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New SP Level Released


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My bad.. just fixed the music version link... (haven't had my coffee yet this morning) enjoy.


We have loads of new mods and goodies we'll be posting today.. just hang tight and we'll start getting through these submissions that have come in over the past couple days.

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aw man, i really should put more time into the SP side of the game, im stuck on the streets map at the moment tho, ive spotted a garbage thing but i cant get to it (i flicked the switch near the driod), everytime i jump for it i miss the second ledge. i jump onto the one pointing out at an angle, but from there i cant get to the one pointing straight out, altho i was abit pissed when i tried so ill have a proper go later

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OMG! That level is superb!


I got onto the bit after you defeat the two acrobats then I jumped into the window and got sucked out!


I downloaded the no music version and was very, very pleasantly suprised to have 'smack my b!tch up' as the music while i saber'ed away. Fantastic stuff!

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just made it through with only 004 health, that was INTENSE...had only 1 chance to defeat Desann and prayed my red sabre mode would do the trick...and it DID :D:cool: GREAT MAP, now if you can make Duel of the Fates map for MP... :cool:

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That was AWESOME!!!. Five suggestions for the future

1) Do more maps like that!!! LOL Seriously immense fun! Especially as no nancy guns were involved.

2) Kill speed force skill cos it's cheap in single player mode and give back level 3 saber throw (it can be used to manouever it behind them which can work well). Will have to tone down the difficulty if you do this though as speeed is a hell of an advantage.

3) Respawns out of site (behind a door so they rush in and close and lock it after they come through). Kind of odd them appearing out of nowhere.

4) Use a greater variety of models.

5) is do more maps like that :) I know thats technically suggestion 1 but I felt it worth repeating.


Thanks very much for giving me the experience of hacking 3 (count 'em 3!!!) reborn in one swing! :)

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I've been playing this map, as well, and found it a lot of fun (and quite a challenge!)... I definitely recommend it for those who have finished the game (otherwise it may ruin 2 of the boss battles for you) and really liked the saber combat. This level will definitely hone your saber combat skills!

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brilliant , brilliant fun! i sat and played this for ages and i still am


the fact that the window can be broken and people be sucked out in to the vaccum of space is great !! (even though the entire room would ordinarily be depressurised but meh, its more fun!)


i bound keys to spawn lukes, rebornbosses , stormies and rebel troops too had a blast!


incidently if you dont move while spawning multiple guys one will appear and the next will appear when the first moves or dies , spawned about 50 stormies and stuck my saber out , popped up one by one and died lol , even more fun when i started spawning lukes and the like up just inside the vaccum zone , i held down the key and they went flying out the window in a big chain , sabers dropping everywhere lol


spawned so many troopers at one point i was experiencing slowdown from the number of guns carpeting the floor


rebel troopers cant beat stormies in equal numbers


50 rebel troopers cant kill one desann


if you hold down a spawn key for awhile , even if they are getting sucked out into space you get slowdown, then flicker, then the game crashes because its out of ghoul2 slots :)


i was kinda hoping the walkway would crash down if i destroyed all the hanging supports but it stayed there :( oh well


good guys turn on you if you kill one of them or severely injure them (g_saberrealisticcombat 1 is on) i killed one of two lukes , the other one began to attack me and i spawned a new luke who was loyal to me , when the evil luke hit me the new luke attacked him lol! 2 lukes going at it , then i spawned mon mothma who started shooting at the evil one and got herself killed hehehehe



brilliant map! brilliant!

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