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Saber Lock varieties?


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I've been playing a lot online recently, mainly saber duels, or ffa sabers.... and ive been in a lot of saber lock situations.


From what I've noticed, there's only the one type of lock normally... the front on face to face sabers up lock.


But i've also been playing with the double sabers a lot, and have had a few locks with them. I don't know whether this is actually what happened or not, but it looked like it to me.


Anyway, I've been getting locks with the second blade...



for example, I'll be dueling someone else and we both have the double bladed saber. We'll approach and attack, and it seems like our lower blades have locked. This has also happened with my lower blade and his upper blade.


Not sure if it was the second blade or not, but it was quite different from the normal lock. Anyone else had this happen? Any of you friendly raven guys wanna help? :)


I'll try and get some screenshots...

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I don't think it was, since you'll notice the second blade causes no damage and doesn't collide with anything.


Sometimes a saber lock happens low on the saber, sometimes so low that it's like at the hilt, and at that angle it would look like your lower blades have locked.



I've been in all sorts of saber locks in SP, at all different angles, they are really awesome!

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For the double bladed saber, which is really cheesy because it just tacks another blade onto your saber, do the following:


1. Startup the MP program.


2. Type in: devmap mapname.bsp in the console, where mapname is the name of the map. E.G.: devmap duel_carbon.bsp


3. Pull out your saber, then turn it off. Type in /THEDESTROYER in the console. Your screen should sake, and a message should say "THE DESTROYER COMETH" and your saber should turn on with two blades.

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firstly, if u get in a saber lock and win the opponent is open for a force move or swing of your saber (it usually knocks them back or completely over). secondly, it was stated on the main page that the second beam does do damage, but not to yourself as they didnt change the moves to work for the duel saber, they just added a beam, so to make it work they had to make it be able to pass through the user but do no damage, but it does do damage to other people

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Originally posted by Emon

It could be, but I know it leaves no scorch marks on walls.


It definately causes damage. I waded into a three bot furball (one on my team, two on theirs) with the light stance on, did a few spins, and both bad guys fell down dead.


It's a deadly (albeit graphically inprecise) weapon.



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