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What should be done about duelers who wont duel???


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You know the guys who duel each other the entire match and never take a single swing at each other and dick around the entire time??? I think the server should have the option of timed duels, basically if neither side injures the other side for more than say 15-20 seconds, then duel ends. What do you guys think?

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There will be people out there who do things completely in opposite of what's meant to happen (Running away and hiding in a duel, being a CT in CS that's meant to rescue hostages but just stays at your spawn point etc.) but I think it'd be fun to do it once, just to see the reaction.


"C00l_J3DI_400[roX0rs]" has challenged you to a duel.


You accept.


Then he runs away and you never see him again.


It'd be dumb, but fun for the first time atleast!



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Personally in a ffa, someone who looks like they're trying to get their reticle on me to ask me for a duel gets a whack in the face.


If they actually get the request off ill leave them alone, but I don't enjoy losing a ffa played to some absurdly low # of kills like 20-30 because i got caught up in a duel.


I play ffa to play multiple opponents at once, and the duel requests roll in when im like 10 kills ahead in the lead. Once in a while ill take em up on it, but usually I just ignore it and am as annoyed by getting the request as they prolly are when i kill them.


I like the feature for variety, but ffa is intense because yer fighting multiple opponents and I usually play to win. I try really hard not to take advantage of some shmoe who's beckoning me for a duel just cause he realized he had a k button.


I don't know if I have enough respect for someone who's repeatedly spamming me with duel requests cause im winning to care if he's annoyed when i give him a warning poke with my saber. Most of the time I just want to play a ffa game and keep my duels for duel servers. I still like the feature tho.



edit: lol, i meant to post this on the other duel thread. Must be getting late.



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Originally posted by Lucky

Personally in a ffa, someone who looks like they're trying to get their reticle on me to ask me for a duel gets a whack in the face.


If they actually get the request off ill leave them alone, but I don't enjoy losing a ffa played to some absurdly low # of kills like 20-30 because i got caught up in a duel.


I play ffa to play multiple opponents at once, and the duel requests roll in when im like 10 kills ahead in the lead. Once in a while ill take em up on it, but usually I just ignore it and am as annoyed by getting the request as they prolly are when i kill them.


I like the feature for variety, but ffa is intense because yer fighting multiple opponents and I usually play to win. I try really hard not to take advantage of some shmoe who's beckoning me for a duel just cause he realized he had a k button.


I don't know if I have enough respect for someone who's repeatedly spamming me with duel requests cause im winning to care if he's annoyed when i give him a warning poke with my saber. Most of the time I just want to play a ffa game and keep my duels for duel servers. I still like the feature tho.



edit: lol, i meant to post this on the other duel thread. Must be getting late.




I couldn't possibly agree any more.

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LOL, I play for fun, I just think winning is a lot of fun. Like I said, I'll take people up on a duel occasionally. More or less I like to take the least ammount of time dispatching a person possible, and thats the opposite idea behind a duel.


And I wouldn't have said what I said if I weren't actually getting annoyed with duel requests. If I join a server with kids who obviously haven't figured anything out yet and get 10-20 kills ahead I litterally get flooded with requests usally by 2-3 people named padawan. They'll follow me tryin to get close enough to hit k.


That happens even when im 2-3 kills ahead on a server with very talented folks who are tryin for the kill limit just as badly as I am. Asking me for a duel when I'm in the middle of 3 people I'm tryin to whack in the face, over and over, is silly. And usually its still the one dood on the server named padawan. I imagine other folks who try to consistently stay in the lead on whatever servers they frequent get the same requests.


There needs to be a 'not now ty, i have people to whack in the head' button to go along with the k button. In the meantime I just say no with a quick tap in the head with light stance, a light poke, or a force push if there's force involved. I try to be gentle, but the game is suprisingly fast paced and I don't have the time to take explaining my position like I am here in a ffa setting. Specially if the player limit is high and the kill limit is low.


I'd suggest askin someone who isn't fighting for their spot for a duel and you prolly won't get whacked.


LOL, again, i meant to post this on the other thread, I'm sorry if I inadvertantly got yers off topic madden =P




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Originally posted by FWB

Damn there are too many egos on the internet. When are people going to start playing simply for fun? :(


There are plenty of people who do ... like me. They play a type of game mode called 'SINGLE PLAYER' :D


... then there is the other school of thought (from sports) "I only play for fun ... but is only fun when I'm winning" !!!



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Guest PissedJedi

Asking does nothing. I have been beating the crap out of the majority of players.. on ffa games.


And when you get to 10-15 frag leads.


One duel will not hurt you.


So you're whining really about nothing.

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Originally posted by txa1265


There are plenty of people who do ... like me. They play a type of game mode called 'SINGLE PLAYER' :D


Good point. :) Don't get me wrong, you can find other social people on servers. They're the ones who say hello when they join, laugh when they screw up, compliment you on a good shot/hit and answer any questions put forward. However, such players are very rare. I recall maybe two people, while I've been online playing JK2, who have been like that. Most of the time I see comments such as "owned" or "I rule".


... then there is the other school of thought (from sports) "I only play for fun ... but is only fun when I'm winning" !!!




So very true. Obviously if you're dying every 30 seconds you are going to get bored. I've been pissed once playing so far, and that was on a CTF server where the teams were something around 3 v 9 and after about five requests by myself to have them evened, I found myself still being ignored. I was getting a little sick of spawning only to die straight away because six people from the opposite team were running around our flag.


Otherwise I just can't understand the mentality of some people. I really couldn't care less whether I end up at the top of the game rankings or not.

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I agree with Lucky, although not fully. I was on a server that I generaly led the pack, untill another player came on. He was gooooood, no question. He and I were neck to neck for a while then he got ahead and I caught up, still beat me by one point, but oh well. ANYWAY, through out the entire level I challanged other people more then they challanged me. Judge and I have at least 3 duels that I can remember. I think that dueling works really well when you're being tailed by just one person. It's fun to go one on one with the guy thats' about to beat you. A couple of players even used the duel as an inprompto training session. We changed maps and I got in a couple of duels right of, challanging and being challanged, and didn't care if I was behind. I just had fun haveing the mix of FFA and DUEL. It's great to charge into a room kill a bunch of guys and then find one guy left standing and take him on, one on one. NOW, if I'm in a winning mood: Lucky, with you all the way. There's my two bits.

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Back to the original topic of this post, I have to agree that something has to be done about the runners. The worst I've seen was this one guy, who on the carbonite map, would wait for his opponent to fall in the hole in the middle, and sit their and use drain so the he couldn't get out. He'd do that until he got completely healed and then start choking the guy (which was his fatal flaw when he faced me, since I'm a lightside player and turned on absorb as soon as he choked, thus getting my force refilled for free. :D )


Anyway, he'd use these run and drain methods the entire time, using the hole as a divider to keep his opponent away. The only way anyone ever beat him was when he'd make a mistake, which sometimes would take forever. Most the time, however, he'd when my waiting until is opponent got frustrated and blindly charge, at which point he'd pull out the one-hit death-from-above deal...


Of course, the ultimate redult of his actions was that he ended up on the server by himself fairly quickly.


As for Lucky's posts, all I have to say is that there's a time and a place for a private duel, and in the middle of a six-person massacre is not the time, nor the place. :D I only challenge when my opponent and I are relatively separated from the rest of the action, and not even then, if he acts overly aggresive. I only want to duel skilled saber fighters, not hack-and-slash click-monkeys. There's no challenge in that...

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Originally posted by Tree

How bout enabling voting for specs?


Voting for specs on Duel gametype only... not on other gametypes though.


As for chatting from specs to players, yeah... bad idea (RA2, 3). But chatting between Specs is available now, right?



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