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Amidst the war raging between gunwhores and stickstrokers, who each promote their own ideals, there are those who neither side wants.


I thought all saberists had honor, til I recently met this one guy, he would run at you, use force push and knock you down, then chop you with heavy stance, he'd do it again and again. I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine, maxed out push then ran at him and tried it, both of our hands flashed white, cause we were both trying, then he drained me, pushed me, then chopped me. What a gimp.

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Everybody honourable is a saberist but not every saberist is honourable ;)


hehe j/k , im sure there are erm... honourable gunwhores out there... somewhere.....


<listens to the silence>




gimps abound , the worst are the ones who will attack a guy standing still with saber retracted (saber only server) and kill you




and over


and over


they know what they are doing , confronted with their lameness they say "go to a ****ing duel server then"


we want to play on an ffa server and have organized duels also, not play on a duel server and wait in a queue for 15 minutes to play for a couple of rounds , the issue is that the jackasses will take someone unarmed for an easy kill rather than someone to leave alone


honourless dogs


i mean i was a glowing ghostly morgan katarn with no saber drawn and they STILL had to come gank me . idiots .

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I must disagree. While pushing someone down who is defenseless (IE: someone who doesn't have push to counteract your push) is dishonourable, it is a totally legit way of killing someone. He used to force to his own killing advantage, and while push is a neutral power, that person has probably fallen to the dark side, and doesn't really care how he wins, as long as he does.


Using push to knock people down and then cut them in half is a valid tactic. If force powers are on, then push is available to everyone, and like you said, one of many counter-points to it is to use push yourself, or even pull. Drain works as well.


What more can I say? This whole "gunwhore" vs. "stickstroker" thing is rediculous. Guns are a part of the game. Lightsabers are a part of the game. The Force is a part of the game. Live with it, or simply don't play. Heck, there are alot of servers out there with no force / no guns / duel only or whatever. I'm surprised at how much complaining there is in this area, with so much server customization available.

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Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes, even between the land and the ship.

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the only thing that annoys me, is ppl in guns/sabers FFA who spam the floor with little ball things that explode when u go near. they are so cheap, its just camp the weapon then spray the floor


oh and when ur having a duel, the people who purposely run in ur way so you cant see what you're doing

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I'm not talking about honourable combat here. If he had given you the heave-ho when your lightsaber was off in a challenge-type scenario, then its fine to be upset. People should have some form of morals when it comes to that.


But the way I understood it... he would engage in combat with someone who was not totally defenseless, meaning they could strike him back at any time, and he would simply push them down, and cut their ass in half. If you're fighting someone, and they manage to knock you down and kill you, how can you blame them for using the force (IE: AN INTEGRAL GAME MECHANIC) against you?

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sorry, thats like 'that coward drained me and then used force grip to kill me' or something. people do it all the time, sure it's 'lame' because you dont need much skill to do it but on the other hand: you dont need THAT much skill to counter it (and if you fall dont forget to press jump to get up again FAST)

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Guys, like I said, not everyone is going to know this code of honor or respect it right off the bat. Some of them just dont know and probably dont have any idea whatsoever to go looking on a site like JediKnightii.net forums to find out..


Instead of constantly whining about it, just kindly tell the offender the 'code of honor' and eventually most will catch on. Im not sure if there is a MOTD, but server admins could put a kind note in the MoTD if there is one.

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I get that it's a game mechanic, but the way he was doing it, it was basically uncounterable.


Of course I was jamming the jamp key to get up quicker but to no avail, he'd already be on top of me like a fat man on candy.

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I was on a saber only server last night and the map rotated to Bespin, so I called out to people who wanted to duel to go to the circular pad. About three or four others came up and we had a nice thing going...two would fight, the other two would wait their turn.


Well, there was this one guy in there that would come over and start attacking the people waiting to duel with their sabers sheathed. One time he came over and Gripped one guy, to which I ran over and cut him down with my saber. The next time he did it he just started hacking at the guy, so I Pushed him off the platform.


And it wasn't like this guy didn't know what was going on, he was just being an arse.

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I honestly don't see the big deal.. why do we have to call people names who use certain legitimate tactics? "Gunwhores"?


Am I a "gunwhore" if I know how to use the weapons in the game and use them? That's silly. Go ahead and call me names, but I'm just doing the natural thing, which is to learn what parts of the game work for me, and what I like and using them!


As far as "honor" goes, well there's some systems built into the game to facilitate that.. one is the "challenge" key, which isn't perfect, but it's a good start.. just be sure you challenge and you will switch to saber and all that and if you win, you get full health.


The other system is the DUELING server.. Jedi Arena.. which means that anything goes in 1v1.. and no need to worry about being "suprised" by somebody else.


If you want honor, those are your best options, or a private dueling server, where the only people there have agreed to your rules. The majority of competative people will just use whatever tactics WORK and continue to use them until they STOP WORKING. That's not hard to understand... Short of actual cheating, I don't find that objectionable.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I honestly don't see the big deal.. why do we have to call people names who use certain legitimate tactics? "Gunwhores"?


Am I a "gunwhore" if I know how to use the weapons in the game and use them? That's silly. Go ahead and call me names, but I'm just doing the natural thing, which is to learn what parts of the game work for me, and what I like and using them!


As far as "honor" goes, well there's some systems built into the game to facilitate that.. one is the "challenge" key, which isn't perfect, but it's a good start.. just be sure you challenge and you will switch to saber and all that and if you win, you get full health.


The other system is the DUELING server.. Jedi Arena.. which means that anything goes in 1v1.. and no need to worry about being "suprised" by somebody else.


If you want honor, those are your best options, or a private dueling server, where the only people there have agreed to your rules. The majority of competative people will just use whatever tactics WORK and continue to use them until they STOP WORKING. That's not hard to understand... Short of actual cheating, I don't find that objectionable.


Here, here! I heartily agree Kurgan. It's always underhanded when it happens to you. As the old saying goes, "If it aint broke, don't fix it." Honor is a noble and worthwhile thing, and I try to remain honorable. But if the object is to kill someone and get points, then I'll gladly pop someone in the back with the disruptor while they're fighting someone else. If I'm luckly I'll be able to nail the other guy as well. I'm not saying it's all about winning, I'm just saying that anyone can park with a rifle or force people of ledges or onto the ground. Deal with it.


The ones that I call meaningless numbskulls are the ones that don't know what they're doing. I was playing Jedi Master yesterday and when we were looking for the sabre I had no qualms about poping everybody I saw, but as soon as the sabre was found it was the guys that would come up to me while I was looking for the jedi and start shooting me. HELLO! We're on the same team at this point! YOU CAN'T HURT ME SO WHY AREN'T YOU HELPING ME FIND THE JEDI LIKE WE NEED TO!!!! @&(*$ Those guys got on my nerves. If the sabre needed to be found I could understand that but not when we both have that glowing red circle above our heads. Those guys are the gimps.


As for "Unhonorable dogs" they're winning. If you want honor, improve your skills so you can beat them, deal with them, or at least find out how to avoid them, but don't belittle their methods, saddly, they're working.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The majority of competative people will just use whatever tactics WORK and continue to use them until they STOP WORKING. That's not hard to understand... Short of actual cheating, I don't find that objectionable.


Thanks for putting that so concisely, Kurgan...now if only certain people around here could manage to grasp this concept. :rolleyes:

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