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Desann Exploit in SP?


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I have finished the game and in the end noted one thing: Desann was far too easy and believe it isn't right. I was expecting this massive saber battle as my co-workers had been talking about who had already finished the game.


When I reached the point where you look down to Desann from up high, I weighed my options. What to do? What to do? He wasn't moving, he was just taunting me. I made my decision.


I went with Force Speed, Fast Stance, one large jump and landing near Desann I entered a crouch. I moved towards him in the crouch and when I felt close enough (still Force Speed active), I went with the Forward Lunge as my opener.


Manual states: "A relatively weak attack with little chance of hitting..."


One hit one kill. I killed Desann in a whole matter of 2 seconds with this Forward Lunge. I only wanted the surprise opening move. I did not expect his death. He did not even make a block. All I saw in Force Speed slowness was me go through him, an arm falling, and he crashing to the floor.


I am going back to fight him again (from previous save), but just wanted to voice my dissatisfaction with this, I'd guess you'd call, AI exploit. It made the ending so very awful and far too quick.


:atat: :atat: :atat:

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Did you have it on maximum difficulty?? Of course there is a way of killing him in a couple of seconds by getting one of those pillars to fall on him :)


Anyway, it must be a one off bug. When I first fought him on Jedi difficulty it took ages and was one huge awsome force/lightsaber battle.

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I have been playing on the Jedi setting (normal difficulty). Like I said before, the guys I work with all spoke of the same saber/force battles. I was quite primed having been thoroughly briefed for the battle, but when it finished with one Forward Lunge... making Desann easier to kill than his own Dark Jedi minions, it simply blew me away.


Perhaps Raven could re-investigate their Desann AI and make sure the character is ready for anything, as he is supposed to be the BIG BOSS of the entire game.


Still haven't gotten back to the game to try him again...


:atat: :atat: :atat:

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i felt Desann was too easy on Jedi Difficulty

Tavion was very difficult compared to Desann and she is only an Apprentice, wierd?... in the first patch could there be a way for them to fix this to reverse Tavion & Desann, so Desann is diffucullter than Tav?

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Tavion was very difficult compared to Desann and she is only an Apprentice


Exactly! She frickin took a good 20 minutes. I had to think my attacks out. I had to reload several times and cuss and swear and kick my cat.


Desann was one swipe, one kill (that one time). Second time I tried him reloading from the saved game, I jumped down to him and commenced to attack without Force Speed. This started a longish battle which I lost.


But then I thought, "Wait... my tactic was sound originally. Why alter my attack tactic because I do not want to kill him immediately?" That makes me think somebody has to re-tool Desann's AI when a consumer/player is even thinking that. Yes, make him similar to Tavion. She was a pain.


:atat: :atat: :atat:

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Well, I just finished the game in the early hours of this morning (around 4:30 a.m.), and I was really physically tired...so Desann just owned me every time I tried to tackle him. I had some long, and some short battles with him, until I finally remembered to use Force Speed. I think using Force Speed is one of the key tactics in defeating Desann - in fact, I have not yet defeated him without using it. I've killed him three times now...once by using Force Speed with the Fast Stance - and I just kept laying into him (had to use Force Speed 2-3 times as I recall before he went down). Then I dropped a pillar on his head (using Force Speed to keep my distance while taking chunks out of the pillar). :) And I've just now tackled him again...using Heavy stance, I waited until we got into a saberlock, won the lock, engaged Force Speed immediately, and sliced him right down the middle. Very satisfying. :)


I think, at the end of the day, you really do have a choice of how to defeat this end boss depending on which skills you want to employ. I didn't try the forward lunge...maybe I would have killed him just as quickly as you. Perhaps they should have ensured that Desann was moving around straight away, rather than simply standing waiting. Other than that, however, I think the AI for Desann is very good. He grips, pulls, pushes, saber throws and chucks lightning at you like there's no tomorrow, and in a drawn out saberfight, you would be lucky to win.


I think it's just that you actually figured out the best tactic to defeat him the first time around...whereas it took others (like me) several attempts to figure out the best tactics.


That's not to say I don't know how you feel about it. When I first played Quake II, for example, and came up against the end boss on Hard difficulty, I was thinking to myself...now how am I going to tackle this Uber boss? I'm going to get my butt handed to me here...so I whipped out the old Hyperblaster, made sure it was fully charged, turned on Quad damage and let rip - in an attempt to soften him up. End result...the boss didn't even have a chance to move, and he was confetti in about 20 seconds flat. I too experienced a big let-down. I was like...I went through the whole game for that? Too easy, I cried. Then I tried it without Quad damage...and it was a whole different ball game. So I'd basically hit on the ultimate solution to defeat the end boss first time, and it spoilt my enjoyment of that game - along with some other issues that I won't debate here. So I can certainly empathise with you...but I think you can also pat yourself on the back for hitting on the best tactic right away.


Now...to get back that deep sense of satisfaction at defeating the end boss...you will have to do as you suggested, and abstain from using that tactic. When you limit yourself, and then enter battle once more...and then win, you know you've done a fantastic job. I won't be truly satisfied until I can last 10 rounds in a saber battle with Desann without using Force Speed.

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It would have been good if you met him several times and just before he died he would do something like what he did to Luke at Carin assembly or something he would then run off then you would persue him, meet him-fight him-Desann runs off- this happens several times then you meet him in that final room.

By the way what does that beam thing in the middle do?



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Yea, I activated the beam thing thinking it was somehow the way to defeat him... maybe it can be, I just haven't seen it yet. Anyway, heh, Desann killed himself for me, at least I think he did... it looked like he picked up a rock and threw it and hit one of the pillars, causing it to fall and crush him... dissatisfied with that, I reloaded my save, lured him over, and crushed him with the pillar myself. All too easy... :)



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Haven't tried the forward lunge or the pillar yet. I think I defeat him the way Raven intended. Hit the two switches up top and jump into the beam. You're invulnerable for a few seconds so you can go force speed and cut him down. Pretty easy that way. First time I tackled him I was worked. You get too close and he push/pulls you to the floor and cuts you up inbetween moments of being choked or electrocuted that is.

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It took me quite a long time 2 beat Dessan, could just be i'm crap. He just kept pushing me and then loping the lightsabre at me as i was getting :( . I ended up crushing him with one of the pillars. I even used the beam in the middle which makes u invinsible 4 about 10 secs but by the time u get close enough it's alrdy gone. Tavion though was a bit harder (i only beat her when she managed 2 lose her lightsabre :D). I was doing this on Jedi difficulty.



P.S. I read in the PC Gamer UK magazine that we would be surprised by Dessan's appearence. Was any1? :confused:

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I had to fight him 4 or 5 times on the lowest difficulty, although once I got the hang of it he was still a little easy to kill using force speed+strong sabre style. Actually I discovered fast style to be almost worthless when I fought him.


Still expect him to be harder now I'm playing at higher difficulty.


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Were you using the g_saberRealisticCombat cheat when you did this? If so, bear in mind that that's exactly what the cheat is supposed to do. A lucky shot will bring down anybody. This happened to me the first time I fought Tavion--I got a lucky shot and legged her. After reloading, it took me the better part of an hour to beat her.


Of course, the flip side is that this can happen to you, too. The first time I went after Desann (at full armor and health), he took my head of with one flick of his sabre.

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My only problem with Dessan was that his force powers were so strong that you HAD to do a one hit kill type thing. If he pushes or pulls you, you fly no matter what, if he chokes you you cant push him off. Similarly with most of the AI they can defend while casting force lightning and such, which is pretty cheap.

Other than that though the saber battles were amazing. ESPECIALLY Tavion (though I wish that she did fewer one hit kills).

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I played with Jedi Master diff.

IMO Desann is not too dangerous with lightsabre but his "unlimited" force powers makes battle difficult. I couldn't beat him without force speed and levels specal feature.


So, maybe I just suck but I think diff is alright. :rolleyes:

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