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Mission 3 Trade Fed Help

Guest selbi

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I'm stuck on mission 3 TRade Fed - I am supposed to take a Naboo village and build a base - when I take the village I am attacked instantly and they whoop me!


Any Ideas?

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First of all I am in that mission right now. The thing you want to do is bring all the destroyer droid up the the West side of the base entrance and just protect that side with destroyer droids only and you will be fine but routinely just on it because of them pull up ahead and starts firing on the Royal Naboo Navy. Now for the North side and the yellow base up there. Start building a fortess right front of the base and just defense and make your workers build a heavy mech factory and start cranking out plummels and you will win. Do this at every single yellow base. You are guarrattee to win. I am on my last base right now. For some reason the naboo taders keeps giving me nova. hmmmm wonder if it is to keep me from attacking....

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Guest DinoDoc

I'm playing the mission where you have to recover a missing droid control program and wipe out a Naboo base. I can recover the program without any difficulty but seem to have problems in attacking the base. Do you people have any tips?

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defend you blaster cannon well with Destroyer Droids and use it to wipe out the turrets at the entrance. There's an airbase to the left that is practically unguarded; you might want to deal with that first. Then, ferry your pummels over to the bottom entrance of the base and go straight for the troop / mech centers. You will lose some units, but if you knock out his unit-production, you're fine with what you got.

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Guest crd_polaris

Yes, they will attack you from the west and sometimes from the east. The most effective defense is to have your heavy mechs and most of your units on the west gate. Now and then you will need your four destroyers to wipe out the rare, annoying siege units that will sneak up from the east and attack your turrents and gate.


You can protect your base by building a shield generator on the west and then on the east gates. With a few turrents and anti air turrents you will be safe. With the shields you don't have to worry about repairing your buildings and turrents because the enemy wont launch heavy assalts big enough to drop your shields. Your units will also have moderate protection under the protection of your shields. Air is rather pathetic. One shielded air turrent can decimate an entire fleet of up to 10-15 air units and not even fully drop down the shield hit points. Two or three will easily protect your base.

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Guest anonymousdude

The key to that mission is to build up your resources and base, until all your enemes stop attacking you, then when attacks are rare, create lots of pummels and use air transports to drop them in and around fortresses. Key targets should be power cores, shield gens, air turrets and the fortresses themselves. Every time u clear an area, send in a large group of droidekas to finish it off.


I just did mission 4, and i got to the gates of theed palace, destroyed the gate and the game crashed, aahhhhhhhhhhhh, ill have to do it all over again ( or use some cheats ;) )

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The third TF mission is hard. I was getting very annoyed last night that I couldn't spend one second away from the northern part and western part of my base being attacked to deal with my economy. Then those retarded Naboo air keep picking off my workers... I don't have an economy so I can't produce enough anti-air and it was frustrating.


Then the force told me to type simonsays and I couldn't resist. Man, simon the ewok is powerful. I will play the level again but I needed to end on a good note before ending SWGB for the night.


Thanks Simon the Ewok, you made me smile.

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba

MAN O MAN I know what u guys mean, I JUST beat the game like 1 hour ago :p first, I saved both my Assault mechs throughout the entire game! I got an o.k. econ and IMMEDIATELY started trading with my allly to the east. I built a mech fact., hvy weapons fact. and a fortress right away. I started racking up droidekas and mechs right away. THen i attacked the opponent at the right entrance to my base. I used assault mechs and the troops in my assault mechs + mechs to destroy that area. I thgen just proceeded from there. Of course this was on easy so it may differ for each higher difficulty level. so hopefully that helps ya!

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