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Nothing I hate more...

Sith Kaliber

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Yaah, if i was hosting a game for me and my brother and some bots and i saw you join and you were using the arms model, we'd kick you out.


My reasoning is this: If you have to use programs outside of jedi knight 2, to physically open up a file and make available a model that isn't normally available from the normal multiplayer selection screen, you are cheating, regardless of whether or not you think so. On my server, its my copy of JK2 that i paid money for. Therefore, i can do what i want. Following the same logic, you can make the arms model available for selection because that is what you want. But if you do what you want on my server, and its not what i want, well, you will have to find another server.




So do i care that you think i'm a moron? no. The only thing i care about is that you are trying to ruin what is otherwise an enjoyable past time for me.

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no his ingame name is bl4de


and wtf, are u so small minded that u flame me too when i tell u ways to get around the model?


geez, real happy forum here. use force see god dammit, thats all u need, its the exact same as mind trick. and when he turns his saber no, hes visible anyways, just invision a body :p

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Awwww... poor Sith Kaliber.


"I have a model that was included in the game, but not intended for use in multiplayer, that makes me harder to see. Why is it cheating? People can just go out of their way and BE FORCED TO USE FORCE SIGHT to see me better, while I can free up Force points for something else. But it's not cheating."


You like a challenge, so you make yourself nearly invisible. Real challenging. Let's say there was a model that WAS invisible. I'm sure you'd use the same argument. "But I'm visible! ...when my saber is out."




Go back to Counterstrike.

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I see this as cheating basically. Yes, it's in the game. Yes, it's not an actual "hack" per se (like a wallhack or something), but it's cheating nonetheless and frankly, I don't blame any servers for kicking you.


Here's a few observations for ya:


1.) If it ain't in the GUI, and it gives you an advantage, it's cheating. This includes your little game hack with the two arm model, cvar manipulation, etc. If you don't know what cvar manipulation is, don't ask. I'm not getting into it. Essentially it lets you remove shadows from the game and make things so bright that you can see the enemy miles and miles away.


2.) Why do you feel the need to use this model? Are you really so lacking in skill that you can't just play at the same level as the rest of us? Do you need that much of an advantage that you have to essentially use a workaround that hacks the game and can't be blocked? Frankly, I think you deserve to be kicked for tactics like that. That's like playing with a model that's nothing but eyes and a sabre, or just a sabre floating in midair. Sure they can still hit you, but they can't see you. And therefore you have an unfair advantage over them.


3.) It ain't your server pal. If the admin doesn't like it, you get kicked. Plain and simple. Playing on a server is a PRIVILEGE. These people extend their own computers to you and ALLOW you to play on them against other people. Therefore, they have the right to make whatever rules they want. If you don't like it, find another server or use a model that's available in the GUI.


Honestly, people. I wonder how some folks can justify crap like this to themselves...

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It's like the spiked models in CS but the oppsite.


Spiked - Replaces other players' models, made easy to spot far away or around corners, can't hit the spiked parts though they're visible. - lame? lame


Arms - Replaces own model, hard to spot from a distance, can hit the invisible parts. - lame? lame



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This is my first post to the forums, so hi :)


I have to say that I personally consider it a cheat. Going by what you say (If its in the game, its fair to use) then you have obviously never played Half-Life or any of its mods online.


When it originally came out, it was obviously quite different from the game it is today, i.e. it has been patched numerous times. The main reasons for these patches were that people were exploiting things in the game which COULD be used by players as they were there, but were being used to give these players an unfair advantage, such as a variables (Lambert, don't worry, it has been disabled) which made players glow, or made things extra bright. There has also been debate about bunnyhopping recently with TFC players. Bunnyhopping basically allowed players to move a very fast speeds by performing the technique, with the effect of unbalancing the game by pretty-much evening the class speeds. That feature was in the game, and used by many, but it does not change the fact that it was a cheat.


If you can tell me that techniques such as those used in Half-Life were legitimate and, therefore, so is your "special model", then you are obviously not quite ready to play any games with other people. Online means that you arent playing just with bots, but it means you are playing with others, and any actions you take affect not just you, but the other 10 or so on the server.

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Originally posted by Prox Kolari



That is the worst argument so far. Why on earth should someone be forced to use see to be able to observe him? It being like "having mind trick on, except all the time and it doesn't use force up" is definately cheating. What is the point on even having mind trick as a force if people are going to do this.


The guy was cheating, plain and simple. I wouldn't complain, but for someone to admit to it is incredible. Being on the receiving end of such players is awful. It ruins your gaming experience and there's nothing you can do. I say ban these guys from servers FULL STOP.

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

FWB your obviously oblivious to sarcasm.


Errr... well then I apologise, but sarcasm isn't the easiest tone to bring across in messages online. Perhaps a "rolling eyes" smilie would have helped it along.


I also thought you were some 12 year kid from the way you used block capitals.

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Technically, it's not a cheat but an exploit. Slight difference.


And yeah, don't complain. Guess why it doesn't show up on the character screen? Because it was never intended for use as player model. The reasons are obvious. Some people... :rolleyes:

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Sith is your ingame name steel? Becuase IU saw someone with an arms model named steel and that was pretty cheap.

....I have no clue as to why you would think that's me mang:rolleyes: :eek: -Anyway, my game(s) handle has always been S!TH!NAT0R and always will be.;):)

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Do I think it's cheating? To some degree.


But what it is, my friend, is extremely LAME!


It shows you need an extreme advantage when playing against people, which I can only deduct is from a lack of skill.


Really, where's the challenge when you're fighting against someone who can barely see you? It's not like it's a life or death situation where you absolutely need every friggin advantage, it's a game, which is meant to be fun. However, when you use an unfair advantage against your opponents, the game becomes less fun, and that just isn't cool.


So suck it up, go out and get your ass handed to you for a few weeks, build some skill, and then go wrestle with the big boys, and then can you call yourself a Jedi (or Sith, whatever).

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Easy solution when someone uses such a thing:


Bring down the console and type:


/cg_forcemodels 1




Now everyone looks like you. It actually helps system performance on servers where there's 10 + people with different model/skins.


It also automatically switches opposing teams to the opposite color of the same model. I've been using this since Quake 3: Arena because not only do I like the performance boost, but I hated that in Q3A a lot of models were either smaller than the bounding box, or BIGGER than the bounding box. Not to mention Paul Steed liked to put full roundhouse kicks in the jump animations of the female models for no apparent reason.


But I digress... use the above option. You can even make it easy to switch between on and off if you like seeing most everyone's model. Type in:


/bind x "toggle cg_forcemodels; cg_forcemodels"


Where X is the key you want it bound to. Whenever you hit it, it will change a 0 to a 1, or a 1 to a zero, and then echo the current setting for whatever you have it set to. Very useful stuff.



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The way i see it, it's the host's prerogative to kick who he/she wants. Personally, i would kick this guy simply because it would be preventing other people from having as good a time as they could.


Do i think it's cheating? No, not technically. But i think coming on the forums and complaining about being kicked is indicative of a smallness of character that really has no place in a public setting - where all people are trying to do is have a good time.


My personal opinion of it is that it's pretty cheap, regardless of whether people can hit the model or not. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I don't know. I just think this guy's going into the whole MP thing with the wrong attitude.

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my two cents(or maybe more):

you say that everyone should just use force seeing...or not. thats a lot of force points to waste on one person that uses a model that does close to what mind trick does.

ive played with someone using that model and it wasnt too big of a deal to me because he had his sabre drawn, however i do think its cheap. i can deal with it so if you want to use it go for it and i wouldnt even boot you as an admin. however, you do have an advantage even if a slight one and that should be considered everytime you think you did something cool or you came in first or whatever.

as for the guys who said he was an old schooler from cs...i know exactly what your talking about. this isnt even close to cheating if you use that as a comparison. but this is a new, great game i certainly hope it doesnt get ruined by those cheating fools. my point is we shouldnt tolerate any kind of cheating because maybe jo will some day become cs...


i think i contradicted myself a few times so: in conclusion its not cheating however using it gives you an advantage. we can deal with something as small as this but this may lead to steadily worse things like a completely invisible model etc...(yes i know its in the game but people may think that if they can get away with that they can get away with other things.)

sorry for the length.

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I've cycled through all the skins in the menu and an arms skin is not there...if you have to manipulate it through the console I wouldn't call it "part of the game" since its not the spirit of the game. if the fact that manipulating the game setting beyond standard is not considered cheating, then I could enable cheats on a server or no_clip and that wouldn't be considered cheating either...since its also part of the game code.

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