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My first full game experience


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Okay, so yesterday i was able to stop by the store and pick up a fresh, damping version of THE GAME.


Imagine the agony as i still had made an appointment to play a network-match-night of AOK that evening... After winning two out of 3 matches there (3v3 environment), i rushed home, installed the game and got to it..


First thing i did was configure it to my whim. And one of the very first things was checking out the better resolutions...

It made a world of difference. Forget the demo, people, and go get this game. You simply CANNOT compare those graphics to what you see on-screen here. Simple as that.

I set up a skirmish battle on forest ground with a full tech tree to really explore that one civ i have been slaving away with in the demo: The Empire.

As i was nearing the 40 minutes mark, i had boomed my economy, had most of the upgrades and units available to me and was exploring the additional technologies.

One thing i noticed was the insane amount of Nova crystals needed for the Jedi-upgrades. Over 5000 in all ! And keep in mind that market-trade uses Nova Crystals as well.


After fooling around a bit with new units, THE unit came out of the mech-factory. The AT-AT. It's movements are awesome, it's laser-sound is sooooo authentic to the movie and it mows down anything ground-based in it's path. There's no unit to compare it to in AOK. This is almost like an army castle on the move.


I upgraded my TIE's and saw the change from Interceptor to Advanced. Up till now i was under the impression that you could build them all at the same time: TIE Fighters, Interceptors and TIE Advanced. But they turn out to be upgraded versions from your regular fighter.

I didn't notice shuttle-craft yet. Remember them standing near Vader's troops in the demo ? They're not a controllable unit here.


One thing i noticed building walls was, as i was holding the SHIFT-key while dragging a wall to be built (i always do that), it slowed pace and scrolled all the way to the other side of the map, with no chance to let go. When i finally managed to press the cancel-button, i had a designated wall-building-line all the way across the map that i needed to delete tile by tile. An annoying little bug that was also present in AOK. Why wasn't that fixed ?


Anyway, I slaughtered the Rebel Comp. players and finally got to bed at about 2.00 AM. I'll be checking out the other civs and campaigns this weekend.

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