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Enough already!


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Sure has been alot of "this is too powerful", "that should be taken out of the game", "here's what people should do (as far as dueling is concerned)" and an endless list of discussion as to who or what a "newbie" is.


Some people might disagree, or not even care, but the fact of the matter is, until someone else other than me is paying for a) my officially licensed video game software, b) my computer hardware and c) my monthly ISP bill, nobody has ANY right to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, jack**** in regards to how they should enjoy THEIR multiplayer experience.




It's a game people, it's meant to be fun and not taken so dang seriously. If you're on a server and things don't compliment your definition of how things should be, move on to another server. YOU do have that option. It's not called *FFAEWSASSIOTDOTOTS, (unless they're the admin, then, yeah, they can boot you OR the guests on the server as a whole can vote off (whomever)).


Don't like it?


Too bad; what on Earth could you possibly do about it? Nothing. So, let's just all concentrate on having FUN instead of getting our collective underwear in a bundle and play one of the best online games to come out in a long time (fercryinoutloudjeez...)


*Free For All Except What So And So Says Is Okay To Do On This Or That Server


Yours Truly,


Binky (aka, the guy you all seem to be fragging to oblivion)

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no one told you to play by their rules, only suggested people to play as such


the funny thing is, everyone who plays this game is a newb ...


i get yelled at all the time for using the Lama grip ...please, gimme a break



if you dont like what the people say, just dont read what they have to say ... but you are right, you shouldnt be told how to play

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If no one complained about imbalances in games, they would never get fixed. Drain is the only Force power with a real imbalance as far as I'm concerned, and it's the only thing I complain about in terms of balance.

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...didn't mean to sound impolite; was going for "stern" at most.


It's just been eating at me the last few days how one camp says,"My way!" and the other replies, "No, my way!"...


There's alot of fun out there to be had with this game, peeps just need to go and find it



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Well said. I think people spend to much time bickering over something that is so trivial as a computer game anyway. If half the people spent time playing the game instead of bickering they might get somewhere... then again maybe not.

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