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6 Lukes vs. 2 Desanns.


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I spawned four RebornFencers to fight on my own, and I won. But during the battle, I trew my saber at a group of three of them and it totally blenderized all three! They fell to the ground in peices! They didn't even block it!:eek:

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Luke even gets his ass kicked by Tavion. As far as I can tell, she can go through about 1.5 Lukes before she bites it every single time. My fave so far was when she sliced that little frog-faced turd clean in half. So funny watching both pieces of him twitching on the floor :) Luke sucks, but is that anything we DIDN'T already know?

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Just because I can't stand the fact that Desann kicks your ass in level 5, I had to uberjedi myself, give myself a lightsaber, and waste his ass in level 5 too.


Unfortunately, even with forcepowers all maxed, and a lightsaber, in level 5 Desann rocks you no matter what. I did manage to get a few good chops in, but in the end he still defeats you with laughable ease.



So I wonder, when you spawn Desann via that console command, if you don't actually spawn the Desann AI of level 5, instead of the level 24 Desann (to put it crudely).


It's just guesswork, but it would seem to figure.


Btw, Luke's not all THAT bad a jedi, spawn two of them and kill one, then fight the other one. He can hand out some serious whupass ;)


I wish there was a way to let Tavion fight Desann, that would be pretty cool to watch, as I think Tavion would beat Desann, but have no way to prove it..



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Many people have been doing this for days. Not something Incredibly new. Not something to get all angry about. And not something at all impressive. Just because it's not harped on the forums doesn't mean folks have not been doing this.


No crap. How about you go back (use your finger if you like) and reread what I said, yeah?


Shakes his head. Give me a break, what a....


For the guy who said the reborns attacked before you were done:


What I did was spawn how many Lukes or friendly peeps I wanted. DO NOT MOVE WHEN YOU ARE DOING THIS. It will look like only one luke was spawned, but really, they are there. THEN spawn the Reborn, stilll not moving. It will look like only one Luke is standing in front you, still.


But move, and they will split up into all the people you spawned! This helped for me.

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Guest PissedJedi

Yes your brilliant post Somehow keeps turning up like a bad penny.


" This d00d took out his own father, yo! This is one phat J3dI PlaYaH."


Yeah this is definitely a post to be proud of.

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i just watched 20 granboxers beat him to death ...hehe cool



also for a laugh spawn 20 bespin cops and see what tavion does to them


i tried it with desann but hes too slow unless he uses lightning in which case they all drop nearly instantly



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Yes your brilliant post Somehow keeps turning up like a bad penny.


" This d00d took out his own father, yo! This is one phat J3dI PlaYaH."


Yeah this is definitely a post to be proud of.


Mmm, kind of like your brain, yeah?


Try again.

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So far as I've seen, the toughest Lightside NPC Jedi is the Jedi Trainer. He always seems to outlast Skywalker in battles in a big way.











My best guess as to the reason that the Luke NPC isn't very tough is because of the level where the two of you take on a bunch of Reborn together (about 4 of 'em from memory). Obviously they didn't want you sitting on your lazy butt while Luke did all the work, so they made him weak enough that the Reborn could take Skywalker out (and make you fail the mission) if you didn't get stuck straight into the battle.

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luke lasts longer against tavion than the jedi trainer

(luke killed 4 consecutive tavions - trainer killed 1)


lukes fighting stance is stronger but hes not as clever (less moves) so hes good at one on one but when you put him up against more than one guy he seems to leave himself open

(throws his saber at 1 guy while 20 others shoot at him)


plus the jedi trainer has twice as much health


if i could figure out how to manipulate the playerteam and enemyteam values in the npcs.cfg i could make 'em sort it out between themselves...lol.


whenever i try to change the playerteam values around on the jedi they lose their saber and have ST rifles instead, for some strange reason.



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Guest PissedJedi

YO,I don't make posts where I sound like an illiterate yahoo.

DUDE. Cause when you talk like that DUDE.. You don't sound smart.. DUDE. YO you get my drift?

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Guest PissedJedi

Yes he did post cheats.. yes it is fun. Yes he sound like a fool when he did. With all the Yo's and the Dudes.. and the wannabe ghetto speak.


If he talked more like an intelligent person I would have not mocked him.


Sorry It's annoying having to decipher GAngsta Jedi talk.

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Luke is so unpredictable. I've had times where 10 of him couldnt beat one Desann and other times that 1 of him beat Desann and Tavion. I just did it again and 2 Lukes kicked Desann's ass. Desann is kind of unpredictable too. I've had times where 30 jedi couldnt beat him and others where 3 could.


So its really just the luck of the draw.

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