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UnOffical Player Rules


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Originally posted by Mr_Sharky

Who said bowing was about being a jedi? :eyeraise:


It's about showing repsect and setting the scene... sure this is a game and I play it to have fun but I consider duelling fun and think the bowing makes duels more *Epic*...


I'm the one running around with his saber off, I don't care about kills I only care about finding a decent opponent and have a long and hard fought duel. Also I really don't like ANY of the duelling maps whereas bespin and the temple maps are perfect for duelling that is why I play on FFA servers.


So feel free to kill me (or try to) if you see me running about, I really don't care I just get on with what I enjoy... duelling. :lsduel:


I agree...there are a few of us out there that feel this way. As I said in another post:


It's not wether you win or lose, it's how you swing your saber.


The biggest problem this game faces is not enough saber only servers. I've played just about every FPS out there most in multiplayer and if you ask me the weapons in JK2 suck. The ONLY reason I even play this game online is to play with a saber...if I wanted to use guns I'd play a much better FPS where the guns are actually good.


Hopefully sooner than later the gun wielders will grow bored of JK2 and all we'll be left with are those players that think fighting well in a saber battle is more important that winning it.

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The handful of cheap rationalizations in this post are rather disgusting.


Yes its a game. But you can't respect other people playing with you?


Yes its a game. But that keeps you from having enough personal integrity in your own abilities to not cheapshot people to get another frag next to your name on the scoreboard?


Yes its a game, and your new to it, but instead of learning HOW to kill people well, you'd rather just continue taking every frag you can get...no matter how you get it?


Yes its a game, but its also a game which allows multiplayer interaction on a scale and level of Jedi play which nearly inspires roleplay. And while you l33t qU4k3r d00ds might think that "RP iz TEH GAY!!!! NE1 taht iz TEH RP iz TEH FAGORT!!!1111", some people get into alternate egos extensively and the Star Wars fan base is very large. Roleplay will be common in this game. If you can't hack it. Fine.


Respect your opponents.


Learn from those that defeat you, teach those you defeat.


Have personal integrity. An honor code that you alone answer to and hold yourself to. Who the hell cares if you don't "OwNZ0rs" the server because you restricted yourself to playing skillfully, versus mindlessly spamming Flechette alt fire all over the place?


I'll take my 12 - 15 quality kills over someones 20 lucky spam kills any day. Doesn't matter if I'm at the top of the list, the people I meet face to face know who was really kicking ass.


Honor, Respect, Integrity. The gaming community could do with a good dose of these things. Of course, those are some rather large orders to ask for from 13 year olds.

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Originally posted by Joruus

The handful of cheap rationalizations in this post are rather disgusting.


Yes its a game. But you can't respect other people playing with you?


Yes its a game. But that keeps you from having enough personal integrity in your own abilities to not cheapshot people to get another frag next to your name on the scoreboard?


Yes its a game, and your new to it, but instead of learning HOW to kill people well, you'd rather just continue taking every frag you can get...no matter how you get it?


Yes its a game, but its also a game which allows multiplayer interaction on a scale and level of Jedi play which nearly inspires roleplay. And while you l33t qU4k3r d00ds might think that "RP iz TEH GAY!!!! NE1 taht iz TEH RP iz TEH FAGORT!!!1111", some people get into alternate egos extensively and the Star Wars fan base is very large. Roleplay will be common in this game. If you can't hack it. Fine.


Respect your opponents.


Learn from those that defeat you, teach those you defeat.


Have personal integrity. An honor code that you alone answer to and hold yourself to. Who the hell cares if you don't "OwNZ0rs" the server because you restricted yourself to playing skillfully, versus mindlessly spamming Flechette alt fire all over the place?


I'll take my 12 - 15 quality kills over someones 20 lucky spam kills any day. Doesn't matter if I'm at the top of the list, the people I meet face to face know who was really kicking ass.


Honor, Respect, Integrity. The gaming community could do with a good dose of these things. Of course, those are some rather large orders to ask for from 13 year olds.


well said

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Guest PissedJedi

that's nice that you have an honor code. WEll you're honorcode may not reflect my honor code. And My honor code might not be the same as someone else's and so one and so forth.


Trying to badger people into conforming you style of play is wrong.


And taking the jedi game to the level of seriousness you are taking it is quite scary.


Do you practice the force at home? do you walk around listening to voices of your ghostly master. CAuse if you do.. You sir have some serious issues.


This is a game. Many people here are adult's who play games to relieve stress from a long day at work.


We don't give a crap about honor all the time. Sometimes we just want to have fun.


Take a chill pill and enjoy the game.

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So now quite a few people on this thread that doesn't like it when they get killed waiting for their turn to duel on a FFA server is actually saying that "they don't care about their score."


If you don't care about your score, then start to NOT care about getting killed while you stand next to a wall without your saber drawn.


That's like me getting pissed when I have the console down and I'm trying to set a bind to another key or something. I DON'T get pissed. Know why? Because whoever killed me is playing, and I'm not. I have no right to tell people to "ignore me" because I'm obviously not in the game. And further, it takes all of 5 seconds to respawn and go back to whatever I was doing when I got killed.


Why do you people find dying so frustrating that you have to come up with some sort of code of behaviour? Just die and respawn. Criminy.



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Originally posted by PissedJedi

that's nice that you have an honor code. WEll you're honorcode may not reflect my honor code. And My honor code might not be the same as someone else's and so one and so forth.


Trying to badger people into conforming you style of play is wrong.


And taking the jedi game to the level of seriousness you are taking it is quite scary.


Do you practice the force at home? do you walk around listening to voices of your ghostly master. CAuse if you do.. You sir have some serious issues.


This is a game. Many people here are adult's who play games to relieve stress from a long day at work.


We don't give a crap about honor all the time. Sometimes we just want to have fun.


Take a chill pill and enjoy the game.


Yes its a game. But why approach anything you do in life with any less of yourself than you do anything else?


Yes your honor code might be different than mine. Yes you play for fun. Does your difference in ideals and style of fun give you the right to ruin everyone elses in pursuit of your own?


Its a basic case of self centeredness. Do you bother holding the door for someone with an armload of groceries these days? Well if you do....then how is it such a burden to transfer a little human respect and integrity into your gaming?


I remember way back....when Quake first hit the internet....people that lamed out servers on purpose we're shunned by other players, there was even a Hall of Shame section on the original Planet Quake site that used to publicize game lamers names and IPs (they got into a bit of legal trouble on that one) so server admins could just ban them out right.


Somewhere about Half Life era, the games became less about enjoying the game with others, and more about enjoying yourself. Lame behavior was tolerated, and eventually became seen as "cool". It was "cool" to join games in progress and spawn camp, it was "cool" to join a CTF game and grab the flag and never capture it. It was "cool" to use cheats and hacks. And why? Because its just a game, its not real life. I'm just playing to have fun. Screw everyone else and their definition of fun...mines the only one that matters.


I don't apply honor, integrity and respect to my gaming because I'm some jerky Star Wars freak that has the Jedi Mantra memorized and a larger than life mural of Mara Jade painted on my wall. I apply these things out of common courtesy to the players I am playing the game with.


Thats what honor, integrity and respect is. Common courtesy. Or at least where I grew up it is.

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Originally posted by Essobie

So now quite a few people on this thread that doesn't like it when they get killed waiting for their turn to duel on a FFA server is actually saying that "they don't care about their score."


If you don't care about your score, then start to NOT care about getting killed while you stand next to a wall without your saber drawn.


That's like me getting pissed when I have the console down and I'm trying to set a bind to another key or something. I DON'T get pissed. Know why? Because whoever killed me is playing, and I'm not. I have no right to tell people to "ignore me" because I'm obviously not in the game. And further, it takes all of 5 seconds to respawn and go back to whatever I was doing when I got killed.


Why do you people find dying so frustrating that you have to come up with some sort of code of behaviour? Just die and respawn. Criminy.




Ess, its not a case of being mad about dying. I'm unconcerned with dying on the whole.


The concern for me is just plain courtesy. Having a bit of pride in your abilities and not stooping to frag vulturing people standing around that might be otherwise engaged.


If your the RA2 Essobie that I knew, you'd be familiar with the old standing in the corner facing the wall routine.


For me, its a basic case of have the balls to face me man to man to earn your frag count. Only people with no confidence in their abilities have to vulture frags.


And its also not a case of my thoughts on the matter changing anything. People are always going to do it and I just live with it. But respect is short in the gaming world. So if I can spark just a bit of thought or discussion on the matter, I try to.


The people that kill me while I'm in the console I just shrug off. The ones that run up to me, and notice I don't react and head off for more challenging game are the ones I remember, and develop respect for.

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I think bowing is used as a signal for the match to start :p


erm i think that the voice that says BEGIN is the signal for the match to start, bowing is just taking things too far , waste of time imho


but if you attack me with my saber off i will hunt you like an animal across the server!

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how about you think of it this way...if someone wants to bow to you, let them bloody well bow...and if you want say thankyou that they respect you...who cares the only thing that everyone should be aware of...not as a "rule" but as courtesy...if someone is standing aside in a corner with there saber off its safe to say they are busy doing something, and theres no reason you should be in the corner there hiding in anyway...c'mon people its a game, rules dont matter

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I think if the person's saber is down and they are not attacking, don't hurt them.


On the other hand, there's occasionally one bastard with his saber down that uses nothing but Force powers, so when you attack him he says, "WTF you *** hole I had my saber down!!" It's like, WTF is wrong with you?

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

...c'mon people its a game, rules dont matter


Football is also a game.


But if you kick the opposing teams quarterback in the knee before the play starts, you'll be penalized, and probably fined at that.


Now thats a bit extreme in metaphor, but I think you get the idea.


The fact that its "not real" doesn't make disrespect any more acceptable.


Another game analogy.


Say we're in a bar playing a game of pool. And I put down my pool cue and head to the bathroom (beer, goes right through ya don't ya know), in the mean time, since I'm not there, you decide to win the easy way by dropping a few of your balls while I'm gone. Who cares...its a game, we're just having fun. But if there was money involved, I'd probably dislocate your jaw with a beer bottle when I got back.


And thats the basic crux of the problem of respect and gaming. There are no consequences for your behavior. You can call people fags or whatever you want because they can't grab you by the ears and headbutt you until you crap your pants and lose conciousness.


I don't think there should HAVE to be a set of rules. People should regulate themselves. Unfortunatly, some people just can't. Fun and grief play are the same thing to them.

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These are my Unofficial Player Rules.


They apply to just one player: me.


* I will bow before every saber duel.


* I will bow after every saber duel, provided I win.


* I will take the time to type out "ns" if my opponent hit or killed me with a nice shot in FFA play.


* I will take the time to type out "gf" if my opponent fought well in FFA or Dueling.


* I will take the time to type out "thx" if my opponent acknowledges a nice shot or good fight on my part.


* I will answer questions asked by newcomers to the game.


* I will help newcomers to the game to improve their skills as much as I am able, because I believe a higher average level of skill will improve the game for all players.


* I will not condone cheating, or tolerate cheating on servers I administrate.


* I will report clear and present cheating to server admins at every opportunity.


* I will respect the wishes of the players on any server I administrate.


* If face with an individual with a deactivated saber / no visible weapon deployed, I will not fire unless fired upon, but rather seek out another, more "offensive" opponent.


* I will not engage obviously lagged / occupied players (e.g. facing a corner).


* I will show respect for my fellow players regardless of skill level.


* I will not alllow players to goad me into abandoning the aforementioned rules, regardless of how infantile or inflammatory they may be acting.


* I will not ask anyone else to follow the aforementioned rules; it is enough that I follow them myself.

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Originally posted by Joruus

If your the RA2 Essobie that I knew, you'd be familiar with the old standing in the corner facing the wall routine.


For me, its a basic case of have the balls to face me man to man to earn your frag count. Only people with no confidence in their abilities have to vulture frags.



In RA2 there was no reason for anyone on the server to have their face against the wall to show they "didn't want to get killed." You were either dead or you were playing in a round.


And frankly, I don't think that I've changed my stance on player imposed rules on a public server.


Take a look through my RA2IO website on strategy and you'll see some striking examples of my suggestions for some player imposed rules specifically for RA2... From an article about giving lagged out players a chance, here are some quotes:


On what you do against a target the other team during a team RA2 round when they lag out:


'If you are playing Pickup or Teams, kill the poor bastard. Fact is, if his/her buddies are still in the game, they might keep you occupied while you let this person live... and then when you least expect it, they are back in the game shooting you in the butt with rockets. They have the bad connection problems, they pay the price.'


On what to do if someone lags out while playing 1v1 RA2 and there's a long line:


'If there is a line, and you think that the line might want to play sooner rather than later, kill the lagged person. They got a chance to come back in time, but people are waiting. There comes a time that being rude to one person that is lagged becomes a better choice than being rude to an entire group of people that want to play... NOW.'



Both of these points favor the masses in the game... not the few... and that's why I have a problem with all these proposed rules that are cropping up for duel engagements on FFA public servers. You are basically forcing a larger group of gamers to "be careful" of 1 or 2 people instead of just wildly playing their game how they want.


This isn't about any "vulture frags" either... it's about me not being able to run Force Speed Rank 3 into a room with a repeater and clearing the place out just because there happens to be 3 people waiting on 2 others to finish a Duel Engagement.


What if there's a freeking FFA weapon where they are fighting? In ffa_bespin, a lot of the duelers like to fight on the cool looking platform where the Rocket Launcher is. People standing there can KISS MY ARSE if they think I'm going to avoid the area... and I'm not going to think twice about shooting at people that may pick up the rocket launcher before me... even on accident.



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Originally posted by Joruus


Football is also a game.


But if you kick the opposing teams quarterback in the knee before the play starts, you'll be penalized, and probably fined at that.


Now thats a bit extreme in metaphor, but I think you get the idea.


The fact that its "not real" doesn't make disrespect any more acceptable.


Another game analogy.


Say we're in a bar playing a game of pool. And I put down my pool cue and head to the bathroom (beer, goes right through ya don't ya know), in the mean time, since I'm not there, you decide to win the easy way by dropping a few of your balls while I'm gone. Who cares...its a game, we're just having fun. But if there was money involved, I'd probably dislocate your jaw with a beer bottle when I got back.


And thats the basic crux of the problem of respect and gaming. There are no consequences for your behavior. You can call people fags or whatever you want because they can't grab you by the ears and headbutt you until you crap your pants and lose conciousness.


I don't think there should HAVE to be a set of rules. People should regulate themselves. Unfortunatly, some people just can't. Fun and grief play are the same thing to them.


I don't like either of these analogies... here's why:


The football thing where one team kicks the other team's quarterback in the knee before the play starts, well the only way you could do something like this in JK2 1v1 is if somehow you were able to cheat and start playing before the narrator voice says "Begin". And when I say "cheat" I mean cheating like it would be to go across the line of scrimage before the play starts and injure the QB. Doesn't work in JK2.


The Pool thing would only work if the pool table was in the middle of a FOOTBALL FIELD where everyone else is playing FOOTBALL and you and your buddy are the only two people playing POOL. If your buddy leaves the feild to take a piss, you and the balls on that table are probably not going even be distinguishable when he gets back because the football game going on around you will rip you to shreads.


Granted I had a lot of fun with these neo-analogies, but my point hopefully still rings through: any rules imposed on a game that are above and beyond the already established rules that are dictated by normal gameplay (I.E. normal FFA) will ONLY work if they inharently work for the majority of players on the server... not a select few.



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