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Mara Jade skin is ready to go!


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I recently finished up my Mara Jade skin (based on the one from MotS) and hopefully, it will be added to Jedi-Outcast's filebase soon. The model used was Jan and the textures are edited versions of Jan's. Here are some screenies:




Special thanks goes out to Crosbie for helping me make her a bot. Thanks again man!


Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated!

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Hmm...interesting. I guess I haven't read enough Star Wars novels lately, because I didn't know that. Ok, I'll forget MotS. Don't know why they messed it up, either *looks over at LucasArts.* Like I said, a new version will be made available as soon as I get some better reference pics



I actually have that book, but I've never finished it. I actually found a hand-drawn sketch on the official site as well that I think I will base some textures off of. And the pic on the SW CCG card of her is a pretty good shot, too.


The only other thing that I'm waiting for is for someone to figure out how to take the hip chaps and vest away from the Jan model w/o creating a huge hole there :) Maybe if the people over at Raven would release the SDK...

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I think we can safely say that there is no "official" likeness of her (like say Luke Skywalker who most agree looks like Mark Hamill from the 1980's.). The book cover doesn't show her face very well, but we know she has light skin, red hair, and human female proportions. I think she looked fine in MotS, but do whatever you want. ; )



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Took a quick peak and found the jedif model..it's actually the jan model with surfaces removed. Look at the npcs.cfg file, and search for 'JediF' and you'll see something like this a few lines down:


surfoff "torso_vest hips_chaps...."




I'm assuming you could do the same with the other models as well, like getting rid of Kyle's shoulderpad (prolly what they did for the different stormtroopers).


For those who have the model viewer (the one that came with a SoF pack), you can expand the model tree on the left and find the names of the surfaces.


I never knew about the jedif model until I read it here. Once I saw it, I pretty much knew what was done...I just had to confirm it. :)


Hope that helps.

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I think we can't trust the Offical Star Wars site for anything except JACK SH*T!


Whoever the people deciding these horribly bad-looking people are the "official" likenesses of these popular characters is completely out of it.


I mean COME ON! Read the books! read the comics! There is no OFFICIAL likeness for any of these characters. The authors of the respective mediums they appear in describe them in a way for each person to decide on their OWN how these characters look. I don't give one hot DAMN what the "official" star wars site says. Christ they turned Corran Horn (Keiran Halycon) in a balding fatass!




check out THAT! Maybe this COULD be COrran Horn, if he wasn't a freaking JEDI, or a a space fighter pilot, but instead a beer guzzling loser sitting on his fat butt watching the Television all day! I mean come ON!


Rely on your own imagination people, not what Lucasfilm tells you.

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