bad) Also from the RPG and the like as well.



Anyhow, a jedi's lightsaber is a really personal thing. When beginning one's training, the master will give the apprentice a lightsaber to train with and learn the basics of how to use one without cutting your own foot off (you try swinging a sword that has a blade with no weight). During the training, the apprentice goes through several trials to become a full fledged Jedi Knight, one of these if the lightsaber trial where the apprentice must make his own lightsaber. You will never work better with any lightsaber than the one you constructed, simply because in it's first charging you attune yourself to the blade in a way that it becomes more of an extension of yourself. The first charging is VERY important, and if the crystal and energy source aren't attuned right with the force then it won't work, or worse, will give off heat which means it's unstable and could explode at any moment.


As far as lightsabers losing power. You can turn on, and leave a lightsaber on for as long as you want. They way it is designed simply being on will cost it no loss of energy as it constantly recharges itself. However, it does lose a bit of energy whenever it cuts through something. This is the only way a lightsaber loses energy (at least in the books) is by cutting through something. A lightsaber however will NOT lose energy by clasing with another lightsaber. However, as it can lose energy, they do require recharging at times, though rarely. (in I, Jedi Corran Horn and Luke Skywalker both charge their lightsabers up before going off and doing a job together)


The creation of a lightsaber generally takes about a month or two, though in the clone wars and a few other times, it was said that jedi in a rush were able to properly make one in as little as two days (just a LOT harder, and the less time you spend meditating on the individual components the harder it is). A lightsaber's handle and color is often a very good way to tell how the jedi feels about themself and their backround as they're often personalized. For example, Corran Horn reflected his life as a pilot by making his lightsaber handle out of throttle components from an X-Wing, while Tenel Ka (I believe her name was) made her lightsaber combining elements of her Dathomir and Hapan royalty backrounds (her lightsaber handle was a rancor tooth, and the focusing crystal was from her tiara). In the New jedi order Anakin replaces his energy source with an alien energy source, and ends up having to retune himself to it. Afterwords, the lightsaber works as an extension of him and shows his new understanding of how the force works. Also, I'm pretty sure you use one crystal for a regular lightsaber (it has to be shaped properly), but there is a type of lightsaber that usues multiple crystals. It's called a Variable Length Lightsaber, and what basically happens is after construction you twist a knob or hit a button and the energy gets focused through a different crystal making it longer and thinner. The two examples of this are Corran Horn in 'I, Jedi' and his appearances in 'The New Jedi Order' and in the Jedi Academy Trilogy someone makes a Variable Length saber with 3 crystals.




Now, as far as the timeline goes (I haven't read any books that take place pre-Rebellion era, sorry)


You have


Pre Rebellion Era:

~Episode I (Phantom Menace)

~Episode II (Attack of the CLones)

~Episode III (Rise of Darth Vader I believe)

~Books inbetween above mentioned episodes


Rebellion Era (in order)

Dark Forces I

A New Hope

Splinters of the Mind's Eye (FIRST STARWARS BOOK EVER)

Empire Strikes Back

Shadows of the Empire

Return of the Jedi / Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

Truce at Bakura (2 days after RoTJ)


1-2 years after Rebellion Era/Start of New Republic Era

X-Wing Series (Rogue Squadron books)

Courtship of Princess Leia


New Republic Era (5 years after - 20 years after I believe)

~Thrawn Trilogy

~~Heir to the Empire

~~Dark Force Rising

~~Last Command


~ I, Jedi (same time as JAT)

~Jedi Academy Trilogy

~~Jedi Search

~~Dark Apprentice

~~Champions of the Force


~Children of the Jedi




~Planet of Twilight


~X-wing: Starfighters of Adumar


~The Crystal Star


~The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy

~~Before the Storm

~~Shield of Lies

~~Tyrant's Test


~The New Rebellion


~The Corellian Trilogy

~~Ambush at Corellia

~~Assault at Selonia

~~Showdown at Centerpoint


~The Hand of Thrawn Duology

~~Specter of the Past

~~Vision of the Future


~Junior Jedi Knight Series (forget the titles, sorry)

~Young Jedi Knight Series (forget the titles, sorry)


New Jedi Order Era (25-30 years after A New Hope)

~Vector Prime

~Dark Tide I: Onslaught

~Dark Tide II: Ruin

~Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial

~Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse

~Balance Point

~Edge of Victory I: Conquest

~Edge of Victory II: Rebirth

~Star by Star

~Dark Journey

(and I don't know what the current book out is called)


The comics I'm ont sure where they go in there, and I'm positive I left some books out, but thats basically all of the books and the Dark Forces game in Chronological Order for you. Btw, it's ALL good reading

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Wow...um...anyways...I guess that answers my question of why Kyle's lightsaber went from green to yellow to orange to red to blue. Of course, to confuse you further, let's factor in that sabercolor cheat code that can turn Kyle's saber purple! AHAHAHAHAHA! (yes, be prepared for weirdness like this, I come from an anime fandom)

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Well, this is real funny, I don't know why, I've read all ze books of Star Wars (well almost ALL of them)

I remember Luke finding Obi Wans old Jedi Master book somewhere in "Shadows of the Empire" (silent applause to the author) Luke might still have it, and probably made copies of the book so his students can learn. But heres something repeatedly brought up: WHY IS KYLES LIGHTSABER BLUE!!!

Would of liked Orange at least..

-=- Basic Constructs of Light Saber:


-=- Light Saber Crystal, lava crystal, emerald, any.


-=- beam focuser


-=- another set of crystals to increase length if needed (ancient jedi style like said in Dark Tide I)


-=- activation button, and stableizer to keep it active when no longer holding it


-=- Grip, and caseing


-=- double check components


-=- make sure it don't blow up :)

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