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Single-Player Ladder Map


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Ok, I'm not talking about the one hinted at by Raven, but the one for download from Massassi...


My GOD that's fun! Sure, the music ain't starwars, but it FITS.. and I've only managed to get as far as fighting four Reborns at once.


A couple of things it lacks...


Pauses between battles.


Periodic Shield and Health recharges (sure, Heal works, but I'd like to be able to grab them in the middle of a battle without using force)


Umm... That's about it.


I've managed to kill two Reborns in one swing, how about you guys?

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Yea, that level is awesome. I got to about the same spot where fighting 4 reborn at the same time. My last run I used God Mode just so I could see what it's like and how many I have to kill. Desann won't disappoint. I know I would have died if I wasn't invincible. I'm gonna keep trying to do it without cheating though, just wanted to see what it was like.


Great level though, keep the new levels coming.

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Put this into the console and see how it heats up: :D



g_saberrealisticcombat 1

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

npc spawn luke

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i'm loving the level. biggest thanx to whoever created it. it's fun to see yourself get sucked out of the window too. funnest thing for me was doing the in the air upside down spin around attack and slicing two reborns at once. also i love it when i kill a reborn with the music and slow mo while doing a back flip. it just gets me hyped up to do some more fighting.

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Oohhh yeah... slo mo to that music... Mmmm... Yummy.


But personally, I hate that window. I -ran- into it with my saber activated and not drawn... *break* *suck* *die*


Try loading it up in Multi. The breakable rods spew confetti (Really the X/Y/Z arrows in model viewers) and the window may be there, but it still sucks (so you get stuck to it like a fly on flypaper).

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