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The End, Maybe its just my opinion but,

Dirakan Monah

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I just finished JKII. Yea, I know, im a little slow. Anyways, i think its a great game, but its just lacking in one place: THE END. I say this not because it was a bad ending, just that its not the normal way that a game ends. I was expecting Dessan's Hand to come floating up after Kyle jumps away. There is no part of the story line that was left hanging, so that there could be an expansion pack or something. While Raven most likey doesn't have the time to make an expansion pack, the whole thought of the villian "Getting Away" is a thrill. With the way it ended, I was like " Yes! another level! Dessan can't be dead!" Boy was I wrong. So if any of the people down at Raven read this, its just a thought.



"The Jedi who chews his food slower, has less of a chance of choking."


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Um, you don't need the original villan for an expansion pack. You could make a MotS type thing or something...not sure. I think a cool expansion would be one where you get to fight all the original 7 Dark Jedi over again, only in JK2 :D

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I have never been satisfied with any games ending... JK2 is no exception. However I did notice some things open to leave for a expansion... Kyle lets Tavion escape, so she could refine her dark jedi ways and come back as a formidable opponent later on. Of course she may have learned the error of her ways when she pissed on herself at Bespin, who knows.

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Tavion? That might work... But even so, she was an aprentince. That doesn't really bode well for expansions. What is she going to do? She had no plans, she just obeyed. And also about the MOTS expansion... It was good, but something unrelated like that couldn't keep the storyline together. I mean, I bought MOTS pretty much so I could play multiplayer with it, not for the single play expansion.

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Ill bet the crystal in my lightsaber that any expansion pack that comes out will not star every ones favorite salt and pepper jedi. I could see some seriously cool episodes involving Tavion "turning to the light" and going up against the sith.

I think that the real problem is that theres not much left in starwars to work with, which is why Lucas is making prequels (not to mention that he already has all the plot from 20 years ago). Dessan, ya, he sucked, but how much better could you get i na universe where most of the sith have been defeated and the empire is a crumbled bastion of morons with imperial blasters (the last part pretty bad on its own).


I REALLY liked the Dessan fight to tell you the truth. It was original and I enjoyed how there were multiple ways to beat him. However I feel that the ending WAS anti-climactic. For a sith who has soaked in the valley of the jedi, and in that god mode beam in the last level it seems a little absurd that he could be crushed by a falling rock.


I have never been satisfied with any games ending...


Only ending Ive ever been truely satisfied with is Marathon infinity where after finally completing your task, skipping back and forth through time, the universe ends.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by Emon

Remember when Kyle says, "Look, I'm saying I'm ready to join the academy yet..."


Give you any ideas?


He said he wasn't ready to join. I think you just forgot to add "not".

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If there is an expansion I'd really like to see better saber fights like in JK1. The duels against the Reborn were far too easy.

Also it'd be nice if the villian in the expansion pack didnt look like an overgrown Barney the dinosaur; he had a cool voice but i thought he looked kind of stupid...

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I think Desann was to easy to beat. I used heavy stance and Force speed and that was that. As for the falling rock, there is a column in that area that can collapse. I guess he got Desann under it and knocked it down.

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Originally posted by Sunshine

If there is an expansion I'd really like to see better saber fights like in JK1. The duels against the Reborn were far too easy.

Also it'd be nice if the villian in the expansion pack didnt look like an overgrown Barney the dinosaur; he had a cool voice but i thought he looked kind of stupid...


Originally posted by HBK

I think Desann was to easy to beat. I used heavy stance and Force speed and that was that. As for the falling rock, there is a column in that area that can collapse. I guess he got Desann under it and knocked it down.


Well if you people found the lightsaber duels too easy, why don't you play on the Jedi Master setting, and if you already are playing on the hardest difficulty, then don't use force speed. I played on Jedi Master and I found much of the game to be too easy with the lightsaber + force speed combo, so I stopped using force speed altogether! Try fighting Desann like that (no force speed and no falling debris). There's always a way to make the game more challenging if you want it.

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Every game I play...I go in with the mindset that the ending is gonna suck. i'm never dissapointed...as game designers do very little with endings. :)

Normally I DESPISE that...but...in Jedi Knight II it's different....it was more fun trying to GET to the ending than the quality of the ending. I was sad it was over.

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GetCool, for the record I didn't find all the duels easy, just Desann for some reason. Tavion kicked my a$$ for a looong time, the 3 shadowtroopers in the swamp were hard for me, etc...


On a side note for everybody, did Desann use 2 force powers on you at once? He gripped me AND shot me with lightning. Took me by surprise to say the least. Bug?





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Heh, I just happened to be fighting with Desann around one of those pillars when I noticed I could chip bits of rock off of it. A few minutes and many reloads later, I discovered that they could be destroyed.


During my final battle with Desann I didn't fight him directly at all; I simply caused the column to collapse and bring the rock down on the Sith dinosaur. Thud. :D


Though I didn't know that there was more than one way to kill him. What are the other ways? I assumed he was invulnerable to conventional saber/force attacks.

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Ya think that's easy?


Fight him without Force Speed like the guy said. I've tried it, Desann killed me so many times cus of that. And he's mad cheap. I must have fought him for over a hour before I landed a good kill on him.

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If there is an expansion I'd really like to see better saber fights like in JK1.


are you nutz?? JK1's saber fights were pathetic

a couple swings with the alt attack and the battle ended!

JK2 was far better

if it was really that dull for you.

either you've been playing on the easy setting, or you haven't even gotten to far into the game.


as for Apparition

heres a tip

theres a button called "Edit" someplace within you posts, learn what its for!


and Dasann can be killed by falling rock. so depending upon the strategy you used. yes, he was killed by falling rock, or maybe you managed to saber him to death with a few force powers at your side.


as for Tavion and an expansion.

personally i'd like to see Mara Jade return for a second round. and have her finish off Tavion.

since Tavion's master is dead, she is the Dark Jedi now, and a loose one with knowledge of the Valley at that!


in any case. with a Jedi Academy in the works. theres gonna be dark jedi about, and for alls we know there may be a new sith lord gathering remnant troops and more, prepping to overtake the new republic. i mean, it'd work for another few games or episodes, a little redundant, but it would work.

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Tavion starring in an expansion would rock!


she wouldnt even have to join the lightside she could be like a free agent

sorta like mara jade was before she met Luke in the Zahn trilogy.


maybe even a bounty hunter


then she could use the DS without any credibility issues



have i been playing JK2 too long or is she the sexiest chick that ever lived?



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What I'd LOVE to see in an expansion (although it probably will never happen) is a lightsaber duel where you have to fight a guy with either two lightsabers (like that guy in JK1), or a double-ended lightsaber (like Darth Maul). With the new JK2 lightsaber system that would be JUST AWESOME, although it will probably never happen, as tons of new animations, etc. would have to be created and implemented. Can you imagine fighting alongside Luke Skywalker against a Sith lord with a double-ended lightsaber, who dynamically blocks and parries both of your attacks? :D

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Hmmm, ya know what p!sses me off!?

-In the JK][ trailor movie, a scene shows a dark figure draw a red saber ontop the orange Bespin platform then you hear Vaders voice saying "I sense you Jedi" and it ends. Whereas, nowhere in the game you come across Vader! -Thats misleading advertising if ya ask me. Now,now...I know the timeframe JK][ takes place after ROTJ but did'nt know that before JK][ came out. I assumed that JK][ took place between ESB and ROTJ.Still, a BS tease like that is just BS in my opinion.....just my .02 S!THsense:rolleyes:


~~~~~~~~~~~~~YEAH BABY!~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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