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Official word on First Person Sabre in Multiplayer!


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Ok folks, this is the official word. I'm not too thrilled, so if anyone else out there thinks the option should be in a patch, let LucasArts know, just BE POLITE! You WILL get a response.


Thanks to Jason at LucasArts for the response!


"Thank you for your message.


I believe you are referring to 1st person view when wielding the lightsaber while playing Multiplayer. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Multiplayer mode. I wish I had better news for you, Brian. Sorry about that.


Jason / LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC"

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Believe me, I'm not knocking third person. But as much as you like playing in third person, there's a lot of us who are more comfortable with the first person sabre view. I personally thought the way it was in JK I was perfect, so it would be nice to have the option.

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before I had the game I knew I wanted a first person saber view. after playing awhile I find it fine, I think the wide defensive arc for blocking fire is what is the saving grace, in jk1 you really needed to be precise in blocking, here its more loose so 3rd person is fine for me now.

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I say you are nuts....if I am not mistaking you didnt do half of the saber motions in JK1 as you do in JK2...can you imagine how disorienting it would be doing those spin moves in first person, or dueling...OMG....I get dizzy just thinking about it..

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The camera doesn't have to spin around. Just like in Quake when you do a backflip, the camera doesn't flip with you. It can easily be done with the Quake III engine.


The problem I have is that it throws the perspective off. The whole idea of looking through the eyes of the player is my preferred way to play. When the camera pulls back, it's rather dizzying and disorienting, especially when having to readjust to the crosshair perspective. All they have to do is make a change in the code that puts the camera in front of the players face. Even if LucasArts doesn't do it, I'm sure there are plenty of people who can make it a mod.

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I can't understand why people who doesn't like 1st person POV has to blame the others! Respect people, respect!

I'm curretly playing single player totally in 1st person POV. I find it better and more fun but that's me (no, there's nothing wrong with me). You don't like it? Play in 3rd person POV and shut up! :mad:


I'm another one who costantly ask for a path to fix this problem. I and others want to play in 1st person POV in multiplayer too. Please Raven/LEC, fix it. What's the problem? Rotating camera during flips? Don't rotate it, just like in single player! You'd have to make many 3D models for the arms of every skin? Well, it's not necessary, use always Kyle arms from single player, just like the original JK did. I'm not in the project but think that it has not to be too much difficult to insert that option.


Official word is "not possible"? I think we should ask to Raven who actually made coding, not LEC. I believe he was saying only how currently works (we already know), not if it will be implemented. Please Raven, give us some news about it.

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Guest PissedJedi

For sabering 3rd person is better. No doubt about it.


Totally kills beauty of sabre duels if you use Fp Pov.


you would miss out on 100% of the cool animations... not to mention you would get your ass kicked while using FP POV.

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I'm just as amazed at the animations as everyone else, believe me, and I think it's great to be able to spectate and watch the killer sabre duels. I just truly find it much more comfortable the way it was in JK I. First person is just the way many of us prefer to play. I wouldn't even think about asking for this option in a patch if I didn't know it was possible to fix. However, this is the Quake III engine, and we all know it's based on first person, so I'm just hoping that LucasArts/Raven will make this an option in the next patch.


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Guest PissedJedi

misnomer. Q3 is not designed around FP POv.

Q3 engine allows for 360 degrees of freedom.


Meaning you can do anything ..


BUT the game has to be designed around it.


Light sabre is optimized for 3rd person pov.


nuff said.

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Get however technical you want, but we all know that the Q3 EASILY allows the first person ability. And you can take that "optomized" garbage and toss it. The camera allows for first person with every weapon except the sabre. The camera in single player allows you first person with EVERYTHING.


What you call optimized, I call YOUR way of playing. Congratulations if it's working out for you, but not EVERYONE likes third person, and since first person CAN be an option, it would be NICE to have it in the GAME.


"'Nuff said":cool:

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Actually, for those of us who where "gauntlet junkies" in Quake 3, 1st person is quite effective. The main reason I don't like the 3rd person view is distance always seems kind of difficult to gauge (what looks like a connected hit, actually missed). I always cranked my mouse sensitivity up to 45-50 in the console and would dominate people with just a simple melee weapon. For those "twitchy gamer" types 1st person is the only way. It really helps if you set your cg_fov to 100 (90 is default) also.

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i think it should definetly be an option too, although i never used first person at all simpily because they didn't put enough work into it, it doesn't have the right feel for first person.....if they did i'd probably use it all the time, and if they made the camera spin around when you do flips and everything.


All they have to do is attach the camera to the mesh's head even though it may be end up a little buggy, but at least it would be there and it would kick ass to look down and see a body and all..

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Not like anybody will care, I think FP POV in lightsaber mode, would be pretty fun, you'd get to see it upclose as if you were in there and it could be alot of fun. I'd use it for fun if there was an option for it.


I wasn't TOO impressed with the FP POV in SP mode. First of all, the arms shouldn't be faded away at the elbow when you were using force powers and swinging. It should show the whole arm.

I find that ugly in FP POV.


Just my 2 cents :p

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I think if there's enough support, LA/Raven will more than likely make it into a patch. For me, multiplayer was what made the first JK so awesome, and the option was there for both types of gamers (first/third POV). I have to say I was quite disappointed when I found out it wasn't an option in JK II. One of the coolest things in the SP game is the sabre fights. Just having that feeling that you are actually holding that kickin' thing and whoopin' up (especially sabre locks!) really makes the game.





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I went ahead and shot an e-mail off to Raven techies. Hopefully we get some good news! :D


(Update: I talked to a couple of guys who are going to try to make a mod that changes the camera angle. I'll keep everyone posted.)

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