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What's a good control setup?

Master Spiff

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I have had a favorite fps control setup for quite a while and it works well for me. But I'm finding that when you throw in force powers, I can't seem to get to them fast enough in a heated battle. I was wondering what some other people are using.


Here's what I like for the average shooter:


A - strafe left

S - backward

D - strafe right

MOUSE LEFT - attack

MOUSE RIGHT - forward (this is the one that seems to be different than most)

MOUSE 3 - alt attack


and then for force powers, i tend to just que up the one i think i'm going to use most and just use F. but this leaves the other powers kind of neglected because they are so far away at the function keys.


What do you think?

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I use MS Gamevoice a lot now so the keyboard gets minimal use from me.. my setup is:


w = forward

a = strafe left

d = strafe right

space = backward

e & s = jump

c = crouch

mouse 1 = primary attack

mouse 2 = alt attack

scroll = weapons


still have to configure buttons 4 and 5 for something


using game voice is the cat's meow.. just speak a command and away you go..

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Here's what I do and a variation of this may work for you.


ESDF is my movement keys, space=jump, shift=crouch, ctrl=walk,

W=action, T=Lighsaber Stance


Now depending on whether I am playing multiplayer or not I will need more keys for force powers. In single player I use RGVCZAQ

for all force powers. One for each power with the most comon ones in the easiest places to reach. In multiplayer I dont have a sound system yet but I'm experimenting with changing 1234567 to the extra force powers I need. I would just need to use weapon scrolling that way (which I generally do in most games anyway).


Also, I have mouse 3 as lightsaber so I have my favourite weapon easily accessible at all times.


Perhaps you could go to SDF for movement and then have QWERTGBVCXZA for force, use, and saber stances.


My 0.14$




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w = forward

s = backward

a = strafe left

d = strafe right

e = activate

q = Force Heal

r = Force pull

f = Force push

g = Force Absorb

Mouse1 = Primary Attack

Mouse2 = Secondary Attack

Mouse3 = Grip

Mouse4 = Use Force Power

z = Previous weapon

x = Next weapon

v = Throwable weapons

b = change stance

t = Taunt

y = Public chat

u = team chat


There are some others but I cant remember them right now :)

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here is my control setup (i have the rest of my games optimized, but i have yet to optimize my multiplayer hotkeys...hmm....



this is just what ive been messing round with in MP


5 button mouse:

bottom left mouse: alt fire

left mouse: fire

middle: push

right: jump you fools!

bottom right: lightning



esdf the only way

wasd does not allow for enough keys on the left side for your fingers to move over quickly

and i am a good gunner so eat my dick all you newbies




now back to the setup

r = mind trick

g = bacta

v = heal

c = use

x = pull

z = speed

a = crouch

w = flachette

q = tenloss

t = grip


with all those keys, i can reach all of my force powers quickly and easily offering seamless gameplay.... i need to reorganize once i get to the last level in terms of what i use more often (force powers)

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So, apparently I'm the only one I know of that uses a mouse button for FORWARD. I can't remember where I picked it up, but it really lets me flow around the levels. I also find that having two fingers on the strafe and the middle finger on the next keyboard row is a little painful (and i feel like I'm flipping myself the bird all the time). But, in this game, it would pay to have force power buttons on the mouse.


Does anyone know if there's a driver or something that allows the use of the wheel BUTTON, not the scroll, but the button? It never seems to be recognized by any games I play.

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I use the arrow keys for my movement and the surrounding keys for my jump/crouch/forces




DOWN Reverse



ENTER Use Inventory



then on the keypad


1/END Jump

0/Ins Crouch

4 Push

7 Lightning

8 Heal

5 Team Heal



Above the arrow keys


End Activate ( doors,switches)

Del Force Speed

PGDWN Force Pull

INSRT Mind Trick

Home Absorb




Mouse Buttons


Left Primary Attack

Right Secondary Attack

Middle Change Sabre Stance

Wheel changes weapons.




the reason i chose this setup is i didn't like the other side of the keyboard since the keys are offset to each other


the arrow keys and keypad are a nice lined up control schema for me ( arrow keys are top bottom left and right of each other)




the other thing i like is the space inbetween arrow keys and the other keys that makes it much less likely to hit a wrong key when in a fast action...



--- Edit ---


On the wheel button issue above.... make sure in the mouse control panel that the middle button is assigned as Middle Button and not something else.. my logitech assigned this button to scroll or something like that.. i had to actually assign it as a Middle Button and not something else there for games to recognize it as a 3rd button.

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w-Foward S-backwards a-Strafe left d-strafe right MOuse1-Main Fire mouse2-Secondary Fire Mousewheel-Change weapons space-Jump ctrl-Crouch that way its easier to reach all the keys and also y-Global Chat U-Team chat i bet alot of n00bs still use arrows and left ctrl lol :newbie:

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Well I recently came into an extra 30 bucks, and I ploped it down on a Nostromo Game Pad, and hot diggity all my troubles have been solved. For thos who dont know what it is head over to Belkins website and check it out. I pretty much use the standard wsad for movement, but after that It gets a little tricky. The gamepad (which is really just a mini keyboard) has a nifty little directional pad on it as well that works perfect for force powers. I use the up arrow on the pad for force push, and the down arrow on the pad for force pull. The left and right on the dpad are for cycling through my force powers. I know this sounds a little confusing, but if you look at the pad, it will all make sense. My mouse is my other best friend. I use the cordless intelimouse explorer which has 5 buttons on it. Left mouse is primary, right mouse is for using the force power i currently have selected, mouse whell is for weapons, press on the mouse button and that is my use key. Mouse button 4 is for alt attack, and the 5th button is for lightsaber stance. Everything else is mapped to the keys on the gamepad. It works great in single player, cause you mainly use ppush and pull, and on top of that you can have another force power selected and ready to go with mouse button 2. So at any givin time I can setoff 3 force powers, which is perfect for multiplayer as well. I was a real skeptic of this game pad untill I used it for about an hour, then I instatnly fell in love, you all should invest the 30 bucks on it, and if you dont like it, just return it.

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Originally posted by Master Spiff

So, apparently I'm the only one I know of that uses a mouse button for FORWARD. I can't remember where I picked it up, but it really lets me flow around the levels. I also find that having two fingers on the strafe and the middle finger on the next keyboard row is a little painful (and i feel like I'm flipping myself the bird all the time). But, in this game, it would pay to have force power buttons on the mouse.


Does anyone know if there's a driver or something that allows the use of the wheel BUTTON, not the scroll, but the button? It never seems to be recognized by any games I play.


The middle button is "mouse3" in Quake engine games... but if it's a Logitech, you'll have to assign the middle button to "Middle Button" in your mouse drivers.

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WSAD - Movement keys


Mouse1 - Primary Attk

Mouse 2 - Alt Attack

Mouse 3 - Scroll - Light Saber Stance

Mouse 4 - Force Push

Mouse 5 - LightSaber On / Off

Wheel Up - Lightning

Wheel Down - Force Pull

Q - Force Speed

E - Mind Trick

F - Grip

R - Force Heal

TAB - Action

Ctl - Crouch

Shf - Walk

Spc - Jump

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I posted it in the forum a while back, but it got beat down pretty quick by all the posts. Check it out here: Essobie's JK2 Config v1.0


Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to upload 1.1 which includes binds for messagemode and messagemode2 (doh!) but I'll probably do that tonight.


It uses the ESDF setup, but it's especially nice because I have a couple of scripts that allow you to cycle through different categories of weapons with single keys. Like the Heavy Repeater and the Blaster Rifle are on 5, the Bowcaster and Pistol are on 4, and the Rocketlauncher and the DEMP2 are on B. All the other weapons have their own keys since I like to get to them specifically really quick. You'll have to check it out in game for a further explaination.


It's fast, it's organized, and you'll never miss a beat. It also includes a settings.cfg file that has as many comments about what everything does as I can come up with based on experience with Q3A.


As for other resources on making configs, check out thebind:arena for Q3A (which pretty much works for JK2 as well) .here

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I am, and always will be a WASD person. I tried ESDF once and didn't like it - I always use T and Y for global and team chat and that would have to go if I were to use the ESDF. I will use the scroll for neutral force powers, and if that's not possible, then weapons. I'd use E for activate, R for next force power and F for Activate Force power.


I will bind the Fx keys for force powers that you don't need to aim (i.e. Heal, absorb, mind trick, dark rage) and taunts and inventory items.


C is crouch, Space is Jump, and shift is change stance.


I don't like using the cntrl because its too far away.

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I've seen that gamepad. It looks pretty cool. And your mouse is kind of what I'm looking for too. Unfortunately, the wife would never authorize another $60 or so on this game.


So, does the optical mouse work OK on twitchy games like this? And, do you have any problems with the wireless aspect? Is it RF or IR?

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Well, in SP I use kinda the defaults, but in MP this is my setup:


WASD = movement

Q = challenge

Shift = Saber stance

Caps Lock = Next weapon

Tab = Previous

C = Crouch

Mouse 1 = Primary attack

Mouse 2 = Jump

Mouse 3 = Alternate attack

Mousewheel (down) = Next Force power

Mousewheel (up) = Previous Force power

F = Use Force


That's about it. I don't have hotkeys for my force powers because it's easier to scroll down with the mouse wheel instead of remembering which force goes where and sending my fingers all over the keyboard.

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Gamecommander is very useful for this game (as opposed to most FPS which are more....simple)


You do sound a little strange saying "push...absorb....repeater....push...heal...." etc. The neighbours think I'm speaking in tongues :D

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i use a standard wasd control config, leftmouse fire, wheelclicker use forcepower, rightmouse altfire, wheel go's thrugh forces. i use x for jump c for crouch and q for saber stace. i will try moving the dual key to e for a change. k seems to get me killed a lot:D

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So far I've been testing out all different combinations and the best seems to be this....


w= forward

s= backwards

a= strafe left

d= strafe right

q= saber stance


shift =crouch

space bar= jump

ctr = walk

c= force

z/x= cycle weapons


left mouse click = attack

right mouse = strafe lock

middle mouse = alt attack

mouse scroll = cycle force powers



The mouse combination is deadly with saber use. You can move in circles freely to block from all angles but when your ready to strike back, hold down the right mouse button and use the mouse to swing allowing you to conscentrate straight ahead performing exact attacks. It takes a few tries to get used to but it's definately the best once you learn it.

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I use a movement scheme that I haven't seen mentioned here (and seems pretty rare overall), but I like it a lot:



F - move forward

A - move backward

S - straff left

D - straff right


It takes a little while to get used to, but is very comfortable and very fast once you get used to it. You keep all 4 fingers of your left hand on the "home keys". It is very easy to change from moving forward to moving backward or staffing, and very easy to use the 4 keys right above or right below those home keys. The popular WASD method requires more finger movement to get what you want on the left hand.


Keys above:

Q - force push

W - change weapons forward

E - use

R - force grip


Keys below:

Z - force drain

X - force lighting

C - crouch

V - use current force



G - force speed (F is forward and G is force speed forward)

Spacebar - jump



button1 - primary weapon

button2 - secondary weapon

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actually i think that beeing left handed is an advantage in fps's


here's my setup:


arrows (below delete, end etc.) movement forward, backwards, and srtafe left and right.


end - crouch


ctrl - alt fire


shift - walk


mouse1 - primary


mouse 2 - jump


mouse3 - saber on/off (i use this allot in MP games)


numpad_ins - force push


numpad_end - challenge/accept duels


delete - force grip


page down - force lightning


insert - force speed


home - force pull


page up - key binded to taunt


heh.. if you look at your keyboard you'll se that i have all my keys arranged nice and orderly within the move of a finger.. personally i think that using w,a,s,d,z etc. must be very confusing??

or maybe it's just me..

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Originally posted by RedHerring

I am, and always will be a WASD person. I tried ESDF once and didn't like it - I always use T and Y for global and team chat and that would have to go if I were to use the ESDF. I will use the scroll for neutral force powers, and if that's not possible, then weapons. I'd use E for activate, R for next force power and F for Activate Force power.


I will bind the Fx keys for force powers that you don't need to aim (i.e. Heal, absorb, mind trick, dark rage) and taunts and inventory items.


C is crouch, Space is Jump, and shift is change stance.


I don't like using the cntrl because its too far away.


If you use WASD, you can use ESDF. The only reason I could see that you'd need to move your relative position for your chat bind on T to Y would be if you have a split keyboard (like I do). Hell... move your messagemode key from T to BACKSPACE (only time I type on the keyboard is when my right hand comes off my mouse to get on the right side of the keyboard... so I make the hit on BACKSPACE when that happens).


As for the Function keys, you won't even need to use them for powers if you move to ESDF because you have another row of keys to reach for "quick access" stuff. Also, Ctrl becomes useable since you aren't right on top of it. I use Ctrl for selecting the Saber (shows you how fast I can get to it).


You might want to give it a shot. Here's what I have in my binds.cfg (you can download the whole thing here

Essobie's JK2 Config Version 1.01



// Screen

// ======

bind TAB "datapad"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind l "saberAttackCycle"

bind m "datapad"

bind p "cg_thirdperson !"

bind backspace "messagemode"

bind \ "messagemode2"



// Movement

// ========

bind e "+forward"

bind d "+back"

bind s "+moveleft"

bind f "+moveright"

bind a "+movedown"

bind r "+use"

bind SPACE "+speed"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE3 "+altattack"

bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"



// Weapons

// =======

bind CTRL "weapon 1; vstr groupcycleallreset" // Stun/Lightsaber SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind 2 "weapon 13; vstr groupcycleallreset" // Thrown SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind 3 "weapon 8; vstr groupcycleallreset" // Flechette SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind 4 "vstr group2cycle; vstr groupcycle2reset" // small projectiles SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind 5 "vstr group3cycle; vstr groupcycle3reset" // rapid fire SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind x "weapon 4; vstr groupcycleallreset" // Disruptor SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind b "vstr group1cycle; vstr groupcycle1reset" // large projectiles SEE SCRIPTS.CFG



// Force Powers

// ============

bind shift "+force_grip"

bind alt "+force_lightning"

bind i "vstr cycleactionforce1" // SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind o "vstr cycleactionforce2" // SEE SCRIPTS.CFG

bind v "force_absorb"

bind c "force_distract"

bind tab "force_forcepowerother"

bind w "force_heal"

bind capslock "force_healother"

bind g "force_protect"

bind mwheeldown "force_pull"

bind z "force_rage"

bind t "force_seeing"

bind q "force_speed"

bind mwheelup "force_throw"



// Inventory

// =========

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ENTER "+button2"

bind KP_ENTER "use_bacta"

bind KP_RIGHTARROW "use_lightamp_goggles"

bind KP_INS "use_sentry"

bind KP_PGDN "use_seeker"

bind KP_LEFTARROW "zoom"



// Function Keys

// =============

bind F1 "+scores"

bind F2 "toggle r_fastsky; r_fastsky"

bind F3 "toggle cg_drawTimer; cg_drawTimer"

bind F9 "toggle cg_drawFPS; cg_drawFPS"

bind F11 "exec mod.cfg" // Executes mod.cfg in current game directory

bind F12 "exec autoexec.cfg"


// EOF

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I use something similar to the Max Payne setup, modifyed to accomidate force powers, etc of course.


arrow keys-forward/back/sidestep

mouse move-look around

mouse button 1-fire

button 2-alt attack

scroll wheel-select force power

press scroll wheel-use force power


keypad 0/1-select weapons

keypad 2-lightsaber

[ and ]-select inventory item

space bar-use inventory item

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