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Is it possible to rework the Dueling system?


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I was playing now alot this part of the game and on big servers its really a paint to wait for your turn! This could be easy fixed and done like in Heretic2 Duels. Well fak yes it could be done exactly the same without rewrittings. Simple make some big maps in Free for all mode put lets say 3 fight rings into it and have fun! This is a much better way of dueling then this right now!


Hm what you think?

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i think having 2 or possibly 3 (giving the size of the map) simultaniouse duels, that would be pretty cool IMO ...


i would like to see a more consciouse effort when blocking and defending with sabers .. not so automatic ..

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Why you think it need petty complicated code? Basicaly it need nothing others then such maps. So the only people we need for this job are map makers. So it works in Heretic 2 (only maps nothing other) and it works without problems but if people start randomly killing around then kick them. At last there are no problems with PK in Heretic 2.

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Hi, you don't know me but....


... bleh.


I'm amazed the duel system wasn't Rocket Arena style out of the bag - I even have plans for a rocket arena style map that I'm going to build regardless and pray someone mods me up something to use it with ^___^





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The problem with h2 style blading is that most of the time it requires people to follow some sort of honor system. That's all well and good in an established community with a very low influx of new players but in a brand new game which always attracts all sorts of different types of players, I don't see that working very well.


After the hype has died down and all the flavor of the week players as well as the players that are simply bored of playing this game have moved onto Unreal II or whatever, then maybe that'd work, who knows.

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Also in Heretic 2 there is a script where you can with a key enable and dissable damage done to you by others outside of the ring. Its a Q2 engine so it is possible to do it here to.

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I agree. Allowing only two players to fight at a time gets boring real fast especially if your an H2 fan. :D I did a simple, quick map for Rune in the Heretic2 style called 1on1Arena it caught on like wildfire. Allowing lammer proof multiple duels is either really hard to code or developers are not concerned about getting it right. It is very nice to hangout in person not in spectator mode. It is also better if you can pick your own fight. The Heretic2 three arena formula is just right. Two arenas for dueling, one for FFA, or all three for dueling. This works for servers hosting around 8-12. It also becomes a very social game play style - lots of friends and lots of chatting.


Dont make me learn QRadiant just to do another 1on1Arena! *hint, hint mappers ;) *


The best way to proceed at this point is do three-arena maps for FFA and Name the server "1on1 sabre dueling". And start teaching others the routine. Lammers will be a problem. I made a habit of hunting lammers got to be kinda fun.



Also in Heretic 2 there is a script where you can with a key enable and dissable damage done to you by others outside of the ring. Its a Q2 engine so it is possible to do it here to.


A player by the nickname of Grin did that mod. It worked really well, and the server admin could turn it on and off in game.

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This is dead easy to sort out. For example, take the pit map, copy the arena four times and build a walkway between them in so players can get from one area to another. Volia. You can make even flasher by putting in glass walls half way up the arenas with a small walkway between them so players can observe the matches. :)

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This is dead easy to sort out.




Are you a map maker? Make me this map and I will run it on a server. The trick is to make the map small enough so the download for client is real quick. You'll get lots of players using your map that way.

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This could be so insanely awesome.


Usually I play FFA games and they really aren't all that fun (just lots of huge boring spam-tastic fights)


Occationally I'll get into a server that does a lot of dueling, and its the most fun I've ever had in just about any game. If there was an ability to do this with a lot of people..I cant even begin to imagine how fantastic that would be.


Duel servers dont even come close :(

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Originally posted by MrCrusher




Are you a map maker? Make me this map and I will run it on a server. The trick is to make the map small enough so the download for client is real quick. You'll get lots of players using your map that way.


Indeed I am. Problem is I need to wait for the SDK. I can make the design but I can't texture. Once its out give me a bell to remind me, in case I've forgotten, and I'll do it. I could also take all the current duel maps and merge them into one, again with walkways in between and even a lounge for players to come together, although probably a tad pointless. :)


The size of the map will simply depend on how many arenas you want and overall I can't think it being any bigger than the current FFA maps. Those arenas are quite small.


If you're worried about lamers, well I can think of a couple of simple solutions. Access doors to the arenas can be double switched, so it requires two players to open them. That way a single lamer can't get in and ruin your game. Obvious two could, but it is better than nothing.

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I'll get into a server that does a lot of dueling, and its the most fun I've ever had in just about any game


I'm with you on that one. It becomes a form of computer-crack you just... can't...stop... playing! (wife gives me a dirty look)

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even a lounge for players to come together, although probably a tad pointless



A starting/hangout room is very useful. Everyone spawns there and does their powerups etc... this is where you hold lightsabre dance parties (and spawn some more).


The double door switch thing was tried on and off in H2 and Rune but they just got in the way. I remeber one map that despensed players down a chut like Pezz candy - very funny. The best maps were clean, quick and pleasing to the eye.

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Originally posted by MrCrusher



A starting/hangout room is very useful. Everyone spawns there and does their powerups etc... this is where you hold lightsabre dance parties.


The only thing I'm trying to work out is what happens when someone dies in a fight, but they want to play a couple of rounds; they'll respawn in the lounge area everytime (with multiple arenas they're going to need to spawn in a "neutral" area anyway). It is a pain, but it can be designed so that within 3-5 seconds you're in the arena through a fast airtunnel/lift. Leaving the arena to get back to the lounge doesn't need to be so quick.


The double door switch thing was tried on and off in H2 and Rune but they just got in the way. The best maps were clean, quick and pleasing to the eye.



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The only thing I'm trying to work out is what happens when someone dies in a fight, but they want to play a couple of rounds; they'll respawn in the lounge area everytime (with multiple arenas they're going to need to spawn in a "neutral" area anyway). It is a pain, but it can be designed so that within 3-5 seconds you're in the arena through a fast airtunnel/lift. Leaving the arena to get back to the lounge doesn't need to be so quick.


In its simplist form you have a central room for spawning and then radiating around the this room are doorways/passages to the fighting arenas. Every doorway either looks different or has an arena designation so you know where you just died - if your looking for revenge. Once you enter that arena you wait your turn to fight again. If the arena is too full then you run across the starting room to another arena in search of victims.

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Originally posted by FWB

This is dead easy to sort out. For example, take the pit map, copy the arena four times and build a walkway between them in so players can get from one area to another. Volia. You can make even flasher by putting in glass walls half way up the arenas with a small walkway between them so players can observe the matches. :)



That would be one hell of a cool map!! :-)

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Originally posted by MrCrusher


In its simplist form you have a central room for spawning and then radiating around the this room are doorways/passages to the fighting arenas. Every doorway either looks different or has an arena designation so you know where you just died - if your looking for revenge. Once you enter that arena you wait your turn to fight again. If the arena is too full then you run across the starting room to another arena in search of victims.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I was just comparing it to how it is done at the moment, with you spawning in the arena. But I guess you can't have everything, right? Well some little coder might come up with something eventually. For now you can simply limit the number of arenas to half the maximum number of players you want per map, or maybe just a little over so that you have some people lounging about watching matches.


When the SDK comes out I'll make it my first project. It isn't that hard, so it'll be something to let me practise my JO map making skills on. Eventually you could make maps with a variety of theme arenas (I'd like to see what a duel in 0 gravity would be like for a laugh). I just hope Raven turn the MP sabre duels into a SP style.

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