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All Reborn Skins (mp)

Oni Kage

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Greetings Fellow Jedi,


I recently finished and posted a skin pack that enables all of the Reborn skins in multiplayer. There skins do not overwrite any other skin and each comes with a unique icon and two team colored skins. I hope you enjoy it, the file and a screenshot may be found HERE


May the Force be with you,

:fett:Oni Kage



Mista over @ Jedi-Outcast.com was kind enought to host the file!

You can find it HERE


May the Force be with you,

:fett:Oni Kage

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If anyone who has downloaded this file (geocities has a tiny bandwidth alotment) and is able and willing to mirror it you'd be doing the community a great service. Just post a link to your site in this thread if your mirroring.


May the Force be with you,

:fett:Oni Kage

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You could add bot support for these reborns very easily since you already have them in their own directories.

If you want to add bot support create a reborns.bot file and save it in a 'scripts' directory at the same level as your 'models' directory. Then put the following in the file:



name "Reborn_Acrobat"

model reborn_acrobat

color1 0

personality /botfiles/reborn.jkb




name "Reborn_Boss"

model reborn_boss

color1 0

personality /botfiles/reborn.jkb




name "Reborn_Fencer"

model reborn_fencer

color1 0

personality /botfiles/reborn.jkb




name "Reborn_ForceUser"

model reborn_forceuser

color1 0

personality /botfiles/reborn.jkb



Also you could create a separate personality file for each model based off of the reborn.jkb if you wish to give them unique characteristics.


On a side note, what are the thumbs.db files in each of the models directories? Thumbnail databases? I don't think they need to be there.

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Thanks for the input I've actually been trying my hand at scripting bots. As for the thumbnail files those most likely are left overs from XP when I was doing the textures... XP has a wonderful habit of hiding things on you and not telling you that it made files. :confused:


May the Force be with you,

:fett:Oni Kage

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yes its late your prolly not gonna reply now but ill leave this till i get a chance to look. I have seen people join the server i usually play with the rebonr_boss skin on but when i join the server i dont have a choice to use it. I downloaded it works fine when i start a server or when i choose the skin in setup. I just cant seem to figure it out some guys told me to go to setup select the reborn and hit up i have no idea that doesnt make sense lol. he had the skin on a deicated that i play on.

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The only possibility that I can think of is that the reborn mod on the dedicated server is not exactly the same as the one Oni Kage released.


Oni Kage put the 4 reborn models into their own player directories (ex. players/reborn_boss). Which I think is a better way to do it.


The mod on the dedicated server could have just used the reborn directory w/ skin files like model_default_reborn_boss.skin. So their reborn boss could be located at reborn/default_reborn_boss whereas Oni Kage's is located at reborn_boss/default.


Bottom line I guess would be to ask the server admin where he got the reborn mod from as it could differ from Oni Kage's mod.

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i guess your probably right but i was told that that the skin would run on any server no matter if they have the mod or not something about it taking it from the sp directories i dont know. but i couldnt find any mod at all reboorn skins besides some crappy darth maul one oh well. thanks anyway

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In reply to Sarkamen: If you bring down the console in multiplayer, you can already access all of the reborn models.


Simply type at the console model reborn/boss (reborn/acrobat, reborn/fencer, reborn/forceuser.) What you don't get though (which Oni Kage has kindly provided above) is your face (icon) in the top right corner, if you are leading the server or the team skins.





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