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I think I saw the first of the cheaters already


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Last night on Quake**** FFA server I saw two guys using a skin hack /me thinks. You could only see thier arms and when they holstered their sabers it was very hard to make out. I thought it was Mind Trick at first but other people were seeing it at the same time. Also they were using lightning like crazy so they could not have had mind trick too (am I right on this?) I asked them if they were cheating and the would not reply. I did not get any screenies cause I have not bound that key yet. But it did tick me off. Already skin hacking the game. Quake**** is a pure server too. I think there names were Darius and Larius..or something to that effect.

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That's pretty far from a cheat, it's a goofy feature. If you really feel it's that big of a deal you can write the admins and have them open up the server files and remove that file I believe, then it wouldn't allow it on the pure server.

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How is it cheap?


The only guess I have is that you think it makes them a smaller target?


That isn't the case, JK2 and, all games on the Q3A engine have defined bounding boxes (or areas where you can be hit) the Ugnaught and Desann models have the exact "To be hit" areas, same is true of the arm models, it has a leg and a head you can fire at. It's at best a gimmicky little something to play around with.

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Well no thats not a cheat. I was tempted to try it out, but decided not to. but i don't think it's cheap, well, no more cheap then standing in a corner an pushing people of the platforms :mad:.


On pur servers it is *almost* impossible to get cheats to work, but if they do it will be very limiting, like an aim bot. So called aim bots are actually crap, they oftern make you play worse then what u would without them. Honestly, in any Q3 engine games, u will rarely, if EVER come a cross a cheater. They will try, but they will fail. No Bot AI can out do a human in a fps game, yet.


In Short, don't even bother trying and don't accuse people of cheating as in most cases, the player simply better then you. :)

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Now I admit that I suck at this game but what would you say if all of a sudden some arms appear around a corner and start to lightning you...and you go walking around bespin and an arm suddenly grips you next to a wall. I still think it's a little cheap. Yes the bound box is there but when there is alot going on it is hard to pick out an arm in the middle of a fire fight.

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erk user-x the idea is not to post it where anyone can look at it, were trying to limit the lamers who use it


ive used it on occasion and told a couple of people (3) and its used for a specific purpose - to avoid getting ganked with your saber down when youre looking for duels. theres too many lamers who see someone with their saber retracted as a free kill rather than a non combatant - the glow makes your model completely visible when duelling but hard to see when not and so its perfect for hunting for duels


but again, posting it in public is going to make it spread to lamers FAST , yes it was in another thread but said thread has been moved and dropped off the bottom , theres no need to keep this info up near the top


i dont use it really, i prefer to use morgan katarns ghost looks much cooler, i only ever use arms when 12 of 14 players on the server are lamers and i just want some quiet duels


could you perhaps edit that line out of your post?

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Originally posted by Krak3n

Well no thats not a cheat. I was tempted to try it out, but decided not to. but i don't think it's cheap, well, no more cheap then standing in a corner an pushing people of the platforms :mad:.


On pur servers it is *almost* impossible to get cheats to work, but if they do it will be very limiting, like an aim bot. So called aim bots are actually crap, they oftern make you play worse then what u would without them. Honestly, in any Q3 engine games, u will rarely, if EVER come a cross a cheater. They will try, but they will fail. No Bot AI can out do a human in a fps game, yet.


In Short, don't even bother trying and don't accuse people of cheating as in most cases, the player simply better then you. :)


Actually...very far from the truth. The Quake engine is easily hacked and cheating is known to be very spread in Quake III and it recently came out that it is getting out of hand in Elite Force (another Quake III game). There are numerous aim-bots and radars for the Quake games. Fortunetly, it is very unlikely that any exist for JKII yet, not enough time yet. But they will come.


Some of the more advanced onces are apparently very hard to detect even when spectating the player with them. There have been several articles written that discuss the strengths and weaknesess of the various aim-bots and radars. I think the top one running is called 'pureF*ck'. It is easy to use on pure servers because it is actually a patch to the .exe file, not the .pk3 files. Pure servers never know that the player has it, and because of it's advanced design and capabilities it is very hard to detect. I think that is the one that you just have to hold a key to get perfect targeting, let the key go and you return to normal. Very hard to see that the player has it even if you are spectating them.


I have never tried them, but a guy in my clan has been evaluating different ones to see what they do and their capabilities. He recently posted his findings to the rest of us. We are basically trying to determine ways to spot the cheaters so that we can do league administration properly and detect when they are being used against us. But as with other reports from those good guys, trying these bad things...he feels it will be very hard to prove someone has it...they just work to well :(


Some of them are easier to spot though...like if you see a guy shooting at someone behind a wall...or firing at dead people...those are the crappy aim-bots...effective at killing, but not stealthy like the advanced ones.


I would re-qualify your statement...most times someone is beating you it is because they are better...not always.


- Vorax

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