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Another "infamous" thing about drain


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Well Everyone is aware that drain is maybe a little too much useful , so am i and that s why i use it while playing dark side


The thing i would like to point is that Drain also has a pretty weird effect

I figured it while playing Team FFA games when there is sometimes a lot of ennemies at same time.......when i drain a lot of ppl i experience a severe drop of framerate and run at like 10 FPS (Normally i run at approximatively 20 - 25 FPS on average ....more or less depending if in/outdoor)


Pretty strange considering lighning produce the same sort of visual effect and no side effect like this


So anyone experiencing this too ??

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I have had this happen on numerous occassions! Everything will be going smoothly and then drain pops out and there is a sound like rushing water and the FPS drops to almost nothing for about 5 seconds or more.

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Well in fact i don t care the reason of this


Bug or not , there is something causing a massive drop in the framerate with this power which is NOT normal and if someone from Raven read this i hope they will fix this, or change the effect if it can t be fixed


No one really cares about the kind of effect , just to notice that they are drained or they drain ennemies , and between an effect ( such minor as it is ) and rendering speed , i will allways go straight for Framerate

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I believe it's because when you hit someone with Drain, it adds a shader effect to their model, along with the fanned out red lightning. Basically it's just putting too much on the screen for most systems to hang with.



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before you start complaining to Raven about a bug, have you tried turning off shaders and messing with your details a bit? Personally I love the effect, but I can handle it. What does concern me thogh is how slow the game runs with bots. The bot AI does not seem particularily intelligent (less so than the enemy AI) and having 10 bots on makes my machine slow to a crawl. Perhaps I dont have enough ram... (256)

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