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Missing Scenario Editor Unit: The Snowtrooper !


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I fiddled around with the Scenario Editor and came across a disturbing revelation:

There are no Snowtroopers !!!

They would make the Battle Of Hoth all the more enjoyable..


Also, remember the thread asking where you could select Echo Base Hangar ?

Shoot me if you want to, but i couldn't find it either.

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Here's how to get to the Hoth base stuff...


Select Units @ the top of the screen, in the Scenario Editor, then @ the bottom of the screen, select 'Gaia', then look @ all Units from the pull down list, then click on the 'Other' tab, and you should see Echo Base Hanger in the list. All the 'Other' units are listed alphabetically. To get to the Ion Cannon and Shield Generator, select the 'Buildings' tab. Hope this helps and makes sense, as I have been up for 20 hours and severely sleep deprived :)

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