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Stuck in Cairn Reactor - can't fit thru hole!


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Me too need help bad, getting bold very bold, lotsa a hair on keyboard, nervous wreck.... help me please Oh God please help meeeeeeee..... :) hehe


Ok all that is well and good but after I walk through the hole and dissable the lasers in the halways at the hexagon room with the control panel on the center,


Where do I go frrom there and what do I do


help meeeeee.....




Thank you;

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Go back from the switch where you turned off the lasers to the Holes in the wall (mentioned above). A reborn drops out of a grate in the ceiling. Once youve dealt with him, go up there and follow the tunnels.




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  • 3 weeks later...

There's no Reborn on Padawan level. Just look at the ceiling near where you blew up the array things. You should see a pipe that is leaking steam. Jump onto it, and use the other pipes above you as steps. It's not until Jedi level that a Reborn shows up.

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That reborn surprised me the first time through ... and actually I had forgotten the second time as well! I really love those hallway battles ... but soon realized (start of level) the POWER of Force Speed level 3 ... zoom - slash - done ...

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