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Guest Admiral Thrawn

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Yeah A. Thrawn you should say your sorry if you did take them from him. :( And/or give him credit for the graphics.

BTW AoErat where is your site? It's not in your sig.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You can say that again, it is indeed odd, but aren't the nohgri grey?

Yeah they are. I think it's some "artsy" rendition of the Noghri :)

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Guest ZeroXcape
Originally posted by darthfergie


It's a Noghri. Or Rruuck (thrawn's personal bodyguard[you must remeber that he is a Thrawn Fanatic] Very easy to see once you see Chimera and Thrawn plastered everywhere.



Rukh I believe, and yes... Noghri are quite gray :vsd:


P.S. - If anyone wants to make a Noghri smiley face, we'll add it to the forums!

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