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How replayable do you think JO is?


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Considering that every 10mins I find myself wanting either to record a demo of what just happened, or take screenshots of incredible locations, I'm thinking that the game has high replayability...


Of course, the first couple of levels leading up to Yavin might prove a little more boring the second time. Inspite of what a lot of people seem to be saying, I quite enjoyed them. Making you use only the stormtrooper rifle and the blaster for that long, against THAT many stormies really immersed me in the world...


Also, it made me think that there was a hell of a lot more game to come as I had played it for 5 hrs and STILL hadn't got the saber. =)

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I've just finished my fifth straight run through the game (two of those with cheats etc, to be fair), and I'm still not tired of it :)


I felt the same way as you did about the first few levels, I really enjoyed them, they ARE the hardest levels of the game btw. Once you have the saber and forcepowers, the game grows progressively easier (as it realistically should, you ARE becoming a jedi Master after all).


The only thing that slacks me off about the single player game is level 5, which is freakishly impossible on Jedi Knight or Jedi Master difficulty, and really was never balanced for those diff. levels. Raven, if you could PLEASE patch this, me and a whole lot of other sp players would be very obliged :)


But yeah, it IS immensely replayable. After you've finished it on Knight and Master level, try playing it on Master again, but this time not using force speed. Now there's a challenge :)



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it becomes endlessly replayable once you start messing around with the npcs.cfg file


i was just running through the bespin level again only this time i rigged up a friendly version of desann with lando's speech settings to help me along



its funny when desann say's "nice shooting buddy"


im trying to figure out a way to turn all the enemies in bespin into bespin_cops and then stage a mock invasion with desann and some friendly reborn



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I personally didn't like the first couple of levels. To me they were quite boring, and I only started to replay it from after I got my saber.


Btw, is it just me or was Desann extremely easy to beat? He accidentally dropped his lightsaber and I turned on force speed and slashed him three times on strong stance, and down he went. He wasn't even moving! I didn't lose a single bit of health when attacking him!

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Well, I think the single player is great.... and with multiplayer.... I will be playing this game for a long time. I'd like to see some single player mods come out actually... new story lines and stuff.

Modders usually don't touch SP but ... Neil Manke's SP mod, "They Hunger" for Half-Life was totally sweet! I'd like to see someone do something excellent with JO.

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I seriously think that MODS were one of the most exciting prospects for me about JO...The lightsaber was the juiciest one, of course, but just seeing where the JK1 community has gone -what with recreating almost every conceivable part of the Star Wars Universe in SP and MP, you have to be drooling over future visions of JO...


Hope those JO developer tools and JORadiant or whatever will be used come out soon...


I dunno, Dancer, I thought Manke's ''They Hunger'' was brilliant for the first 20mins, but as SOON as the zombies actually turned up, it lost all its scare value...I mean, sure it was trying to emulate classic B-grade horror flicks, but the zombies just didn't work...Certainly not like the undead in System Shock 2...now THERE's one scary game...And of course the prize to the ultimate in scare-mongering has to go to Aliens vs Predator 2...My God...My nerves were shot to bits each time I played...


Anyway, back to the topic, I can't wait for things like a recreation of Duel of the Fates with a specially programmed Darth Maul, a cloud city rescue or some other cool SP mod...all in glorious Quake3A 3D and Raven's perfect SP lightsaber system...mmmmm!


Get to work modders! Hehehe

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There is a dramatic difference between a console game and a PC game.

While JO's storyline may be more linear than JK's was in some ways, the fact that your force powers can be used in combination with differing types of weapons changes the whole makeup of each level and encounter.

For example, I'm trying to play the game all the way through now on Jedi Master without using the lightsaber. (you have to use certain forcepowers otherwise you cannot complete the levels.)

This changes the whole game, and makes the reborn and shadow trooper fights nigh on impossible. You HAVE to switch to lightsaber for fights with foes with lightsabers.

Because of the way the enemy AI works it changes each time you play. Sure the enemies all start in the same place, but as long as you don't do the same thing every time they don't react the same way every time (heck, sometimes they don't react the same even if you DO move the same way you did the last time!), unlike in a console game.

I'm sorry but until the last year or so console games have been unable to even begin to approach the level of AI sophistication of PC games. Only with the introduction of games like Halo and the like, (which might I add is played on a console that is a b@stardized PC) have the consoles begun to reach the level of immersion that the PC gaming world affords.

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Although I don't see myself replaying the game all the way through, I do see myself reloading and replaying parts of it, which is unusual for a game (for me, anyway). Partly because some of the segments are just incredible (dual saber fights, large enemy groups), partly because there are too many parts that just seem empty and I don't want to go through them again.


I hope that some people take the time to make some more realistic SP levels. That will probably determine for me whether it gets "shelved" or not.

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For some reason, playing games through the second, third.....tenth time through get's better for me. Because my skill level increases and i can have more fun cutting enemies up with the saber.


I'm currently playing JK2 again. Will do so again, and again....and again!! HAHA!

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Originally posted by patchx

it becomes endlessly replayable once you start messing around with the npcs.cfg file




I've been doing that exact same thing ;)


Aside from playing god and overseening battles of a dozen RebornBosses versus 6 Jedi's and a Luke, I like replaying the game with random people helping along the way. It's exactly like CO-OP should be, except the friendly is controlled by the AI.

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I had some initial doubts about the replayability factor of this one. I realised at the beginning that it would be in sections kinda like JK1, so I took a proactive route. I saved the game at the beginning of each level in the game. I also have about 10 different instances of battles with dark jedi too, so I can load up any of this and just waltz straight back in and have some fun.


I most certainly will try it again on a harder difficulty, I think that has quite a challenge to it, and after reading through this thread I'm not so worried about the replayability value. I mean, godammit ladies and gentlemen, after we've seen Episode II at the cinema, what game can closely mirror the action that will be happening in that film? ;) The feeling of replayability will skyrocket after the film.


dazilla: Heh! The bit with Desann losing his saber happened to me too. He threw it at me, and it dropped to the lower area, whilst we were on the raised section. As there wasn't a clear line of sight, it didn't return to him. I never realised this straight away, and just launched at him once I learnt he was waiting for some reason. Was only after that I understood that I had had it easy. :rolleyes:


Darth Lunatic: Yeah, I can definitely see the appeal in this. Replaying it without the wide-eyed "wow" syndrome we all had. ;) But this time, more with the narrow-eyed, veteran feel. :D


Anyway.. I'm replaying it already on my laptop so I can take it into work and gloat about its brilliance among my buddies. Hehe.

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