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I have to ask this...


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(Yes I'm new! After lurking for a week I thought I'd sign up!).


This "Navros" guy I've read a few posts of... why is he here exactly?


He clearly doesn't like JKII... so why does he hang around a bunch of people who do. It simply doesn't make any sense.


Secondly, he whines and whines and whines about cirtain points, saying that they are the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, and that anyone with a pulse would not be able to refute them yet he doesn't realise that he's stating his personal opinion. And he makes mistakes, points that are refuted within the next post and he never relents.


Like the whole "scorecard in MP" thing. Saying that the tab key doesn't keep score (which it does). Even if you posted screenies of the score card he probably wouldn't believe you.


It's very strange.


I will say however that banning him outright is dumb. If we banned everyone that differed from our opinion there'd be no one here.



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He is a troll, plain and simple, the people on this board are giving him exactly what he wants........attention.



Just ignore him and he'll go away.



He isn't just offering opinions about the game, he is making completely false statements about it too (ie the game takes on average 4 hours to beat....etc) and when people prove him wrong, he doesn't even acknowledge them, why should we acknowledge someone who doesn't use logic, he is a troll, trolls deserve to be banned.

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

(ie the game takes on average 4 hours to beat....etc)


He said that?


Holly ****... I'm playing through for the second time, played six hours, skipped Bispin and I STILL haven't made it to Fyarr!


What's this guy on?



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People who do this stuff are not the most balanced individuals ... at best they are just immature.


There are many games I either don't like or genres I don't care for ... do you think I went around the Half-Life forums telling people that I never got hooked, despite multiple tries - or worse yet telling people the game is crap when they use it as a reference point? No - whether or not I got hooked is immaterial to the innovations the game brought to the table. Same for many others, and just about any genre other than FPS. I spend my time here, or places like planet SOF/RTCW/MOHAA - places I like, games I enjoyed. Each (add in Elite Force while we're at it) has flaws, and I have no problem talking about them. Indeed, good discourse - like we generally have here - is healthy and productive.


There are people like this everywhere, unfortunately - just seems he is more tenacious than most. When MoH:AA came out, there were people going to the RtCW forums talking about how MoH:AA was better in every regard, and the graphics so superior, and on and on, that buying RtCW was like flushing your money and proving your stupidity. Why bother doing that stuff? Who knows ... there were plenty of good discussions about what thoughtful, intelligent people liked and didn't like about each game. They are all opinions, after all ... and most people (like me) found some of each game they liked better.


I'll be getting the game tonight (birthday gift from wife and kids ;-) and will make my own assessment. I have difficulty believing I won't like it quite a bit. Look - if you liked Doom more than Dark Forces, Quake II more than JK, you will probably not stay enthralled with JK2 if the reviews are true. Oh well ... that's life. This isn't about winning - liking RtCW doesn't mean hating MoH:AA, the same is true for JKII.


He needs to get on with his life, realize he doesn't like the game (and probably himself), and find a game he *does* like and participate in a positive fashion in that community.



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"I can't name my savegames" post..(you clearly can)


or the


"does the music in jk2 ever become bearable"


and the all time classic


"Raven owes me money" where he claimed a "backup" copy of jk2 he did basicly brought his computer to a standstill because raven put malicious code into the disc.....ROFL




hey txa1265 it's my birthday too :)


happy birthday to us!!! treat yourself...and go buy the new Star Wars Ep2 figures..i just got 4 of them Obi-wan, R2D2, Jango Fett and Anakin


yaaa 24 and still buying toys...i rock lol

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